8.98 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
3Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
4 value: true
6exports.createBundlesAsync = createBundlesAsync;
7exports.printBundleSizes = printBundleSizes;
8function _config() {
9 const data = require("@expo/config");
10 _config = function () {
11 return data;
12 };
13 return data;
15function _devServer() {
16 const data = require("@expo/dev-server");
17 _devServer = function () {
18 return data;
19 };
20 return data;
22function _axios() {
23 const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("axios"));
24 _axios = function () {
25 return data;
26 };
27 return data;
29function _chalk() {
30 const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("chalk"));
31 _chalk = function () {
32 return data;
33 };
34 return data;
36function _internal() {
37 const data = require("../internal");
38 _internal = function () {
39 return data;
40 };
41 return data;
43function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
44const MINIMUM_BUNDLE_SIZE = 500;
45function printBundleSizes(bundles) {
46 var _bundles$ios, _bundles$ios2, _bundles$android, _bundles$android2, _bundles$ios3, _bundles$ios4, _bundles$android3, _bundles$android4;
47 const files = [];
48 if ((_bundles$ios = bundles.ios) !== null && _bundles$ios !== void 0 && _bundles$ios.hermesBytecodeBundle) {
49 files.push(['index.ios.js (Hermes)', bundles.ios.hermesBytecodeBundle]);
50 } else if ((_bundles$ios2 = bundles.ios) !== null && _bundles$ios2 !== void 0 && _bundles$ios2.code) {
51 files.push(['index.ios.js', bundles.ios.code]);
52 }
53 if ((_bundles$android = bundles.android) !== null && _bundles$android !== void 0 && _bundles$android.hermesBytecodeBundle) {
54 files.push(['index.android.js (Hermes)', bundles.android.hermesBytecodeBundle]);
55 } else if ((_bundles$android2 = bundles.android) !== null && _bundles$android2 !== void 0 && _bundles$android2.code) {
56 files.push(['index.android.js', bundles.android.code]);
57 }
59 // Account for inline source maps
60 if ((_bundles$ios3 = bundles.ios) !== null && _bundles$ios3 !== void 0 && _bundles$ios3.hermesSourcemap) {
61 files.push([_chalk().default.dim('index.ios.js.map (Hermes)'), bundles.ios.hermesSourcemap]);
62 } else if ((_bundles$ios4 = bundles.ios) !== null && _bundles$ios4 !== void 0 && _bundles$ios4.map) {
63 files.push([_chalk().default.dim('index.ios.js.map'), bundles.ios.map]);
64 }
65 if ((_bundles$android3 = bundles.android) !== null && _bundles$android3 !== void 0 && _bundles$android3.hermesSourcemap) {
66 files.push([_chalk().default.dim('index.android.js.map (Hermes)'), bundles.android.hermesSourcemap]);
67 } else if ((_bundles$android4 = bundles.android) !== null && _bundles$android4 !== void 0 && _bundles$android4.map) {
68 files.push([_chalk().default.dim('index.android.js.map'), bundles.android.map]);
69 }
70 _internal().Logger.global.info('');
71 _internal().Logger.global.info(_internal().TableText.createFilesTable(files));
72 _internal().Logger.global.info('');
73 _internal().Logger.global.info(`💡 JavaScript bundle sizes affect startup time. ${_chalk().default.dim((0, _internal().learnMore)(`https://expo.fyi/javascript-bundle-sizes`))}`);
74 _internal().Logger.global.info('');
76async function createBundlesAsync(projectRoot, publishOptions = {}, bundleOptions) {
77 if (!bundleOptions.useDevServer) {
78 // The old approach is so unstable / untested that we should warn users going forward to upgrade their projects.
79 _internal().Logger.global.warn('Using legacy Metro server to bundle your JavaScript code, you may encounter unexpected behavior if your project uses a custom metro.config.js file.');
80 // Dev server is aggressively enabled, so we can have a specific warning message:
81 // - If the SDK version is UNVERSIONED or undefined, it'll be enabled.
82 // - If EXPO_USE_DEV_SERVER is 0, or unset, it'll be enabled.
83 _internal().Logger.global.warn(`Please upgrade your project to Expo SDK 40+. If you experience CLI issues after upgrading, try using the env var EXPO_USE_DEV_SERVER=1.`);
84 try {
85 await (0, _internal().startReactNativeServerAsync)({
86 projectRoot,
87 options: {
88 nonPersistent: true,
89 maxWorkers: publishOptions.maxWorkers,
90 target: publishOptions.target,
91 reset: publishOptions.resetCache
92 },
93 verbose: !publishOptions.quiet
94 });
95 return await fetchPublishBundlesAsync(projectRoot);
96 } finally {
97 await (0, _internal().stopReactNativeServerAsync)(projectRoot);
98 }
99 }
100 const config = (0, _config().getConfig)(projectRoot, {
101 skipSDKVersionRequirement: true
102 });
103 const bundles = await (0, _devServer().bundleAsync)(projectRoot, config.exp, {
104 resetCache: publishOptions.resetCache,
105 maxWorkers: publishOptions.maxWorkers,
106 logger: _internal().ProjectUtils.getLogger(projectRoot),
107 quiet: publishOptions.quiet,
108 unversioned: !config.exp.sdkVersion || config.exp.sdkVersion === 'UNVERSIONED'
109 }, bundleOptions.platforms.map(platform => ({
110 platform,
111 entryPoint: (0, _internal().resolveEntryPoint)(projectRoot, platform),
112 dev: bundleOptions.dev
113 })));
115 // { ios: bundle, android: bundle }
116 const results = {};
117 for (let index = 0; index < bundleOptions.platforms.length; index++) {
118 const platform = bundleOptions.platforms[index];
119 const bundle = bundles[index];
120 results[platform] = bundle;
121 }
122 return results;
125// Fetch iOS and Android bundles for publishing
126async function fetchPublishBundlesAsync(projectRoot, opts) {
127 const entryPoint = (0, _internal().resolveEntryPoint)(projectRoot);
128 const publishUrl = await _internal().UrlUtils.constructPublishUrlAsync(projectRoot, entryPoint, undefined, opts);
129 const sourceMapUrl = await _internal().UrlUtils.constructSourceMapUrlAsync(projectRoot, entryPoint);
130 const assetsUrl = await _internal().UrlUtils.constructAssetsUrlAsync(projectRoot, entryPoint);
131 _internal().Logger.global.info('Building iOS bundle');
132 const iosBundle = await _getForPlatformAsync(projectRoot, publishUrl, 'ios', {
133 errorCode: 'INVALID_BUNDLE',
135 });
136 _internal().Logger.global.info('Building Android bundle');
137 const androidBundle = await _getForPlatformAsync(projectRoot, publishUrl, 'android', {
138 errorCode: 'INVALID_BUNDLE',
140 });
141 _internal().Logger.global.info('Building source maps');
142 const iosSourceMap = await _getForPlatformAsync(projectRoot, sourceMapUrl, 'ios', {
143 errorCode: 'INVALID_BUNDLE',
145 });
146 const androidSourceMap = await _getForPlatformAsync(projectRoot, sourceMapUrl, 'android', {
147 errorCode: 'INVALID_BUNDLE',
149 });
150 _internal().Logger.global.info('Building asset maps');
151 const iosAssetsJson = await _getForPlatformAsync(projectRoot, assetsUrl, 'ios', {
152 errorCode: 'INVALID_ASSETS'
153 });
154 const androidAssetsJson = await _getForPlatformAsync(projectRoot, assetsUrl, 'android', {
155 errorCode: 'INVALID_ASSETS'
156 });
157 return {
158 android: {
159 code: androidBundle,
160 map: androidSourceMap,
161 assets: JSON.parse(androidAssetsJson)
162 },
163 ios: {
164 code: iosBundle,
165 map: iosSourceMap,
166 assets: JSON.parse(iosAssetsJson)
167 }
168 };
170async function _getForPlatformAsync(projectRoot, url, platform, {
171 errorCode,
172 minLength
173}) {
174 const fullUrl = `${url}&platform=${platform}`;
175 let response;
176 try {
177 response = await _axios().default.request({
178 url: fullUrl,
179 responseType: 'text',
180 // Workaround for https://github.com/axios/axios/issues/907.
181 // Without transformResponse, axios will parse the body as JSON regardless of the responseType/
182 transformResponse: [data => data],
183 proxy: false,
184 validateStatus: status => status === 200,
185 headers: {
186 'Exponent-Platform': platform
187 }
188 });
189 } catch (error) {
190 if (error.response) {
191 if (error.response.data) {
192 let body;
193 try {
194 body = JSON.parse(error.response.data);
195 } catch {
196 _internal().ProjectUtils.logError(projectRoot, 'expo', error.response.data);
197 }
198 if (body) {
199 if (body.message) {
200 _internal().ProjectUtils.logError(projectRoot, 'expo', body.message);
201 } else {
202 _internal().ProjectUtils.logError(projectRoot, 'expo', error.response.data);
203 }
204 }
205 }
206 throw new (_internal().XDLError)(errorCode, `Packager URL ${fullUrl} returned unexpected code ${error.response.status}. ` + 'Please open your project in the Expo app and see if there are any errors. ' + 'Also scroll up and make sure there were no errors or warnings when opening your project.');
207 } else {
208 throw error;
209 }
210 }
211 if (!response.data || minLength && response.data.length < minLength) {
212 throw new (_internal().XDLError)(errorCode, `Body is: ${response.data}`);
213 }
214 return response.data;
216//# sourceMappingURL=createBundlesAsync.js.map
\No newline at end of file