1 | "use strict";
2 |
3 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
4 | value: true
5 | });
6 | exports.publishAsync = publishAsync;
7 | function _config() {
8 | const data = require("@expo/config");
9 | _config = function () {
10 | return data;
11 | };
12 | return data;
13 | }
14 | function _formData() {
15 | const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("form-data"));
16 | _formData = function () {
17 | return data;
18 | };
19 | return data;
20 | }
21 | function _fsExtra() {
22 | const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("fs-extra"));
23 | _fsExtra = function () {
24 | return data;
25 | };
26 | return data;
27 | }
28 | function _path() {
29 | const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("path"));
30 | _path = function () {
31 | return data;
32 | };
33 | return data;
34 | }
35 | function _internal() {
36 | const data = require("../internal");
37 | _internal = function () {
38 | return data;
39 | };
40 | return data;
41 | }
42 | function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
43 | async function publishAsync(projectRoot, options = {}) {
44 | var _options$target, _bundles$android$herm, _bundles$android, _bundles$android2, _bundles$ios$hermesBy, _bundles$ios, _bundles$ios2, _ref, _bundles$android$herm2, _bundles$android3, _bundles$android4, _ref2, _bundles$ios$hermesSo, _bundles$ios3, _bundles$ios4, _exp$ios, _exp$android, _options$releaseChann;
45 | options.target = (_options$target = options.target) !== null && _options$target !== void 0 ? _options$target : (0, _config().getDefaultTarget)(projectRoot);
46 | const target = options.target;
47 | const user = await _internal().UserManager.ensureLoggedInAsync();
48 | if (_internal().Env.isDebug()) {
49 | console.log();
50 | console.log('Publish Assets:');
51 | console.log(`- Asset target: ${target}`);
52 | console.log();
53 | }
54 | _internal().Analytics.logEvent('Publish', {
55 | developerTool: _internal().Config.developerTool
56 | });
57 | const validationStatus = await _internal().Doctor.validateWithNetworkAsync(projectRoot);
58 | if (validationStatus === _internal().Doctor.ERROR || validationStatus === _internal().Doctor.FATAL) {
59 | throw new (_internal().XDLError)('PUBLISH_VALIDATION_ERROR', "Couldn't publish because errors were found. (See logs above.) Please fix the errors and try again.");
60 | }
61 |
62 |
63 | const {
64 | exp,
65 | pkg,
66 | hooks
67 | } = await (0, _internal().getPublishExpConfigAsync)(projectRoot, options);
68 |
69 |
70 | const validPostPublishHooks = (0, _internal().prepareHooks)(hooks, 'postPublish', projectRoot);
71 | const bundles = await (0, _internal().createBundlesAsync)(projectRoot, options, {
72 | platforms: ['ios', 'android'],
73 | useDevServer: _internal().Env.shouldUseDevServer(exp)
74 | });
75 | (0, _internal().printBundleSizes)(bundles);
76 | await _internal().ProjectAssets.publishAssetsAsync({
77 | projectRoot,
78 | exp,
79 | bundles
80 | });
81 | const androidBundle = (_bundles$android$herm = (_bundles$android = bundles.android) === null || _bundles$android === void 0 ? void 0 : _bundles$android.hermesBytecodeBundle) !== null && _bundles$android$herm !== void 0 ? _bundles$android$herm : (_bundles$android2 = bundles.android) === null || _bundles$android2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _bundles$android2.code;
82 | const iosBundle = (_bundles$ios$hermesBy = (_bundles$ios = bundles.ios) === null || _bundles$ios === void 0 ? void 0 : _bundles$ios.hermesBytecodeBundle) !== null && _bundles$ios$hermesBy !== void 0 ? _bundles$ios$hermesBy : (_bundles$ios2 = bundles.ios) === null || _bundles$ios2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _bundles$ios2.code;
83 | const hasHooks = validPostPublishHooks.length > 0;
84 | const androidSourceMap = hasHooks ? (_ref = (_bundles$android$herm2 = (_bundles$android3 = bundles.android) === null || _bundles$android3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _bundles$android3.hermesSourcemap) !== null && _bundles$android$herm2 !== void 0 ? _bundles$android$herm2 : (_bundles$android4 = bundles.android) === null || _bundles$android4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _bundles$android4.map) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : null : null;
85 | const iosSourceMap = hasHooks ? (_ref2 = (_bundles$ios$hermesSo = (_bundles$ios3 = bundles.ios) === null || _bundles$ios3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _bundles$ios3.hermesSourcemap) !== null && _bundles$ios$hermesSo !== void 0 ? _bundles$ios$hermesSo : (_bundles$ios4 = bundles.ios) === null || _bundles$ios4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _bundles$ios4.map) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : null : null;
86 | let response;
87 | try {
88 | response = await _uploadArtifactsAsync({
89 | pkg,
90 | exp,
91 | iosBundle,
92 | androidBundle,
93 | options
94 | });
95 | } catch (e) {
96 | if (e.serverError === 'SCHEMA_VALIDATION_ERROR') {
97 | throw new Error(`There was an error validating your project schema. Check for any warnings about the contents of your app.json or app.config.js.`);
98 | }
99 | throw e;
100 | }
101 | let androidManifest = {};
102 | let iosManifest = {};
103 | const fullManifestUrl = response.url.replace('exp://', 'https://');
104 | if (validPostPublishHooks.length || (_exp$ios = exp.ios) !== null && _exp$ios !== void 0 && _exp$ios.publishManifestPath || (_exp$android = exp.android) !== null && _exp$android !== void 0 && _exp$android.publishManifestPath || _internal().EmbeddedAssets.shouldEmbedAssetsForExpoUpdates(projectRoot, exp, pkg, target)) {
105 | const sdkOrRuntimeVersion = exp.runtimeVersion ? {
106 | 'expo-runtime-version': exp.runtimeVersion
107 | } : {
108 | 'expo-sdk-version': exp.sdkVersion
109 | };
110 | [androidManifest, iosManifest] = await Promise.all([_internal().ExponentTools.getManifestAsync(response.url, {
111 | ...sdkOrRuntimeVersion,
112 | 'Exponent-Platform': 'android',
113 | 'Expo-Release-Channel': options.releaseChannel,
114 | Accept: 'application/expo+json,application/json'
115 | }), _internal().ExponentTools.getManifestAsync(response.url, {
116 | ...sdkOrRuntimeVersion,
117 | 'Exponent-Platform': 'ios',
118 | 'Expo-Release-Channel': options.releaseChannel,
119 | Accept: 'application/expo+json,application/json'
120 | })]);
121 | const hookOptions = {
122 | url: response.url,
123 | exp,
124 | iosBundle,
125 | iosSourceMap,
126 | iosManifest,
127 | iosManifestUrl: fullManifestUrl,
128 | androidBundle,
129 | androidSourceMap,
130 | androidManifest,
131 | androidManifestUrl: fullManifestUrl,
132 | projectRoot,
133 | log: msg => {
134 | _internal().Logger.global.info({
135 | quiet: true
136 | }, msg);
137 | }
138 | };
139 | for (const hook of validPostPublishHooks) {
140 | _internal().Logger.global.info(`Running postPublish hook: ${hook.file}`);
141 | try {
142 | (0, _internal().runHook)(hook, hookOptions);
143 | } catch (e) {
144 | _internal().Logger.global.warn(`Warning: postPublish hook '${hook.file}' failed: ${e.stack}`);
145 | }
146 | }
147 | }
148 | await _internal().EmbeddedAssets.configureAsync({
149 | projectRoot,
150 | pkg,
151 | exp,
152 | releaseChannel: (_options$releaseChann = options.releaseChannel) !== null && _options$releaseChann !== void 0 ? _options$releaseChann : 'default',
153 | iosManifestUrl: fullManifestUrl,
154 | iosManifest,
155 | iosBundle,
156 | androidManifestUrl: fullManifestUrl,
157 | androidManifest,
158 | androidBundle,
159 | target
160 | });
161 |
162 |
163 | if (exp.isKernel) {
164 | await _handleKernelPublishedAsync({
165 | user,
166 | exp,
167 | projectRoot,
168 | url: response.url
169 | });
170 | }
171 |
172 |
173 | const url = options.releaseChannel && options.releaseChannel !== 'default' ? `${response.url}?release-channel=${options.releaseChannel}` : response.url;
174 | const projectPageUrl = createProjectPageURL({
175 | projectPageUrl: response.projectPageUrl,
176 | releaseChannel: options.releaseChannel
177 | });
178 | return {
179 | ...response,
180 | url,
181 | projectPageUrl
182 | };
183 | }
184 | async function _uploadArtifactsAsync({
185 | exp,
186 | iosBundle,
187 | androidBundle,
188 | options,
189 | pkg
190 | }) {
191 | _internal().Logger.global.info('');
192 | _internal().Logger.global.info('Uploading JavaScript bundles');
193 | const formData = new (_formData().default)();
194 | formData.append('expJson', JSON.stringify(exp));
195 | formData.append('packageJson', JSON.stringify(pkg));
196 | formData.append('iosBundle', iosBundle, 'iosBundle');
197 | formData.append('androidBundle', androidBundle, 'androidBundle');
198 | formData.append('options', JSON.stringify(options));
199 | const user = await _internal().UserManager.ensureLoggedInAsync();
200 | const api = _internal().ApiV2.clientForUser(user);
201 | return await api.uploadFormDataAsync('publish/new', formData);
202 | }
203 | async function _handleKernelPublishedAsync({
204 | projectRoot,
205 | user,
206 | exp,
207 | url
208 | }) {
209 | var _exp$kernel, _exp$kernel2;
210 | let owner = exp.owner;
211 | if (!owner) {
212 | if (user.kind !== 'user') {
213 | throw new (_internal().XDLError)('ROBOT_ACCOUNT_ERROR', 'Kernel builds are not available for robot users when owner app.json field is not supplied');
214 | }
215 | owner = user.username;
216 | }
217 | let kernelBundleUrl = `${_internal().Config.api.scheme}://${_internal().Config.api.host}`;
218 | if (_internal().Config.api.port) {
219 | kernelBundleUrl = `${kernelBundleUrl}:${_internal().Config.api.port}`;
220 | }
221 | kernelBundleUrl = `${kernelBundleUrl}/@${owner}/${exp.slug}/bundle`;
222 | const sdkOrRuntimeVersion = exp.runtimeVersion ? {
223 | 'expo-runtime-version': exp.runtimeVersion
224 | } : {
225 | 'expo-sdk-version': exp.sdkVersion
226 | };
227 | if ((_exp$kernel = exp.kernel) !== null && _exp$kernel !== void 0 && _exp$kernel.androidManifestPath) {
228 | const manifest = await _internal().ExponentTools.getManifestAsync(url, {
229 | ...sdkOrRuntimeVersion,
230 | 'Exponent-Platform': 'android',
231 | Accept: 'application/expo+json,application/json'
232 | });
233 | manifest.bundleUrl = kernelBundleUrl;
234 | manifest.sdkVersion = 'UNVERSIONED';
235 | await _fsExtra().default.writeFile(_path().default.resolve(projectRoot, exp.kernel.androidManifestPath), JSON.stringify(manifest));
236 | }
237 | if ((_exp$kernel2 = exp.kernel) !== null && _exp$kernel2 !== void 0 && _exp$kernel2.iosManifestPath) {
238 | const manifest = await _internal().ExponentTools.getManifestAsync(url, {
239 | ...sdkOrRuntimeVersion,
240 | 'Exponent-Platform': 'ios',
241 | Accept: 'application/expo+json,application/json'
242 | });
243 | manifest.bundleUrl = kernelBundleUrl;
244 | manifest.sdkVersion = 'UNVERSIONED';
245 | await _fsExtra().default.writeFile(_path().default.resolve(projectRoot, exp.kernel.iosManifestPath), JSON.stringify(manifest));
246 | }
247 | }
248 | function createProjectPageURL({
249 | projectPageUrl,
250 | releaseChannel
251 | }) {
252 | if (!projectPageUrl) {
253 | return null;
254 | }
255 | const formattedProjectUrl = `${projectPageUrl}?serviceType=classic&distribution=expo-go`;
256 | if (releaseChannel && releaseChannel !== 'default') {
257 | return `${formattedProjectUrl}&release-channel=${releaseChannel}`;
258 | } else {
259 | return formattedProjectUrl;
260 | }
261 | }
262 |
\ | No newline at end of file |