1 | "use strict";
2 |
3 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
4 | value: true
5 | });
6 | exports.startExpoServerAsync = startExpoServerAsync;
7 | exports.stopExpoServerAsync = stopExpoServerAsync;
8 | function _config() {
9 | const data = require("@expo/config");
10 | _config = function () {
11 | return data;
12 | };
13 | return data;
14 | }
15 | function _axios() {
16 | const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("axios"));
17 | _axios = function () {
18 | return data;
19 | };
20 | return data;
21 | }
22 | function _express() {
23 | const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("express"));
24 | _express = function () {
25 | return data;
26 | };
27 | return data;
28 | }
29 | function _internal() {
30 | const data = require("../internal");
31 | _internal = function () {
32 | return data;
33 | };
34 | return data;
35 | }
36 | function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
37 | function _isIgnorableBugReportingExtraData(body) {
38 | return body.length === 2 && body[0] === 'BugReporting extraData:';
39 | }
40 | function _isAppRegistryStartupMessage(body) {
41 | return body.length === 1 && (/^Running application "main" with appParams:/.test(body[0]) || /^Running "main" with \{/.test(body[0]));
42 | }
43 | function _handleDeviceLogs(projectRoot, deviceId, deviceName, logs) {
44 | for (let i = 0; i < logs.length; i++) {
45 | const log = logs[i];
46 | let body = typeof log.body === 'string' ? [log.body] : log.body;
47 | let {
48 | level
49 | } = log;
50 | if (_isIgnorableBugReportingExtraData(body)) {
51 | level = 'debug';
52 | }
53 | if (_isAppRegistryStartupMessage(body)) {
54 | body = [`Running application on ${deviceName}.`];
55 | }
56 | const args = body.map(obj => {
57 | if (typeof obj === 'undefined') {
58 | return 'undefined';
59 | }
60 | if (obj === 'null') {
61 | return 'null';
62 | }
63 | if (typeof obj === 'string' || typeof obj === 'number' || typeof obj === 'boolean') {
64 | return obj;
65 | }
66 | try {
67 | return JSON.stringify(obj);
68 | } catch {
69 | return obj.toString();
70 | }
71 | });
72 | const logLevel = level === 'info' || level === 'warn' || level === 'error' || level === 'debug' ? level : 'info';
73 | _internal().ProjectUtils.getLogger(projectRoot)[logLevel]({
74 | tag: 'device',
75 | deviceId,
76 | deviceName,
77 | groupDepth: log.groupDepth,
78 | shouldHide: log.shouldHide,
79 | includesStack: log.includesStack
80 | }, ...args);
81 | }
82 | }
83 | async function startExpoServerAsync(projectRoot) {
84 | (0, _internal().assertValidProjectRoot)(projectRoot);
85 | await stopExpoServerAsync(projectRoot);
86 | const app = (0, _express().default)();
87 | app.use(_express().default.json({
88 | limit: '10mb'
89 | }));
90 | app.use(_express().default.urlencoded({
91 | limit: '10mb',
92 | extended: true
93 | }));
94 | if ((_internal().ConnectionStatus.isOffline() ? await _internal().Doctor.validateWithoutNetworkAsync(projectRoot) : await _internal().Doctor.validateWithNetworkAsync(projectRoot)) === _internal().Doctor.FATAL) {
95 | throw new Error(`Couldn't start project. Please fix the errors and restart the project.`);
96 | }
97 |
98 | const manifestHandler = _internal().ManifestHandler.getManifestHandler(projectRoot);
99 | const loadingHandler = _internal().LoadingPageHandler.getLoadingPageHandler(projectRoot);
100 | app.get('/', manifestHandler);
101 | app.get('/manifest', manifestHandler);
102 | app.get('/index.exp', manifestHandler);
103 | app.get(_internal().LoadingPageHandler.LoadingEndpoint, loadingHandler);
104 | app.get(_internal().LoadingPageHandler.DeepLinkEndpoint, loadingHandler);
105 | app.post('/logs', async (req, res) => {
106 | try {
107 | const deviceId = req.get('Device-Id');
108 | const deviceName = req.get('Device-Name');
109 | if (deviceId && deviceName && req.body) {
110 | _handleDeviceLogs(projectRoot, deviceId, deviceName, req.body);
111 | }
112 | } catch (e) {
113 | _internal().ProjectUtils.logError(projectRoot, 'expo', `Error getting device logs: ${e} ${e.stack}`);
114 | }
115 | res.send('Success');
116 | });
117 | app.post('/shutdown', async (req, res) => {
118 | server.close();
119 | res.send('Success');
120 | });
121 | const expRc = await (0, _config().readExpRcAsync)(projectRoot);
122 | const expoServerPort = expRc.manifestPort ? expRc.manifestPort : await (0, _internal().getFreePortAsync)(19000);
123 | await _internal().ProjectSettings.setPackagerInfoAsync(projectRoot, {
124 | expoServerPort
125 | });
126 | let server = app.listen(expoServerPort, () => {
127 | const info = server.address();
128 | const host = info.address;
129 | const port = info.port;
130 | _internal().ProjectUtils.logDebug(projectRoot, 'expo', `Local server listening at http://${host}:${port}`);
131 | });
132 | }
133 | async function stopExpoServerAsync(projectRoot) {
134 | (0, _internal().assertValidProjectRoot)(projectRoot);
135 | const packagerInfo = await _internal().ProjectSettings.readPackagerInfoAsync(projectRoot);
136 | if (packagerInfo && packagerInfo.expoServerPort) {
137 | try {
138 | await _axios().default.request({
139 | method: 'post',
140 | url: `${packagerInfo.expoServerPort}/shutdown`
141 | });
142 | } catch {}
143 | }
144 | await _internal().ProjectSettings.setPackagerInfoAsync(projectRoot, {
145 | expoServerPort: null
146 | });
147 | }
148 |
\ | No newline at end of file |