2.15 kBtext/coffeescriptView Raw
1xemplar = require '../'
2should = require 'should'
3require 'mocha'
5tests =
6 match: (regex, {sample, expected, idx}) ->
7 throw "Missing sample: #{regex}" unless typeof sample is 'string'
8 throw "Missing expected: #{regex}" unless expected?
9 (done) ->
10 res = sample.match regex
11 if res?
12 res = res[idx or 0] unless Array.isArray expected
13 res.should.eql expected
14 else
15 expected.should.eql res
16 done()
18 exec: (regex, {sample, expected, idx}) ->
19 throw "Missing sample: #{regex}" unless typeof sample is 'string'
20 throw "Missing expected: #{regex}" unless expected?
21 (done) ->
22 res = regex.exec sample
23 if res?
24 res = (match for match in res)
25 res = res[idx or 0] unless Array.isArray expected
26 res.should.eql expected
27 else
28 expected.should.eql res
29 done()
31 test: (regex, {shouldntMatch, shouldMatch}) ->
32 throw "Missing shouldntMatch: #{regex}" unless shouldntMatch?
33 throw "Missing shouldMatch: #{regex}" unless shouldMatch?
34 (done) ->
35 m.should.not.match regex for m in shouldntMatch
36 m.should.match regex for m in shouldMatch
37 done()
39 split: (regex, {sample, expected}) ->
40 throw "Missing sample: #{regex}" unless typeof sample is 'string'
41 throw "Missing expected: #{regex}" unless expected?
42 (done) ->
43 expected.should.eql sample.split regex
44 done()
46 replace: (regex, {sample, replaceWith, expected}) ->
47 throw "Missing sample: #{regex}" unless typeof sample is 'string'
48 throw "Missing replaceWith: #{regex}" unless typeof replaceWith is 'string'
49 throw "Missing expected: #{regex}" unless expected?
50 (done) ->
51 expected.should.eql sample.replace regex, replaceWith
52 done()
54runTest = (exp) -> ->
55 throw "Invalid RegExp: #{regex}" unless exp?
56 throw "Missing test: #{regex}" unless exp.test?
57 it "should #{type} properly", tests[type] exp.clone(test.flags), test for type, test of exp.test
59findTests = (obj) -> ->
60 for k,v of obj
61 do (k,v) ->
62 describe k, (if v instanceof RegExp and v.test then runTest(v) else findTests(v))
63 return
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