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1{"version":3,"names":[],"mappings":"","sources":["index.pug"],"sourcesContent":["//- HTML 5 Doctype\ndoctype html\n\n//- The `no-js` class will be automatically removed if JavaScript is\n//- available.\nhtml.no-js(\n dir = 'ltr'\n lang = 'en'\n)\n\n head\n\n meta(charset = 'utf-8')\n\n //- Makes sure IE is using the last engine available.\n meta(\n http-equiv = 'x-ua-compatible'\n content = 'ie=edge,chrome=1'\n )\n\n //- .visible-js to display content only when JavaScript is ENABLED.\n //- .hidden-js to display content only when JavaScript is DISABLED.\n script !function(d){d.className=d.className.replace(/\\bno-js\\b/,'js')}(document.documentElement)\n\n style .no-js .visible-js,.js .hidden-js{display:none}\n\n //- (TODO: confirm) For smartphones and tablets: sets the page\n //- width to the device width and prevents the page from being\n //- zoomed in when going to landscape mode.\n meta(\n name = 'viewport'\n content = 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1'\n )\n\n title Xen Orchestra\n\n link(\n rel = 'stylesheet'\n href = 'index.css'\n )\n link(\n rel = 'stylesheet'\n href = 'modules.css'\n )\n\n link(\n rel = 'shortcut icon'\n href = 'favicon.ico'\n )\n\n //- Styles required for a proper display while loading.\n style.\n html, body, #xo-app { height: 100% }\n\n body\n\n #xo-app\n div(style = 'display: flex; height: 100%')\n div(style = 'margin: auto')\n h1.hidden-js.text-danger JavaScript is required for Xen Orchestra!\n h1.visible-js.text-muted\n img(src='assets/loading.svg')\n\n script(src = 'index.js')\n"],"file":"index.html","sourceRoot":"/source/"}
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