2.32 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1/*global module:false*/
2module.exports = function (grunt) {
3 require('time-grunt')(grunt);
5 grunt.initConfig({
6 pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
7 lineending: {
8 index: {
9 options: {
10 eol: 'lf'
11 },
12 files: {
13 'index.js': 'index.js'
14 }
15 }
16 },
17 jshint: {
18 options: {
19 reporter: require('jshint-stylish'),
20 // jshintrc: '.jshintrc',
21 ignores: [
22 'src/html-generation/assets/jquery-2.0.0.min.js',
23 'src/html-generation/assets/jquery.tooltipster.min.js',
24 'src/**/test/**/*.js',
25 'src/**/cover/**'
26 ],
27 '-W015': true,
28 '-W084': true,
29 '-W093': true
30 },
31 'default': {
32 src: [ 'index.js', 'src/**/*.js' ]
33 }
34 },
35 jsonlint: {
36 all: {
37 src: ['*.json']
38 }
39 },
40 complexity: {
41 all: grunt.file.readJSON('complexity.json')
42 },
43 'nice-package': {
44 all: {
45 options: {}
46 }
47 },
48 readme: {
49 options: {
50 readme: './docs/README.tmpl.md',
51 docs: '.',
52 templates: './docs'
53 }
54 },
55 /* to bump version, then run grunt (to update readme), then commit
56 grunt release
57 */
58 bump: {
59 options: {
60 commit: true,
61 commitMessage: 'Release v%VERSION%',
62 commitFiles: ['-a'], // '-a' for all files
63 createTag: true,
64 tagName: '%VERSION%',
65 tagMessage: 'Version %VERSION%',
66 push: true,
67 pushTo: 'origin'
68 }
69 }
70 });
72 var plugins = require('matchdep').filterDev('grunt-*');
73 plugins.forEach(grunt.loadNpmTasks);
75 grunt.registerTask('pre-check', ['deps-ok', 'jsonlint',
76 'jshint', 'nice-package', 'complexity']);
77 grunt.registerTask('default', ['pre-check', 'lineending']);
78 grunt.registerTask('release', ['bump-only:patch', 'readme', 'bump-commit']);
\No newline at end of file