8.97 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3class Help {
4 constructor() {
5 this.commandLineUsage = require('command-line-usage');
6 this.sections = [];
7 }
8 main() {
9 this.sections = [
10 {
11 header: 'XREFCLI',
12 content: 'OpenEdge xref via CLI'
13 },
14 {
15 header: 'Synopsis',
16 content: 'xref <command> <options>'
17 },
18 {
19 header: 'Commands',
20 content: [
21 { name: 'about', summary: 'Displays information about version/author etc ' },
22 { name: 'export', summary: 'Exports source/table usage to CSV' },
23 { name: 'init', summary: 'Initializes repo' },
24 { name: 'list', summary: 'List tables/database used in current repo' },
25 { name: 'parse', summary: 'Parses .xref files of repo' },
26 { name: 'remove', summary: 'Removes a repo' },
27 { name: 'repos', summary: 'List the available repos' },
28 { name: 'search', summary: 'Searches a repo for field/table etc references' },
29 { name: 'show', summary: 'Shows info about a source file' },
30 { name: 'switch', summary: 'Switches the default repo' },
31 ]
32 },
33 {
34 header: 'Standard options',
35 content: [
36 '--help, -h Displays help, use xref <command> --help for help on command',
37 '--name, -n Specify repo name, valid for all but about, list, repo and show'
38 ]
39 }
40 ];
41 const usage = this.commandLineUsage(this.sections);
42 console.log(usage);
43 }
44 aboutCommand() {
45 this.sections = [
46 {
47 header: 'XREFCLI - about command',
48 content: 'Display about on XREFCLI'
49 },
50 {
51 header: 'Synopsis',
52 content: 'xref about'
53 }
54 ];
55 const usage = this.commandLineUsage(this.sections);
56 console.log(usage);
57 }
58 exportCommand() {
59 this.sections = [
60 {
61 header: 'XREFCLI - export command',
62 content: 'Export CSV data on source/table usage'
63 },
64 {
65 header: 'Synopsis',
66 content: 'xref export --outfile <filename> <options>'
67 },
68 {
69 header: 'Options',
70 content: [
71 '--outfile, -o File for output',
72 '--includeempty, -i Include source w/o db references'
73 ]
74 }
75 ];
76 const usage = this.commandLineUsage(this.sections);
77 console.log(usage);
78 }
79 initCommand() {
80 this.sections = [
81 {
82 header: 'XREFCLI - init command',
83 content: 'Initialize repo'
84 },
85 {
86 header: 'Synopsis',
87 content: 'xref init [--name] <reponame> <options>'
88 },
89 {
90 header: 'Options',
91 content: [
92 '--dir, -d Directory containing OE .xref files',
93 '--srcdir, -s Directory name to be removed from all source references'
94 ]
95 }
96 ];
97 const usage = this.commandLineUsage(this.sections);
98 console.log(usage);
99 }
100 listCommand() {
101 this.sections = [
102 {
103 header: 'XREFCLI - list command',
104 content: 'List tables/databases in repo'
105 },
106 {
107 header: 'Synopsis',
108 content: 'xref list [ [--tables] | [--dbs] ] [--json]'
109 },
110 {
111 header: 'Options',
112 content: [
113 '--tables, t (default) display all tables used',
114 '--dbprefix, -p Indicates if output of table names should be prefixed with database name',
115 '--dbs, -d List all used databases (aliases)',
116 '--json Output in JSON format, disregards the --dbprefix setting'
117 ]
118 }
119 ];
120 const usage = this.commandLineUsage(this.sections);
121 console.log(usage);
122 }
123 parseCommand() {
124 this.sections = [
125 {
126 header: 'XREFCLI - parse command',
127 content: 'Parses .xref files from disk'
128 },
129 {
130 header: 'Synopsis',
131 content: 'xref parse [--name <reponame>]'
132 }
133 ];
134 const usage = this.commandLineUsage(this.sections);
135 console.log(usage);
136 }
137 removeCommand() {
138 this.sections = [
139 {
140 header: 'XREFCLI - remove command',
141 content: 'Deletes repo from disk'
142 },
143 {
144 header: 'Synopsis',
145 content: 'xref remove --name <reponame>'
146 }
147 ];
148 const usage = this.commandLineUsage(this.sections);
149 console.log(usage);
150 }
151 reposCommand() {
152 this.sections = [
153 {
154 header: 'XREFCLI - repos command',
155 content: 'Display repos'
156 },
157 {
158 header: 'Synopsis',
159 content: 'xref repos <options>'
160 },
161 {
162 header: 'Options',
163 content: [
164 '--verbose, -v Displays verbose information about the repos',
165 '--json output in JSON'
166 ]
167 }
168 ];
169 const usage = this.commandLineUsage(this.sections);
170 console.log(usage);
171 }
172 searchCommand() {
173 this.sections = [
174 {
175 header: 'XREFCLI - search command',
176 content: 'Search for field and table references in repo'
177 },
178 {
179 header: 'Synopsis',
180 content: 'xref search [ --field <fieldname>] [--table <tablename] [--db <dbname>] ' +
181 '[--create [true | false] [--update [true | false]] [--delete [true | false]'
182 },
183 {
184 header: 'Options',
185 content: [
186 '--field, -f search for field references',
187 '--table, -t search for table references (can be combined with --field)',
188 '--db search for sources accessing <dbname>',
189 '--create, -c filter on whether the --table is created (default: true)',
190 '--delete, -d see --create, only for deletes',
191 '--update, -u filter on whether the --field is updated (default: true)',
192 '--batch, -b omit result count'
193 ]
194 },
195 {
196 header: 'Examples',
197 content: [
198 'xref search --field custum --table customer --update',
199 ' search for source which update customer.custnum field',
200 ' ',
201 'xref search --table order --create',
202 ' search for sources which create customer records'
203 ]
204 }
205 ];
206 const usage = this.commandLineUsage(this.sections);
207 console.log(usage);
208 }
209 showCommand() {
210 this.sections = [
211 {
212 header: 'XREFCLI - show command',
213 content: 'Displays meta information about sources'
214 },
215 {
216 header: 'Synopsis',
217 content: 'xref show <sourcefile> <options>'
218 },
219 {
220 header: 'Options',
221 content: [
222 '--xref, -x Show original .xref file',
223 '--json Output in JSON (not for --xref)',
224 '--tables, -t displays table used by <sourcefile>'
225 ]
226 }
227 ];
228 const usage = this.commandLineUsage(this.sections);
229 console.log(usage);
230 }
231 switchCommand() {
232 this.sections = [
233 {
234 header: 'XREFCLI - switch command',
235 content: 'Set default repo'
236 },
237 {
238 header: 'Synopsis',
239 content: 'xref switch [ [--name] <reponame> ]'
240 },
241 {
242 header: 'Options',
243 content: [
244 'Without options the name of the current repo is returned.'
245 ]
246 }
247 ];
248 const usage = this.commandLineUsage(this.sections);
249 console.log(usage);
250 }
252exports.Help = Help;
253//# sourceMappingURL=help.js.map
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