1.64 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "xss-filters",
3 "version": "1.0.2",
4 "licenses":[
5 {
6 "type" : "BSD",
7 "url" : "https://github.com/yahoo/xss-filters/blob/master/LICENSE"
8 }
9 ],
10 "description": "Secure XSS Filters - Just sufficient output filtering to prevent XSS!",
11 "author": "Nera Liu <neraliu@yahoo-inc.com>, Adonis Fung <adon@yahoo-inc.com> and Albert Yu <albertyu@yahoo-inc.com>",
12 "contributors": [
13 {
14 "name": "Nera Liu",
15 "email": "neraliu@yahoo-inc.com"
16 },
17 {
18 "name": "Adonis Fung",
19 "email": "adon@yahoo-inc.com"
20 },
21 {
22 "name": "Albert Yu",
23 "email": "albertyu@yahoo-inc.com"
24 }
25 ],
26 "main": "src/xss-filters.js",
27 "scripts": {
28 "test": "grunt test",
29 "hint": "grunt jshint",
30 "docs": "grunt docs",
31 "clean": "grunt clean",
32 "build": "grunt"
33 },
34 "keywords": [
35 "xss",
36 "output filter",
37 "sanitize",
38 "sanitise",
39 "escape",
40 "encode",
41 "filter",
42 "context-aware",
43 "context-sensitive",
44 "security",
45 "yahoo"
46 ],
47 "devDependencies": {
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49 "grunt": "^0.4.5",
50 "grunt-browserify": "^3.3.0",
51 "grunt-cli": "^0.1.13",
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56 "grunt-copy": "^0.1.0",
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58 "grunt-mocha-istanbul": "^2.3.0"
59 },
60 "bugs": {
61 "url": "https://github.com/yahoo/xss-filters/issues"
62 },
63 "homepage": "https://github.com/yahoo/xss-filters",
64 "repository": {
65 "type": "git",
66 "url": "https://github.com/yahoo/xss-filters.git"
67 }