1 | import { MachineSnapshot } from "./State.js";
2 | import { StateNode } from "./StateNode.js";
3 | import { AnyActorSystem } from "./system.js";
4 | import type { ActorLogic, ActorScope, AnyActorRef, AnyActorScope, DoNotInfer, Equals, EventDescriptor, EventObject, HistoryValue, InternalMachineImplementations, MachineConfig, MachineContext, MachineImplementationsSimplified, MetaObject, ParameterizedObject, ProvidedActor, Snapshot, StateMachineDefinition, StateValue, TransitionDefinition, ResolvedStateMachineTypes, StateSchema, SnapshotStatus } from "./types.js";
5 | export declare class StateMachine<TContext extends MachineContext, TEvent extends EventObject, TChildren extends Record<string, AnyActorRef | undefined>, TActor extends ProvidedActor, TAction extends ParameterizedObject, TGuard extends ParameterizedObject, TDelay extends string, TStateValue extends StateValue, TTag extends string, TInput, TOutput, TEmitted extends EventObject, TMeta extends MetaObject, TConfig extends StateSchema> implements ActorLogic<MachineSnapshot<TContext, TEvent, TChildren, TStateValue, TTag, TOutput, TMeta, TConfig>, TEvent, TInput, AnyActorSystem, TEmitted> {
6 |
7 | config: MachineConfig<TContext, TEvent, any, any, any, any, any, any, TOutput, any,
8 | any> & {
9 | schemas?: unknown;
10 | };
11 |
12 | version?: string;
13 | schemas: unknown;
14 | implementations: MachineImplementationsSimplified<TContext, TEvent>;
15 | root: StateNode<TContext, TEvent>;
16 | id: string;
17 | states: StateNode<TContext, TEvent>['states'];
18 | events: Array<EventDescriptor<TEvent>>;
19 | constructor(
20 |
21 | config: MachineConfig<TContext, TEvent, any, any, any, any, any, any, TOutput, any,
22 | any> & {
23 | schemas?: unknown;
24 | }, implementations?: MachineImplementationsSimplified<TContext, TEvent>);
25 | /**
26 | * Clones this state machine with the provided implementations and merges the
27 | * `context` (if provided).
28 | *
29 | * @param implementations Options (`actions`, `guards`, `actors`, `delays`,
30 | * `context`) to recursively merge with the existing options.
31 | * @returns A new `StateMachine` instance with the provided implementations.
32 | */
33 | provide(implementations: InternalMachineImplementations<ResolvedStateMachineTypes<TContext, DoNotInfer<TEvent>, TActor, TAction, TGuard, TDelay, TTag, TEmitted>>): StateMachine<TContext, TEvent, TChildren, TActor, TAction, TGuard, TDelay, TStateValue, TTag, TInput, TOutput, TEmitted, TMeta, TConfig>;
34 | resolveState(config: {
35 | value: StateValue;
36 | context?: TContext;
37 | historyValue?: HistoryValue<TContext, TEvent>;
38 | status?: SnapshotStatus;
39 | output?: TOutput;
40 | error?: unknown;
41 | } & (Equals<TContext, MachineContext> extends false ? {
42 | context: unknown;
43 | } : {})): MachineSnapshot<TContext, TEvent, TChildren, TStateValue, TTag, TOutput, TMeta, TConfig>;
44 | /**
45 | * Determines the next snapshot given the current `snapshot` and received
46 | * `event`. Calculates a full macrostep from all microsteps.
47 | *
48 | * @param snapshot The current snapshot
49 | * @param event The received event
50 | */
51 | transition(snapshot: MachineSnapshot<TContext, TEvent, TChildren, TStateValue, TTag, TOutput, TMeta, TConfig>, event: TEvent, actorScope: ActorScope<typeof snapshot, TEvent, AnyActorSystem, TEmitted>): MachineSnapshot<TContext, TEvent, TChildren, TStateValue, TTag, TOutput, TMeta, TConfig>;
52 | /**
53 | * Determines the next state given the current `state` and `event`. Calculates
54 | * a microstep.
55 | *
56 | * @param state The current state
57 | * @param event The received event
58 | */
59 | microstep(snapshot: MachineSnapshot<TContext, TEvent, TChildren, TStateValue, TTag, TOutput, TMeta, TConfig>, event: TEvent, actorScope: AnyActorScope): Array<MachineSnapshot<TContext, TEvent, TChildren, TStateValue, TTag, TOutput, TMeta, TConfig>>;
60 | getTransitionData(snapshot: MachineSnapshot<TContext, TEvent, TChildren, TStateValue, TTag, TOutput, TMeta, TConfig>, event: TEvent): Array<TransitionDefinition<TContext, TEvent>>;
61 | /**
62 | * The initial state _before_ evaluating any microsteps. This "pre-initial"
63 | * state is provided to initial actions executed in the initial state.
64 | */
65 | private getPreInitialState;
66 | /**
67 | * Returns the initial `State` instance, with reference to `self` as an
68 | * `ActorRef`.
69 | */
70 | getInitialSnapshot(actorScope: ActorScope<MachineSnapshot<TContext, TEvent, TChildren, TStateValue, TTag, TOutput, TMeta, TConfig>, TEvent, AnyActorSystem, TEmitted>, input?: TInput): MachineSnapshot<TContext, TEvent, TChildren, TStateValue, TTag, TOutput, TMeta, TConfig>;
71 | start(snapshot: MachineSnapshot<TContext, TEvent, TChildren, TStateValue, TTag, TOutput, TMeta, TConfig>): void;
72 | getStateNodeById(stateId: string): StateNode<TContext, TEvent>;
73 | get definition(): StateMachineDefinition<TContext, TEvent>;
74 | toJSON(): StateMachineDefinition<TContext, TEvent>;
75 | getPersistedSnapshot(snapshot: MachineSnapshot<TContext, TEvent, TChildren, TStateValue, TTag, TOutput, TMeta, TConfig>, options?: unknown): Snapshot<unknown>;
76 | restoreSnapshot(snapshot: Snapshot<unknown>, _actorScope: ActorScope<MachineSnapshot<TContext, TEvent, TChildren, TStateValue, TTag, TOutput, TMeta, TConfig>, TEvent, AnyActorSystem, TEmitted>): MachineSnapshot<TContext, TEvent, TChildren, TStateValue, TTag, TOutput, TMeta, TConfig>;
77 | }