5.07 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "xtendui",
3 "version": "1.1.0",
4 "description": "Xtend UI is a powerful frontend library of Tailwind CSS components enhanced by vanilla js. It helps you build interfaces with advanced interactions and animations.",
5 "homepage": "https://xtendui.com/",
6 "license": "MIT",
7 "author": "Riccardo Caroli <beaver82+xtendui@gmail.com>",
8 "repository": "https://github.com/xtendui/xtendui.git",
9 "keywords": [
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12 "components",
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15 "frontend",
16 "react-components",
17 "vanilla-javascript",
18 "tailwindcss"
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20 "main": "src/xt.mjs",
21 "exports": {
22 ".": "./src/xt.mjs",
23 "./src/xt": "./src/xt.mjs",
24 "./tailwind.preset": "./tailwind.preset.js",
25 "./src/drop": "./src/drop.mjs",
26 "./src/form": "./src/form.mjs",
27 "./src/googlelocator": "./src/googlelocator.mjs",
28 "./src/groupnumber": "./src/groupnumber.mjs",
29 "./src/infinitescroll": "./src/infinitescroll.mjs",
30 "./src/mousefollow": "./src/mousefollow.mjs",
31 "./src/overlay": "./src/overlay.mjs",
32 "./src/ripple": "./src/ripple.mjs",
33 "./src/scrollto": "./src/scrollto.mjs",
34 "./src/slider": "./src/slider.mjs",
35 "./src/stickyflow": "./src/stickyflow.mjs",
36 "./src/textareaautosize": "./src/textareaautosize.mjs",
37 "./src/toggle": "./src/toggle.mjs",
38 "./src/tooltip": "./src/tooltip.mjs",
39 "./src/usability": "./src/usability.mjs"
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64 "alias": "node -e \"var s='../src',d='node_modules/src',fs=require('fs');fs.exists(d,function(e){e||fs.symlinkSync(s,d,'junction')});\"",
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