4.61 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1const defaultTheme = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme')
3module.exports = {
4 presets: [require('tailwindcss/defaultConfig'), require('./tailwind.preset')],
5 content: ['./{src,static}/**/*.js', './gatsby-config.esm.js'],
6 safelist: process.env.DIST
7 ? []
8 : [
9 'rounded-sm',
10 'rounded',
11 'rounded-md',
12 'rounded-lg',
13 'rounded-xl',
14 'rounded-2xl',
15 'rounded-t-sm',
16 'rounded-t',
17 'rounded-t-md',
18 'rounded-t-lg',
19 'rounded-t-xl',
20 'rounded-t-2xl',
21 'rounded-b-sm',
22 'rounded-b',
23 'rounded-b-md',
24 'rounded-b-lg',
25 'rounded-b-xl',
26 'rounded-b-2xl',
27 'rounded-l-sm',
28 'rounded-l',
29 'rounded-l-md',
30 'rounded-l-lg',
31 'rounded-l-xl',
32 'rounded-l-2xl',
33 'rounded-r-sm',
34 'rounded-r',
35 'rounded-r-md',
36 'rounded-r-lg',
37 'rounded-r-xl',
38 'rounded-r-2xl',
39 'rounded-tl-sm',
40 'rounded-tl',
41 'rounded-tl-md',
42 'rounded-tl-lg',
43 'rounded-tl-xl',
44 'rounded-tl-2xl',
45 'rounded-tr-sm',
46 'rounded-tr',
47 'rounded-tr-md',
48 'rounded-tr-lg',
49 'rounded-tr-xl',
50 'rounded-tr-2xl',
51 'rounded-bl-sm',
52 'rounded-bl',
53 'rounded-bl-md',
54 'rounded-bl-lg',
55 'rounded-bl-xl',
56 'rounded-bl-2xl',
57 'rounded-br-sm',
58 'rounded-br',
59 'rounded-br-md',
60 'rounded-br-lg',
61 'rounded-br-xl',
62 'rounded-br-2xl',
63 'md:rounded-sm',
64 'md:rounded',
65 'md:rounded-md',
66 'md:rounded-lg',
67 'md:rounded-xl',
68 'md:rounded-2xl',
69 'md:rounded-t-sm',
70 'md:rounded-t',
71 'md:rounded-t-md',
72 'md:rounded-t-lg',
73 'md:rounded-t-xl',
74 'md:rounded-t-2xl',
75 'md:rounded-b-sm',
76 'md:rounded-b',
77 'md:rounded-b-md',
78 'md:rounded-b-lg',
79 'md:rounded-b-xl',
80 'md:rounded-b-2xl',
81 'md:rounded-l-sm',
82 'md:rounded-l',
83 'md:rounded-l-md',
84 'md:rounded-l-lg',
85 'md:rounded-l-xl',
86 'md:rounded-l-2xl',
87 'md:rounded-r-sm',
88 'md:rounded-r',
89 'md:rounded-r-md',
90 'md:rounded-r-lg',
91 'md:rounded-r-xl',
92 'md:rounded-r-2xl',
93 'md:rounded-tl-sm',
94 'md:rounded-tl',
95 'md:rounded-tl-md',
96 'md:rounded-tl-lg',
97 'md:rounded-tl-xl',
98 'md:rounded-tl-2xl',
99 'md:rounded-tr-sm',
100 'md:rounded-tr',
101 'md:rounded-tr-md',
102 'md:rounded-tr-lg',
103 'md:rounded-tr-xl',
104 'md:rounded-tr-2xl',
105 'md:rounded-bl-sm',
106 'md:rounded-bl',
107 'md:rounded-bl-md',
108 'md:rounded-bl-lg',
109 'md:rounded-bl-xl',
110 'md:rounded-bl-2xl',
111 'md:rounded-br-sm',
112 'md:rounded-br',
113 'md:rounded-br-md',
114 'md:rounded-br-lg',
115 'md:rounded-br-xl',
116 'md:rounded-br-2xl',
117 ],
118 theme: {
119 extend: {
120 container: {
121 center: true,
122 fluid: '1536px',
123 padding: {
124 DEFAULT: '1.25rem',
125 sm: '1.5rem',
126 md: '2rem',
127 lg: '3rem',
128 xl: '4rem',
129 },
130 },
131 colors: {
132 code: '#2b2b2b',
133 },
134 fontFamily: {
135 sans: ['"Inter"', ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],
136 },
137 borderWidth: {
138 3: '3px',
139 },
140 borderColor: theme => ({
141 DEFAULT: theme('colors.gray.300', 'currentColor'),
142 }),
143 xtendui: {
144 link: {
145 utility: theme => ({
146 '.xt-links-inverse': {
147 // fix specificity when nested .xt-links-default and .xt-links-inverse
148 '&, .xt-links-default &': {
149 'code:not([class])': {
150 color: `${theme('colors.white')}!important`,
151 },
152 },
153 },
154 '.xt-links-default': {
155 // fix specificity when nested .xt-links-default and .xt-links-inverse
156 '&, .xt-links-inverse &': {
157 'code:not([class])': {
158 color: `${theme('colors.primary.500')}!important`,
159 },
160 },
161 },
162 }),
163 },
164 typography: {
165 component: {
166 'code:not([class])': {
167 fontSize: '0.9em',
168 fontWeight: 600,
169 wordBreak: 'break-word',
170 'td &': {
171 wordBreak: 'initial',
172 },
173 },
174 },
175 },
176 },
177 },
178 },