1 | import { resolve } from 'node:path';
2 | import { parseArgs } from 'node:util';
3 | import { prettyToken } from './parse/cst.js';
4 | import { Lexer } from './parse/lexer.js';
5 | import { Parser } from './parse/parser.js';
6 | import { Composer } from './compose/composer.js';
7 | import { LineCounter } from './parse/line-counter.js';
8 | import { prettifyError } from './errors.js';
9 | import { visit } from './visit.js';
10 |
11 | const help = `\
12 | yaml: A command-line YAML processor and inspector
13 |
14 | Reads stdin and writes output to stdout and errors & warnings to stderr.
15 |
16 | Usage:
17 | yaml Process a YAML stream, outputting it as YAML
18 | yaml cst Parse the CST of a YAML stream
19 | yaml lex Parse the lexical tokens of a YAML stream
20 | yaml valid Validate a YAML stream, returning 0 on success
21 |
22 | Options:
23 | --help, -h Show this message.
24 | --json, -j Output JSON.
25 |
26 | Additional options for bare "yaml" command:
27 | --doc, -d Output pretty-printed JS Document objects.
28 | --single, -1 Require the input to consist of a single YAML document.
29 | --strict, -s Stop on errors.
30 | --visit, -v Apply a visitor to each document (requires a path to import)
31 | --yaml 1.1 Set the YAML version. (default: 1.2)`;
32 | class UserError extends Error {
33 | constructor(code, message) {
34 | super(`Error: ${message}`);
35 | this.code = code;
36 | }
37 | }
38 | UserError.ARGS = 2;
39 | UserError.SINGLE = 3;
40 | async function cli(stdin, done, argv) {
41 | let args;
42 | try {
43 | args = parseArgs({
44 | args: argv,
45 | allowPositionals: true,
46 | options: {
47 | doc: { type: 'boolean', short: 'd' },
48 | help: { type: 'boolean', short: 'h' },
49 | json: { type: 'boolean', short: 'j' },
50 | single: { type: 'boolean', short: '1' },
51 | strict: { type: 'boolean', short: 's' },
52 | visit: { type: 'string', short: 'v' },
53 | yaml: { type: 'string', default: '1.2' }
54 | }
55 | });
56 | }
57 | catch (error) {
58 | return done(new UserError(UserError.ARGS, error.message));
59 | }
60 | const { positionals: [mode], values: opt } = args;
61 | stdin.setEncoding('utf-8');
62 |
63 | switch (opt.help || mode) {
64 |
65 | case true:
66 | console.log(help);
67 | break;
68 | case 'lex': {
69 | const lexer = new Lexer();
70 | const data = [];
71 | const add = (tok) => {
72 | if (opt.json)
73 | data.push(tok);
74 | else
75 | console.log(prettyToken(tok));
76 | };
77 | stdin.on('data', (chunk) => {
78 | for (const tok of lexer.lex(chunk, true))
79 | add(tok);
80 | });
81 | stdin.on('end', () => {
82 | for (const tok of lexer.lex('', false))
83 | add(tok);
84 | if (opt.json)
85 | console.log(JSON.stringify(data));
86 | done();
87 | });
88 | break;
89 | }
90 | case 'cst': {
91 | const parser = new Parser();
92 | const data = [];
93 | const add = (tok) => {
94 | if (opt.json)
95 | data.push(tok);
96 | else
97 | console.dir(tok, { depth: null });
98 | };
99 | stdin.on('data', (chunk) => {
100 | for (const tok of parser.parse(chunk, true))
101 | add(tok);
102 | });
103 | stdin.on('end', () => {
104 | for (const tok of parser.parse('', false))
105 | add(tok);
106 | if (opt.json)
107 | console.log(JSON.stringify(data));
108 | done();
109 | });
110 | break;
111 | }
112 | case undefined:
113 | case 'valid': {
114 | const lineCounter = new LineCounter();
115 | const parser = new Parser(lineCounter.addNewLine);
116 |
117 | const composer = new Composer({ version: opt.yaml });
118 | const visitor = opt.visit
119 | ? (await import(resolve(opt.visit))).default
120 | : null;
121 | let source = '';
122 | let hasDoc = false;
123 | let reqDocEnd = false;
124 | const data = [];
125 | const add = (doc) => {
126 | if (hasDoc && opt.single) {
127 | return done(new UserError(UserError.SINGLE, 'Input stream contains multiple documents'));
128 | }
129 | for (const error of doc.errors) {
130 | prettifyError(source, lineCounter)(error);
131 | if (opt.strict || mode === 'valid')
132 | return done(error);
133 | console.error(error);
134 | }
135 | for (const warning of doc.warnings) {
136 | prettifyError(source, lineCounter)(warning);
137 | console.error(warning);
138 | }
139 | if (visitor)
140 | visit(doc, visitor);
141 | if (mode === 'valid')
142 | doc.toJS();
143 | else if (opt.json)
144 | data.push(doc);
145 | else if (opt.doc) {
146 | Object.defineProperties(doc, {
147 | options: { enumerable: false },
148 | schema: { enumerable: false }
149 | });
150 | console.dir(doc, { depth: null });
151 | }
152 | else {
153 | if (reqDocEnd)
154 | console.log('...');
155 | try {
156 | const str = String(doc);
157 | console.log(str.endsWith('\n') ? str.slice(0, -1) : str);
158 | }
159 | catch (error) {
160 | done(error);
161 | }
162 | }
163 | hasDoc = true;
164 | reqDocEnd = !doc.directives?.docEnd;
165 | };
166 | stdin.on('data', (chunk) => {
167 | source += chunk;
168 | for (const tok of parser.parse(chunk, true)) {
169 | for (const doc of composer.next(tok))
170 | add(doc);
171 | }
172 | });
173 | stdin.on('end', () => {
174 | for (const tok of parser.parse('', false)) {
175 | for (const doc of composer.next(tok))
176 | add(doc);
177 | }
178 | for (const doc of composer.end(false))
179 | add(doc);
180 | if (opt.single && !hasDoc) {
181 | return done(new UserError(UserError.SINGLE, 'Input stream contained no documents'));
182 | }
183 | if (mode !== 'valid' && opt.json) {
184 | console.log(JSON.stringify(opt.single ? data[0] : data));
185 | }
186 | done();
187 | });
188 | break;
189 | }
190 | default:
191 | done(new UserError(UserError.ARGS, `Unknown command: ${JSON.stringify(mode)}`));
192 | }
193 | }
194 |
195 | export { UserError, cli, help };