1 | # ZeroMQ.js Next Generation
2 |
3 | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/zeromq)
4 |
5 | [ØMQ](http://zeromq.org) bindings for Node.js. The goals of this library are:
6 |
7 | - Semantically similar to the [native](https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq) ØMQ
8 | library, while sticking to JavaScript idioms.
9 | - Use modern JavaScript and Node.js features such as `async`/`await` and async
10 | iterators.
11 | - High performance.
12 | - Fully usable with TypeScript (3+).
13 | - Compatible with Zeromq 4/5 via "zeromq/v5-compat"
14 |
15 | ## Useful links
16 |
17 | - [ZeroMQ.js API reference](http://zeromq.github.io/zeromq.js/modules.html).
18 | - [ZeroMQ project documentation](https://zeromq.org/get-started/).
19 | - **Note:** The Node.js examples on zeromq.org do not yet reflect the new API,
20 | but [the Guide](http://zguide.zeromq.org) in particular is still a good
21 | introduction to ZeroMQ for new users.
22 |
23 | ## Table of contents
24 |
25 | - [ZeroMQ.js Next Generation](#zeromqjs-next-generation)
26 | - [Useful links](#useful-links)
27 | - [Table of contents](#table-of-contents)
28 | - [Installation](#installation)
29 | - [Prebuilt binaries](#prebuilt-binaries)
30 | - [Building from source](#building-from-source)
31 | - [Available Build Options](#available-build-options)
32 | - [Curve support](#curve-support)
33 | - [Libsodium for Curve](#libsodium-for-curve)
34 | - [Draft support](#draft-support)
35 | - [Websocket support](#websocket-support)
36 | - [Secure Websocket support](#secure-websocket-support)
37 | - [Not Synchronous Resolve](#not-synchronous-resolve)
38 | - [MacOS Deployment Target](#macos-deployment-target)
39 | - [Examples](#examples)
40 | - [Basic Usage](#basic-usage)
41 | - [Push/Pull](#pushpull)
42 | - [`producer.js`](#producerjs)
43 | - [`worker.js`](#workerjs)
44 | - [Pub/Sub](#pubsub)
45 | - [`publisher.js`](#publisherjs)
46 | - [`subscriber.js`](#subscriberjs)
47 | - [Req/Rep](#reqrep)
48 | - [`client.js`](#clientjs)
49 | - [`server.js`](#serverjs)
50 | - [Zeromq 4 and 5 Compatibility layer](#zeromq-4-and-5-compatibility-layer)
51 | - [TypeScript](#typescript)
52 | - [Contribution](#contribution)
53 | - [Dependencies](#dependencies)
54 | - [Defining new options](#defining-new-options)
55 | - [Testing](#testing)
56 | - [Publishing](#publishing)
57 | - [History](#history)
58 |
59 | ## Installation
60 |
61 | Install **ZeroMQ.js** with prebuilt binaries:
62 |
63 | ```sh
64 | npm install zeromq
65 | ```
66 |
67 | Supported versions:
68 |
69 | - Node.js v12 (requires a [N-API](https://nodejs.org/api/n-api.html))
70 |
71 | ### Prebuilt binaries
72 |
73 | The following platforms have a **prebuilt binary** available:
74 |
75 | - Windows on x86/x86-64
76 |
77 | Zeromq binaries on Windows 10 or older need
78 | [Visual C++ Redistributable](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170#latest-microsoft-visual-c-redistributable-version)
79 | to be installed.
80 |
81 | - Linux on x86-64 with libstdc++.so.6.0.21+ (glibc++ 3.4.21+), for example:
82 | - Debian 9+ (Stretch or later)
83 | - Ubuntu 16.04+ (Xenial or later)
84 | - CentOS 8+
85 | - Linux on x86-64 with musl, for example:
86 | - Alpine 3.3+
87 | - MacOS 10.9+ on x86-64
88 |
89 | If a prebuilt binary is not available for your platform, installing will attempt
90 | to start a build from source.
91 |
92 | ### Building from source
93 |
94 | If a prebuilt binary is unavailable or if you want to pass certain options
95 | during build, you can build this package from source.
96 |
97 | Make sure you have the following installed before attempting to build from
98 | source:
99 |
100 | - Node.js 10+ or Electron
101 | - A working C++17 compiler toolchain with make
102 | - Python 3 with Node 10+ (or legacy Python 2.7)
103 | - CMake 2.8+
104 | - curl
105 |
106 | To install from source, specify `build_from_source=true` in a `.npmrc` file
107 |
108 | ```
109 | build_from_source=true
110 | ```
111 |
112 | When building from source, you can also specify additional build options in a
113 | `.npmrc` file in your project:
114 |
115 | ### Available Build Options
116 |
117 | <details>
118 | <summary>👉🏻 Options</summary>
119 |
120 | ### Curve support
121 |
122 | Enables CURVE security for encrypted communications. To enable CURVE support,
123 | add the following to your .npmrc:
124 |
125 | ```ini
126 | zmq_curve="true"
127 | ```
128 |
129 | ### Libsodium for Curve
130 |
131 | Enable libsodium for CURVE security instead of the built-in tweetnacl
132 | implementation. This can provide better performance for CURVE operations. To use
133 | libsodium, add the following to your .npmrc:
134 |
135 | ```ini
136 | zmq_sodium="true"
137 | ```
138 |
139 | #### Draft support
140 |
141 | By default `libzmq` is built with support for `Draft` patterns (e.g.
142 | `server-client`, `radio-dish`, `scatter-gather`). If you want to build `libzmq`
143 | without support for `Draft`, you can specify the following in `.npmrc`:
144 |
145 | ```ini
146 | zmq_draft=false
147 | ```
148 |
149 | #### Websocket support
150 |
151 | Enables WebSocket transport, allowing ZeroMQ to communicate over WebSockets. To
152 | enable WebSocket support, add the following to your .npmrc:
153 |
154 | ```ini
155 | zmq_websockets="true"
156 | ```
157 |
158 | #### Secure Websocket support
159 |
160 | Enables WebSocket transport with TLS (wss), providing secure WebSocket
161 | communications. To enable secure WebSocket support, add the following to your
162 | .npmrc:
163 |
164 | ```ini
165 | zmq_websockets_secure="true"
166 | ```
167 |
168 | #### Not Synchronous Resolve
169 |
170 | Enables immediate send/receive on the socket without synchronous resolution.
171 | This option can improve performance in certain scenarios by allowing operations
172 | to proceed without waiting for synchronous resolution. To enable this feature,
173 | add the following to your `.npmrc`:
174 |
175 | ```ini
176 | zmq_no_sync_resolve="true"
177 | ```
178 |
179 | #### MacOS Deployment Target
180 |
181 | Specifies the minimum macOS version that the binary will be compatible with.
182 | This is particularly useful when building for different macOS versions. To set
183 | this, add the following to your .npmrc, replacing 10.15 with your desired
184 | minimum macOS version:
185 |
186 | ```ini
187 | macosx_deployment_target="10.15"
188 | ```
189 |
190 | </details>
191 |
192 | ## Examples
193 |
194 | Here some examples of different features are provided. More examples can be
195 | found in the [examples directory](examples).
196 |
197 | You can also browse
198 | [the API reference documentation](http://zeromq.github.io/zeromq.js/globals.html)
199 | to see all socket types, methods & options as well as more detailed information
200 | about how to apply them.
201 |
202 | **Note:** If you are new to ZeroMQ, please start with the
203 | [ZeroMQ documentation](https://zeromq.org/get-started/).
204 |
205 | ### Basic Usage
206 |
207 | ES modules:
208 |
209 | ```typescript
210 | import {Request} from "zeromq"
211 | // or as namespace
212 | import * as zmq from "zeromq"
213 |
214 | const reqSock = new Request()
215 | //...
216 | const repSock = new zmq.Reply()
217 | ```
218 |
219 | Commonjs:
220 |
221 | ```js
222 | const zmq = require("zeromq")
223 |
224 | const reqSock = new zmq.Request()
225 | //...
226 | const repSock = new zmq.Reply()
227 | ```
228 |
229 | ### Push/Pull
230 |
231 | This example demonstrates how a producer pushes information onto a socket and
232 | how a worker pulls information from the socket.
233 |
234 | #### `producer.js`
235 |
236 | Creates a producer to push information onto a socket.
237 |
238 | ```js
239 | import * as zmq from "zeromq"
240 |
241 | async function run() {
242 | const sock = new zmq.Push()
243 |
244 | await sock.bind("tcp://")
245 | console.log("Producer bound to port 3000")
246 |
247 | while (true) {
248 | await sock.send("some work")
249 | await new Promise(resolve => {
250 | setTimeout(resolve, 500)
251 | })
252 | }
253 | }
254 |
255 | run()
256 | ```
257 |
258 | #### `worker.js`
259 |
260 | Creates a worker to pull information from the socket.
261 |
262 | ```js
263 | import * as zmq from "zeromq"
264 |
265 | async function run() {
266 | const sock = new zmq.Pull()
267 |
268 | sock.connect("tcp://")
269 | console.log("Worker connected to port 3000")
270 |
271 | for await (const [msg] of sock) {
272 | console.log("work: %s", msg.toString())
273 | }
274 | }
275 |
276 | run()
277 | ```
278 |
279 | ### Pub/Sub
280 |
281 | This example demonstrates using `zeromq` in a classic Pub/Sub,
282 | Publisher/Subscriber, application.
283 |
284 | #### `publisher.js`
285 |
286 | Create the publisher which sends messages.
287 |
288 | ```js
289 | import * as zmq from "zeromq"
290 |
291 | async function run() {
292 | const sock = new zmq.Publisher()
293 |
294 | await sock.bind("tcp://")
295 | console.log("Publisher bound to port 3000")
296 |
297 | while (true) {
298 | console.log("sending a multipart message envelope")
299 | await sock.send(["kitty cats", "meow!"])
300 | await new Promise(resolve => {
301 | setTimeout(resolve, 500)
302 | })
303 | }
304 | }
305 |
306 | run()
307 | ```
308 |
309 | #### `subscriber.js`
310 |
311 | Create a subscriber to connect to a publisher's port to receive messages.
312 |
313 | ```js
314 | import * as zmq from "zeromq"
315 |
316 | async function run() {
317 | const sock = new zmq.Subscriber()
318 |
319 | sock.connect("tcp://")
320 | sock.subscribe("kitty cats")
321 | console.log("Subscriber connected to port 3000")
322 |
323 | for await (const [topic, msg] of sock) {
324 | console.log(
325 | "received a message related to:",
326 | topic,
327 | "containing message:",
328 | msg,
329 | )
330 | }
331 | }
332 |
333 | run()
334 | ```
335 |
336 | ### Req/Rep
337 |
338 | This example illustrates a request from a client and a reply from a server.
339 |
340 | #### `client.js`
341 |
342 | ```js
343 | import * as zmq from "zeromq"
344 |
345 | async function run() {
346 | const sock = new zmq.Request()
347 |
348 | sock.connect("tcp://")
349 | console.log("Producer bound to port 3000")
350 |
351 | await sock.send("4")
352 | const [result] = await sock.receive()
353 |
354 | console.log(result)
355 | }
356 |
357 | run()
358 | ```
359 |
360 | #### `server.js`
361 |
362 | ```js
363 | import * as zmq from "zeromq"
364 |
365 | async function run() {
366 | const sock = new zmq.Reply()
367 |
368 | await sock.bind("tcp://")
369 |
370 | for await (const [msg] of sock) {
371 | await sock.send((2 * parseInt(msg.toString(), 10)).toString())
372 | }
373 | }
374 |
375 | run()
376 | ```
377 |
378 | ## Zeromq 4 and 5 Compatibility layer
379 |
380 | The next generation version of the library features a compatibility layer for
381 | ZeroMQ.js versions 4 and 5. This is recommended for users upgrading from
382 | previous versions.
383 |
384 | Example:
385 |
386 | ```js
387 | const zmq = require("zeromq/v5-compat")
388 |
389 | const pub = zmq.socket("pub")
390 | const sub = zmq.socket("sub")
391 |
392 | pub.bind("tcp://*:3456", err => {
393 | if (err) throw err
394 |
395 | sub.connect("tcp://")
396 |
397 | pub.send("message")
398 |
399 | sub.on("message", msg => {
400 | // Handle received message...
401 | })
402 | })
403 | ```
404 |
405 | ## TypeScript
406 |
407 | This library provides typings for TypeScript version 3.0.x and later.
408 |
409 | _Requirements_
410 |
411 | - For TypeScript version >= 3:
412 | - [compilerOptions](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/compiler-options.html)
413 | - For TypeScript version < 3.6:
414 | - either set `compilerOptions.target` to `esnext` or later (e.g. `es2018`)
415 | - or add the following, or similar, libraries to `compilerOptions.lib` (and
416 | include their corresponding polyfills if needed): `es2015`,
417 | `ESNext.AsyncIterable`
418 |
419 | ## Contribution
420 |
421 | If you are interested in making contributions to this project, please read the
422 | following sections.
423 |
424 | ### Dependencies
425 |
426 | In order to develop and test the library, you'll need the tools required to
427 | build from source ([see above](#building-from-source)).
428 |
429 | Additionally, having clang-format is strongly recommended.
430 |
431 | ### Defining new options
432 |
433 | Socket and context options can be set at runtime, even if they are not
434 | implemented by this library. By design, this requires no recompilation if the
435 | built version of ZeroMQ has support for them. This allows library users to test
436 | and use options that have been introduced in recent versions of ZeroMQ without
437 | having to modify this library. Of course we'd love to include support for new
438 | options in an idiomatic way.
439 |
440 | Options can be set as follows:
441 |
442 | ```js
443 | const {Dealer} = require("zeromq")
444 |
445 | /* This defines an accessor named 'sendHighWaterMark', which corresponds to
446 | the constant ZMQ_SNDHWM, which is defined as '23' in zmq.h. The option takes
447 | integers. The accessor name has been converted to idiomatic JavaScript.
448 | Of course, this particular option already exists in this library. */
449 | class MyDealer extends Dealer {
450 | get sendHighWaterMark(): number {
451 | return this.getInt32Option(23)
452 | }
453 |
454 | set sendHighWaterMark(value: number) {
455 | this.setInt32Option(23, value)
456 | }
457 | }
458 |
459 | const sock = new MyDealer({sendHighWaterMark: 456})
460 | ```
461 |
462 | When submitting pull requests for new socket/context options, please consider
463 | the following:
464 |
465 | - The option is documented in the TypeScript interface.
466 | - The option is only added to relevant socket types, and if the ZMQ\_ constant
467 | has a prefix indicating which type it applies to, it is stripped from the name
468 | as it is exposed in JavaScript.
469 | - The name as exposed in this library is idiomatic for JavaScript, spelling out
470 | any abbreviations and using proper `camelCase` naming conventions.
471 | - The option is a value that can be set on a socket, and you don't think it
472 | should actually be a method.
473 |
474 | ### Testing
475 |
476 | The test suite can be run with:
477 |
478 | ```sh
479 | npm install
480 | npm run build
481 | npm run test
482 | ```
483 |
484 | The test suite will validate and fix the coding style, run all unit tests and
485 | verify the validity of the included TypeScript type definitions.
486 |
487 | Some tests are not enabled by default:
488 |
489 | - API Compatibility tests from ZeroMQ 5.x have been disabled by default. You can
490 | include the tests with `INCLUDE_COMPAT_TESTS=1 npm run test`
491 | - Some transports are not reliable on some older versions of ZeroMQ, the
492 | relevant tests will be skipped for those versions automatically.
493 |
494 | ### Publishing
495 |
496 | To publish a new version, run:
497 |
498 | ```sh
499 | npm version <new version>
500 | git push && git push --tags
501 | ```
502 |
503 | Wait for continuous integration to finish. Prebuilds will be generated for all
504 | supported platforms and attached to a Github release. Documentation is
505 | automatically generated and committed to `gh-pages`. Finally, a new NPM package
506 | version will be automatically released.
507 |
508 | ## History
509 |
510 | Version 6+ is a complete rewrite of previous versions of ZeroMQ.js in order to
511 | be more reliable, correct, and usable in modern JavaScript & TypeScript code as
512 | first outlined in [this issue](https://github.com/zeromq/zeromq.js/issues/189).
513 | Previous versions of ZeroMQ.js were based on `zmq` and a fork that included
514 | prebuilt binaries.
515 |
516 | See detailed changes in the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md).
517 |
\ | No newline at end of file |