1 | /// <reference types="node" />
2 | /// <reference types="node" />
3 | /**
4 | * The version of the ØMQ library the bindings were built with. Formatted as
5 | * `(major).(minor).(patch)`. For example: `"4.3.2"`.
6 | */
7 | export declare const version: string;
8 | /**
9 | * Exposes some of the optionally available ØMQ capabilities, which may depend
10 | * on the library version and platform.
11 | *
12 | * This is an object with keys corresponding to supported ØMQ features and
13 | * transport protocols. Available capabilities will be set to `true`.
14 | * Unavailable capabilities will be absent or set to `false`.
15 | *
16 | * Possible keys include:
17 | * * `ipc` - Support for the `ipc://` protocol.
18 | * * `pgm` - Support for the `pgm://` protocol.
19 | * * `tipc` - Support for the `tipc://` protocol.
20 | * * `norm` - Support for the `norm://` protocol.
21 | * * `curve` - Support for the CURVE security mechanism.
22 | * * `gssapi` - Support for the GSSAPI security mechanism.
23 | * * `draft` - Wether the library is built with support for DRAFT sockets.
24 | */
25 | export declare const capability: Partial<{
26 | ipc: boolean;
27 | pgm: boolean;
28 | tipc: boolean;
29 | norm: boolean;
30 | curve: boolean;
31 | gssapi: boolean;
32 | draft: boolean;
33 | }>;
34 | /**
35 | * Returns a new random key pair to be used with the CURVE security mechanism.
36 | *
37 | * To correctly connect two sockets with this mechanism:
38 | *
39 | * * Generate a **client** keypair with {@link curveKeyPair}().
40 | * * Assign the private and public key on the client socket with
41 | * {@link Socket.curveSecretKey} and {@link Socket.curvePublicKey}.
42 | * * Generate a **server** keypair with {@link curveKeyPair}().
43 | * * Assign the private key on the server socket with {@link Socket.curveSecretKey}.
44 | * * Assign the public key **on the client socket** with
45 | * {@link Socket.curveServerKey}. The server does *not* need to know its own
46 | * public key. Key distribution is *not* handled by the CURVE security
47 | * mechanism.
48 | *
49 | *
50 | * @returns An object with a `publicKey` and a `secretKey` property, each being
51 | * a 40 character Z85-encoded string.
52 | */
53 | export declare function curveKeyPair(): {
54 | publicKey: string;
55 | secretKey: string;
56 | };
57 | /**
58 | * A ØMQ context. Contexts manage the background I/O to send and receive
59 | * messages of their associated sockets.
60 | *
61 | * It is usually not necessary to instantiate a new context - the global
62 | * {@link context} is used for new sockets by default. The global context is the
63 | * only context that is shared between threads (when using
64 | * [worker_threads](https://nodejs.org/api/worker_threads.html)). Custom
65 | * contexts can only be used in the same thread.
66 | *
67 | * ```typescript
68 | * // Use default context (recommended).
69 | * const socket = new Dealer()
70 | * ```
71 | *
72 | * ```typescript
73 | * // Use custom context.
74 | * const context = new Context()
75 | * const socket = new Dealer({context})
76 | * ```
77 | *
78 | * **Note:** By default all contexts (including the global context) will prevent
79 | * the process from terminating if there are any messages in an outgoing queue,
80 | * even if the associated socket was closed. For some applications this is
81 | * unnecessary or unwanted. Consider setting {@link Context.blocky} to `false`
82 | * or setting {@link Socket.linger} for each new socket.
83 | */
84 | export declare class Context {
85 | /**
86 | * Creates a new ØMQ context and sets any provided context options. Sockets
87 | * need to be explicitly associated with a new context during construction.
88 | *
89 | * @param options An optional object with options that will be set on the
90 | * context during creation.
91 | */
92 | constructor(options?: Options<Context>);
93 | protected getBoolOption(option: number): boolean;
94 | protected setBoolOption(option: number, value: boolean): void;
95 | protected getInt32Option(option: number): number;
96 | protected setInt32Option(option: number, value: number): void;
97 | }
98 | /**
99 | * Any socket that has no explicit context passed in during construction will
100 | * be associated with this context. The default context is exposed in order to
101 | * be able to change its behaviour with { Context} options.
102 | */
103 | export declare const context: Context;
104 | interface ErrnoError extends Error {
105 | code: string;
106 | errno: number;
107 | }
108 | export interface AuthError extends Error {
109 | status: 300 | 400 | 500;
110 | }
111 | export interface ProtoError extends Error {
113 | }
114 | export interface EventAddress {
115 | address: string;
116 | }
117 | export interface EventInterval {
118 | interval: number;
119 | }
120 | export interface EventError<E = ErrnoError> {
121 | error: E;
122 | }
123 | export type EventFor<T extends string, D = {}> = Expand<{
124 | type: T;
125 | } & D>;
126 | /**
127 | * A union type that represents all possible even types and the associated data.
128 | * Events always have a `type` property with an {@link EventType} value.
129 | *
130 | * The following socket events can be generated. This list may be different
131 | * depending on the ZeroMQ version that is used.
132 | *
133 | * Note that the **error** event is avoided by design, since this has a [special
134 | * behaviour](https://nodejs.org/api/events.html#events_error_events) in Node.js
135 | * causing an exception to be thrown if it is unhandled.
136 | *
137 | * Other error names are adjusted to be as close to possible as other
138 | * [networking related](https://nodejs.org/api/net.html) event names in Node.js
139 | * and/or to the corresponding ZeroMQ.js method call. Events (including any
140 | * errors) that correspond to a specific operation are namespaced with a colon
141 | * `:`, e.g. `bind:error` or `connect:retry`.
142 | *
143 | * * **accept** - ZMQ_EVENT_ACCEPTED The socket has accepted a connection from a
144 | * remote peer.
145 | *
146 | * * **accept:error** - ZMQ_EVENT_ACCEPT_FAILED The socket has rejected a
147 | * connection from a remote peer.
148 | *
149 | * The following additional details will be included with this event:
150 | *
151 | * * `error` - An error object that describes the specific error
152 | * that occurred.
153 | *
154 | * * **bind** - ZMQ_EVENT_LISTENING The socket was successfully bound to a
155 | * network interface.
156 | *
157 | * * **bind:error** - ZMQ_EVENT_BIND_FAILED The socket could not bind to a given
158 | * interface.
159 | *
160 | * The following additional details will be included with this event:
161 | *
162 | * * `error` - An error object that describes the specific error
163 | * that occurred.
164 | *
165 | * * **connect** - ZMQ_EVENT_CONNECTED The socket has successfully connected to
166 | * a remote peer.
167 | *
168 | * * **connect:delay** - ZMQ_EVENT_CONNECT_DELAYED A connect request on the
169 | * socket is pending.
170 | *
171 | * * **connect:retry** - ZMQ_EVENT_CONNECT_RETRIED A connection attempt is being
172 | * handled by reconnect timer. Note that the reconnect interval is
173 | * recalculated at each retry.
174 | *
175 | * The following additional details will be included with this event:
176 | *
177 | * * `interval` - The current reconnect interval.
178 | *
179 | * * **close** - ZMQ_EVENT_CLOSED The socket was closed.
180 | *
181 | * * **close:error** - ZMQ_EVENT_CLOSE_FAILED The socket close failed. Note that
182 | * this event occurs **only on IPC** transports..
183 | *
184 | * The following additional details will be included with this event:
185 | *
186 | * * `error` - An error object that describes the specific error
187 | * that occurred.
188 | *
189 | * * **disconnect** - ZMQ_EVENT_DISCONNECTED The socket was disconnected
190 | * unexpectedly.
191 | *
192 | * * **handshake** - ZMQ_EVENT_HANDSHAKE_SUCCEEDED The ZMTP security mechanism
193 | * handshake succeeded. NOTE: This event may still be in DRAFT statea and not
194 | * yet available in stable releases.
195 | *
196 | * * **handshake:error:protocol** - ZMQ_EVENT_HANDSHAKE_FAILED_PROTOCOL The ZMTP
197 | * security mechanism handshake failed due to some mechanism protocol error,
198 | * either between the ZMTP mechanism peers, or between the mechanism server
199 | * and the ZAP handler. This indicates a configuration or implementation error
200 | * in either peer resp. the ZAP handler. NOTE: This event may still be in
201 | * DRAFT state and not yet available in stable releases.
202 | *
203 | * * **handshake:error:auth** - ZMQ_EVENT_HANDSHAKE_FAILED_AUTH The ZMTP
204 | * security mechanism handshake failed due to an authentication failure. NOTE:
205 | * This event may still be in DRAFT state and not yet available in stable
206 | * releases.
207 | *
208 | * * **handshake:error:other** - ZMQ_EVENT_HANDSHAKE_FAILED_NO_DETAIL
209 | * Unspecified error during handshake. NOTE: This event may still be in DRAFT
210 | * state and not yet available in stable releases.
211 | *
212 | * * **end** - ZMQ_EVENT_MONITOR_STOPPED Monitoring on this socket ended.
213 | *
214 | * * **unknown** An event was generated by ZeroMQ that the Node.js library could
215 | * not interpret. Please submit a pull request for new event types if they are
216 | * not yet included.
217 | */
218 | export type Event = EventFor<"accept", EventAddress> | EventFor<"accept:error", EventAddress & EventError> | EventFor<"bind", EventAddress> | EventFor<"bind:error", EventAddress & EventError> | EventFor<"connect", EventAddress> | EventFor<"connect:delay", EventAddress> | EventFor<"connect:retry", EventAddress & EventInterval> | EventFor<"close", EventAddress> | EventFor<"close:error", EventAddress & EventError> | EventFor<"disconnect", EventAddress> | EventFor<"end"> | EventFor<"handshake", EventAddress> | EventFor<"handshake:error:protocol", EventAddress & EventError<ProtoError>> | EventFor<"handshake:error:auth", EventAddress & EventError<AuthError>> | EventFor<"handshake:error:other", EventAddress & EventError> | EventFor<"unknown">;
219 | /**
220 | * A union type of all available event types. See {@link Event} for an overview
221 | * of the events that can be observed.
222 | */
223 | export type EventType = Event["type"];
224 | /**
225 | * Represents the event data object given one particular event type, for example
226 | * `EventOfType<"accept">`.
227 | *
228 | * @typeparam E The specific event type.
229 | */
230 | export type EventOfType<E extends EventType = EventType> = Expand<Extract<Event, Event & EventFor<E>>>;
231 | /**
232 | * An event observer for ØMQ sockets. This starts up a ZMQ monitoring socket
233 | * internally that receives all socket events. The event observer can be used in
234 | * one of two ways, which are **mutually exclusive**: with {@link receive}() or
235 | * with event listeners attached with {@link on}().
236 | */
237 | export declare class Observer {
238 | /**
239 | * Whether the observer was closed, either manually or because the associated
240 | * socket was closed.
241 | *
242 | * @readonly
243 | */
244 | readonly closed: boolean;
245 | /**
246 | * Creates a new ØMQ observer. It should not be necessary to instantiate a new
247 | * observer. Access an existing observer for a socket with
248 | * {@link Socket.events}.
249 | *
250 | * ```typescript
251 | * const socket = new Publisher()
252 | * const events = socket.events
253 | * ```
254 | *
255 | * @param socket The socket to observe.
256 | */
257 | constructor(socket: Socket);
258 | /**
259 | * Closes the observer. Afterwards no new events will be received or emitted.
260 | * Calling this method is optional.
261 | */
262 | close(): void;
263 | /**
264 | * Waits for the next event to become availeble on the observer. Reads an
265 | * event immediately if possible. If no events are queued, it will wait
266 | * asynchonously. The promise will be resolved with the next event when
267 | * available.
268 | *
269 | * When reading events with {in
receive}() the observer may **not** be |
270 | * event emitter mode. Avoid mixing calls to {with event
receive}() |
271 | * handlers via attached with { on}().
272 | *
273 | * ```typescript
274 | * for await (event of socket.events) {
275 | * switch (event.type) {
276 | * case "bind":
277 | * console.log(`Socket bound to ${event.address}`)
278 | * break
279 | * // ...
280 | * }
281 | * }
282 | * ```
283 | *
284 | * with the next event and its details. See { Event}.
Resolved |
285 | */
286 | receive(): Promise<Event>;
287 | }
288 | /**
289 | * Proxy messages between two ØMQ sockets. The proxy connects a front-end socket
290 | * to a back-end socket. Conceptually, data flows from front-end to back-end.
291 | * Depending on the socket types, replies may flow in the opposite direction.
292 | * The direction is conceptual only; the proxy is fully symmetric and there is
293 | * no technical difference between front-end and back-end.
294 | *
295 | * ```typescript
296 | * // Proxy between a router/dealer socket for 5 seconds.
297 | * const proxy = new Proxy(new Router, new Dealer)
298 | * await proxy.frontEnd.bind("tcp://*:3001")
299 | * await proxy.backEnd.bind("tcp://*:3002")
300 | * setTimeout(() => proxy.terminate(), 5000)
301 | * await proxy.run()
302 | * ```
303 | *
304 | * [Review the ØMQ documentation](http://api.zeromq.org/4-3:zmq-proxy#toc3) for
305 | * an overview of some example applications of a proxy.
306 | *
307 | * @typeparam F The front-end socket type.
308 | * @typeparam B The back-end socket type.
309 | */
310 | export declare class Proxy<F extends Socket = Socket, B extends Socket = Socket> {
311 | /**
312 | * Returns the original front-end socket.
313 | *
314 | * @readonly
315 | */
316 | readonly frontEnd: F;
317 | /**
318 | * Returns the original back-end socket.
319 | *
320 | * @readonly
321 | */
322 | readonly backEnd: B;
323 | /**
324 | * Creates a new ØMQ proxy. Proxying will start between the front-end and
325 | * back-end sockets when {@link run}() is called after both sockets have been
326 | * bound or connected.
327 | *
328 | * @param frontEnd The front-end socket.
329 | * @param backEnd The back-end socket.
330 | */
331 | constructor(frontEnd: F, backEnd: B);
332 | /**
333 | * Starts the proxy loop in a worker thread and waits for its termination.
334 | * Before starting, you must set any socket options, and connect or bind both
335 | * front-end and back-end sockets.
336 | *
337 | * On termination the front-end and back-end sockets will be closed
338 | * automatically.
339 | *
340 | * @returns Resolved when the proxy has terminated.
341 | */
342 | run(): Promise<void>;
343 | /**
344 | * Temporarily suspends any proxy activity. Resume activity with
345 | * { resume}().
346 | */
347 | pause(): void;
348 | /**
349 | * Resumes proxy activity after suspending it with {@link pause}().
350 | */
351 | resume(): void;
352 | /**
353 | * Gracefully shuts down the proxy. The front-end and back-end sockets will be
354 | * closed automatically. There might be a slight delay between terminating and
355 | * the {@link run}() method resolving.
356 | */
357 | terminate(): void;
358 | }
359 | /**
360 | * A ØMQ socket. This class should generally not be used directly. Instead,
361 | * create one of its subclasses that corresponds to the socket type you want to
362 | * use.
363 | *
364 | * ```typescript
365 | * new zmq.Pair(...)
366 | * new zmq.Publisher(...)
367 | * new zmq.Subscriber(...)
368 | * new zmq.Request(...)
369 | * new zmq.Reply(...)
370 | * new zmq.Dealer(...)
371 | * new zmq.Router(...)
372 | * new zmq.Pull(...)
373 | * new zmq.Push(...)
374 | * new zmq.XPublisher(...)
375 | * new zmq.XSubscriber(...)
376 | * new zmq.Stream(...)
377 | * ```
378 | *
379 | * Socket options can be set during construction or via a property after the
380 | * socket was created. Most socket options do not take effect until the next
381 | * {@link bind}() or {@link connect}() call. Setting such an option after the
382 | * socket is already connected or bound will display a warning.
383 | */
384 | export declare abstract class Socket {
385 | /**
386 | * Event {@link Observer} for this socket. This starts up a ØMQ monitoring
387 | * socket internally that receives all socket events.
388 | *
389 | * @readonly
390 | */
391 | readonly events: Observer;
392 | /**
393 | * {@link Context} that this socket belongs to.
394 | *
395 | * @readonly
396 | */
397 | readonly context: Context;
398 | /**
399 | * Whether this socket was previously closed with {@link close}().
400 | *
401 | * @readonly
402 | */
403 | readonly closed: boolean;
404 | /**
405 | * Whether any messages are currently available. If `true`, the next call to
406 | * {@link Readable.receive}() will immediately read a message from the socket.
407 | * For sockets that cannot receive messsages this is always `false`.
408 | *
409 | * @readonly
410 | */
411 | readonly readable: boolean;
412 | /**
413 | * Whether any messages can be queued for sending. If `true`, the next call to
414 | * {@link Writable.send}() will immediately queue a message on the socket.
415 | * For sockets that cannot send messsages this is always `false`.
416 | *
417 | * @readonly
418 | */
419 | readonly writable: boolean;
420 | /**
421 | * Creates a new socket of the specified type. Subclasses are expected to
422 | * provide the correct socket type.
423 | *
424 | * @param type The socket type.
425 | * @param options Any options to set during construction.
426 | */
427 | protected constructor(type: SocketType, options?: {});
428 | /**
429 | * Closes the socket and disposes of all resources. Any messages that are
430 | * queued may be discarded or sent in the background depending on the
431 | * { linger} setting.
432 | *
433 | * After this method is called, it is no longer possible to call any other
434 | * methods on this socket.
435 | *
436 | * Sockets that go out of scope and have no { Readable.receive}() or
437 | * {in progress will automatically be
Writable.send}() operations |
438 | * closed. Therefore it is not necessary in most applications to call
439 | * { close}() manually.
440 | *
441 | * Calling this method on a socket that is already closed is a no-op.
442 | */
443 | close(): void;
444 | /**
445 | * Binds the socket to the given address. During {@link bind}() the socket
446 | * cannot be used. Do not call any other methods until the returned promise
447 | * resolves. Make sure to use `await`.
448 | *
449 | * You can use `*` in place of a hostname to bind on all interfaces/addresses,
450 | * and you can use `*` in place of a port to bind to a random port (which can
451 | * be retrieved with {@link lastEndpoint} later).
452 | *
453 | * ```typescript
454 | * await socket.bind("tcp://")
455 | * await socket.bind("tcp://*:3456") // binds on all interfaces
456 | * await socket.bind("tcp://*") // binds on random port
457 | * ```
458 | *
459 | * @param address Address to bind this socket to.
460 | * @returns Resolved when the socket was successfully bound.
461 | */
462 | bind(address: string): Promise<void>;
463 | /**
464 | * Unbinds the socket to the given address. During {@link unbind}() the socket
465 | * cannot be used. Do not call any other methods until the returned promise
466 | * resolves. Make sure to use `await`.
467 | *
468 | * @param address Address to unbind this socket from.
469 | * @returns Resolved when the socket was successfully unbound.
470 | */
471 | unbind(address: string): Promise<void>;
472 | /**
473 | * Connects to the socket at the given remote address and returns immediately.
474 | * The connection will be made asynchronously in the background.
475 | *
476 | * ```typescript
477 | * socket.connect("tcp://")
478 | * ```
479 | *
480 | * @param address The address to connect to.
481 | */
482 | connect(address: string): void;
483 | /**
484 | * Disconnects a previously connected socket from the given address and
485 | * returns immediately. Disonnection will happen asynchronously in the
486 | * background.
487 | *
488 | * ```typescript
489 | * socket.disconnect("tcp://")
490 | * ```
491 | *
492 | * @param address The previously connected address to disconnect from.
493 | */
494 | disconnect(address: string): void;
495 | protected getBoolOption(option: number): boolean;
496 | protected setBoolOption(option: number, value: boolean): void;
497 | protected getInt32Option(option: number): number;
498 | protected setInt32Option(option: number, value: number): void;
499 | protected getUint32Option(option: number): number;
500 | protected setUint32Option(option: number, value: number): void;
501 | protected getInt64Option(option: number): number;
502 | protected setInt64Option(option: number, value: number): void;
503 | protected getUint64Option(option: number): number;
504 | protected setUint64Option(option: number, value: number): void;
505 | protected getStringOption(option: number): string | null;
506 | protected setStringOption(option: number, value: string | Buffer | null): void;
507 | }
508 | export declare const enum SocketType {
509 | Pair = 0,
510 | Publisher = 1,
511 | Subscriber = 2,
512 | Request = 3,
513 | Reply = 4,
514 | Dealer = 5,
515 | Router = 6,
516 | Pull = 7,
517 | Push = 8,
518 | XPublisher = 9,
519 | XSubscriber = 10,
520 | Stream = 11,
521 | Server = 12,
522 | Client = 13,
523 | Radio = 14,
524 | Dish = 15,
525 | Gather = 16,
526 | Scatter = 17,
527 | Datagram = 18
528 | }
529 | type IfEquals<X, Y, A, B = never> = (<T>() => T extends X ? 1 : 2) extends <T>() => T extends Y ? 1 : 2 ? A : B;
530 | export type Expand<T> = T extends infer O ? {
531 | [K in keyof O]: O[K];
532 | } : never;
533 | /** @internal */
534 | export type ReadableKeys<T> = {
535 | [P in keyof T]-?: T[P] extends Function ? never : P;
536 | }[keyof T];
537 | /** @internal */
538 | export type WritableKeys<T> = {
539 | [P in keyof T]-?: T[P] extends Function ? never : IfEquals<{
540 | [Q in P]: T[P];
541 | }, {
542 | -readonly [Q in P]: T[P];
543 | }, P>;
544 | }[keyof T];
545 | export type Options<T, E = {}> = Expand<Partial<E & Pick<T, WritableKeys<T>>>>;
546 | export {};