1 | <p align="center"><img width="45%" src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/krakenjs/zoid/master/zoid.png"></p>
2 |
3 | ----
4 |
5 | A cross-domain component toolkit, supporting:
6 |
7 | - Render an iframe or popup on a different domain, and pass down props, including objects and functions
8 | - Call callbacks natively from the child window without worrying about post-messaging or cross-domain restrictions
9 | - Create and expose components to share functionality from your site to others!
10 | - Render your component directly as a React, Vue or Angular component!
11 |
12 | It's 'data-down, actions up' style components, but 100% cross-domain using iframes and popups!
13 |
14 | -----
15 |
16 | ### [API Docs](./docs/api.md)
17 |
18 | Public options and methods supported by zoid
19 |
20 | ### [Demos](http://krakenjs.com/zoid/demo/index.htm)
21 |
22 | Working demos of different zoid patterns
23 |
24 | ### [Demo App](https://github.com/krakenjs/zoid-demo)
25 |
26 | Forkable demo app with build, test, publishing and demos pre-configured.
27 |
28 | ### [Example](./docs/example.md)
29 |
30 | A full example of a cross-domain component using zoid
31 |
32 | -----
33 |
34 | ### Quick example
35 |
36 | Define a component to be put on both the parent and child pages:
37 |
38 | ```javascript
39 | var MyLoginComponent = zoid.create({
40 |
41 | tag: 'my-login-component',
42 | url: 'http://www.my-site.com/my-login-component'
43 | });
44 | ```
45 |
46 | Render the component on the parent page:
47 |
48 | ```javascript
49 | <div id="container"></div>
50 |
51 | <script src="script-where-my-login-component-is-defined.js"></script>
52 | <script>
53 | MyLoginComponent.render({
54 |
55 | prefilledEmail: 'foo@bar.com',
56 |
57 | onLogin: function(email) {
58 | console.log('User logged in with email:', email);
59 | }
60 |
61 | }, '#container');
62 | </script>
63 | ```
64 |
65 | Implement the component in the iframe:
66 |
67 | ```javascript
68 | <input type="text" id="email" />
69 | <input type="password" id="password" />
70 | <button id="login">Log In</button>
71 |
72 | <script src="script-where-my-login-component-is-defined.js"></script>
73 | <script>
74 | var email = document.querySelector('#email');
75 | var password = document.querySelector('#password');
76 | var button = document.querySelector('#login');
77 |
78 | email.value = window.xprops.prefilledEmail;
79 |
80 | function validUser (email, password) {
81 | return email && password;
82 | }
83 |
84 | button.addEventListener('click', function() {
85 | if (validUser(email.value, password.value)) {
86 | window.xprops.onLogin(email.value);
87 | }
88 | });
89 | </script>
90 | ```
91 |
92 | ### Useful Links
93 |
94 | - [Introducing zoid](https://medium.com/@bluepnume/introducing-zoid-seamless-cross-domain-web-components-from-paypal-c0144f3e82bf#.ikbg9r1ml)
95 | - [Turn your web-app into a cross-domain component with five lines of code](https://medium.com/@bluepnume/turn-your-web-app-into-a-cross-domain-component-with-5-lines-of-code-ced01e6795f9#.w8ea7h6ky)
96 | - [A full example of how to implement and use a zoid](./docs/example.md)
97 | - [Building PayPal's Button with zoid](https://medium.com/@bluepnume/less-is-more-reducing-thousands-of-paypal-buttons-into-a-single-iframe-using-zoid-d902d71d8875#.o3ib7y58n)
98 | - [PayPal Checkout - zoid powered Button and Checkout components](https://github.com/paypal/paypal-checkout)
99 | - [Post-Robot - the cross-domain messaging library which powers zoid](https://github.com/krakenjs/post-robot)
100 |
101 | #### Framework Specific
102 |
103 | - [Build a cross-domain React component](https://medium.com/@bluepnume/creating-a-cross-domain-react-component-with-zoid-fbcccc4778fd#.73jnwv44c)
104 | - [Introducing support for cross-domain Glimmer components, with zoid](https://medium.com/@bluepnume/introducing-support-for-cross-domain-glimmer-components-with-zoid-21287c9f91f1)
105 |
106 | ## Rationale
107 |
108 |
109 | **Writing cross domain components is tricky.**
110 |
111 | Consider this: I own `foo.com`, you own `bar.com`, and I have some functionality I want to share on your page.
112 | I could just give you some javascript to load in your page. But then:
113 |
114 | - What if I've written a component in React, but you're using some other framework?
115 | - What if I have secure form fields, or secure data I don't want your site to spy on?
116 | - What if I need to make secure calls to my back-end, without resorting to CORS?
117 |
118 |
119 | **What about an iframe?**
120 |
121 | You could just use a vanilla iframe for all of this. But:
122 |
123 | - You have to pass data down in the url, or with a post-message.
124 | - You need to set up post-message listeners to get events back up from the child.
125 | - You need to deal with error cases, like if your iframe fails to load or doesn't respond to a post-message.
126 | - You need to think carefully about how to expose all this functionality behind a simple, clear interface.
127 |
128 |
129 | **zoid solves all of these problems.**
130 |
131 | - You pass data and callbacks down as a javascript object
132 | - zoid renders the component and passes down the data
133 | - The child calls your callbacks when it's ready
134 |
135 | It will even automatically generate React and Angular bindings, so people can drop-in your component anywhere and not
136 | worry about iframes or post-messages.
137 |
138 |
139 | ## FAQ
140 |
141 | - **Do I need to use a particular framework like React to use zoid?**
142 |
143 | No, zoid is framework agnostic. You can:
144 |
145 | - Use it with vanilla javascript.
146 | - Use it with any framework of your choice.
147 | - Use it with React or Angular and take advantage of the automatic bindings on the parent page
148 |
149 | - **Why write another ui / component library?**
150 |
151 | This isn't designed to replace libraries like React, which are responsible for rendering same-domain components. In fact, the only
152 | real rendering zoid does is iframes and popups; the rest is up to you! You can build your components using any framework,
153 | library or pattern you want, then use zoid to expose your components cross-domain. It should play nicely with any other framework!
154 |
155 | - **Aren't iframes really slow?**
156 |
157 | Yes, but there are a few things to bear in mind here:
158 |
159 | - zoid isn't designed for building components for your own site. For that you should use native component libraries
160 | like React, which render quickly onto your page. Use zoid to share functionality with other sites, that you can't
161 | share native-javascript components with
162 |
163 | - zoid also provides mechanisms for pre-rendering html and css into iframes and popups, so you can at least render a
164 | loading spinner, or maybe something more advanced, while the new window loads its content.
165 |
166 | - **I don't want to bother with popups, can I get zoid with just the iframe support?**
167 |
168 | You can indeed. There's an `zoid.frame.js` and `zoid.frame.min.js` in the `dist/` folder. There's a lot of
169 | magic that's needed to make popups work with IE, and that's all trimmed out.
170 |
171 | - **Can I contribute?**
172 |
173 | By all means! But please raise an issue first if it's more than a small change, to discuss the feasibility.
174 |
175 | - **Is this different to [react-frame-component](https://github.com/ryanseddon/react-frame-component)?**
176 |
177 | Yes. `react-frame-component` allows you to render html into a sandboxed iframe on the same domain. `zoid` is geared
178 | around sharing functionality from one domain to another, in a cross-domain iframe.
179 |
180 | ## Browser Support
181 |
182 | - Internet Explorer 9+
183 | - Chrome 27+
184 | - Firefox 30+
185 | - Safari 5.1+
186 | - Opera 23+