/// import {Buffer} from 'buffer'; import {createHmac} from 'crypto'; import * as request from 'request'; import * as cheerio from 'cheerio'; import * as VError from 'verror'; export default class BTCMarkets { // used to convert decimal numbers to BTC Market integers. eg 0.001 BTC is 100000 when used in the BTC Markets API static numberConverter = 100000000; // one hundred million constructor(public key: string, public secret: string, public server: string = 'https://api.btcmarkets.net', public timeout: number = 20000) {} protected privateRequest( path: string, params?: object): Promise { if(!this.key || !this.secret) { throw new VError('must provide key and secret to make this API request.'); } // milliseconds elapsed between 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC and the given date const timestamp = (new Date()).getTime(); let message; if (params) { message = path + "\n" + timestamp + "\n" + JSON.stringify(params); } else { // used for /account/balance message = path + "\n" + timestamp + "\n"; } const signer = createHmac('sha512', new Buffer(this.secret, 'base64')); const signature = signer.update(message).digest('base64'); const headers = { "User-Agent": "BTC Markets Javascript API Client", "apikey": this.key, "timestamp": timestamp, "signature": signature}; let method = 'POST'; // most API's use HTTP POST so setting as default // The exception is endpoints under /account/ which do a HTTP GET. eg /account/balance or /account/{instrument}/{currency}/tradingfee if (path.split('/')[1] === 'account') { method = 'GET'; params = {}; } const options = { url: this.server + path, method: method, headers: headers, timeout: this.timeout, json: params }; const requestDesc = `${options.method} request to url ${options.url} with message ${message}`; return this.executeRequest(options, requestDesc); } protected publicRequest( instrument: BTCMarkets.instruments, currency: BTCMarkets.currencies, action: string, params?: object): Promise { const headers = {"User-Agent": "BTC Markets Javascript API Client"}; const path = '/market/' + instrument + '/' + currency + '/' + action; const options = { url: this.server + path, method: 'GET', headers: headers, timeout: this.timeout, json: {}, qs: params }; const requestDesc = `${options.method} request to url ${options.url} with parameters ${JSON.stringify(params)}`; return this.executeRequest(options, requestDesc); }; protected executeRequest( options: request.OptionsWithUrl, requestDesc: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { request(options, function(err: any, response: request.RequestResponse, data: BTCMarkets.BaseResponse) { let error = null; // default to no errors if(err) { error = new VError(err, `failed ${requestDesc} with error message ${err.message}`); error.name = err.code; } else if (response.statusCode < 200 || response.statusCode >= 300) { error = new VError(`HTTP status code ${response.statusCode} returned from ${requestDesc}. Status message: ${response.statusMessage}`); error.name = response.statusCode.toString(); } else if (!data) { error = new VError(`failed ${requestDesc}. No data returned.`); } // if request was not able to parse json response into an object else if (data !== Object(data)) { // try and parse HTML body form response const $ = cheerio.load(data); const responseBody = $('body').text(); if (responseBody) { error = new VError(err, `Could not parse response body from ${requestDesc}\nResponse body: ${responseBody}`); error.name = responseBody; } else { error = new VError(err, `Could not parse json or HTML response from ${requestDesc}`); } } else if (data.hasOwnProperty('success') && !data.success) { error = new VError(`failed ${requestDesc}. Success: ${data.success}. Error message: ${data.errorMessage}`); error.name = data.errorMessage; } if (error) reject(error); resolve(data); }); }); } // // Public API functions // getTick(instrument: BTCMarkets.instruments, currency: BTCMarkets.currencies): Promise { // @ts-ignore return this.publicRequest(instrument, currency, 'tick'); }; getOrderBook(instrument: BTCMarkets.instruments, currency: BTCMarkets.currencies): Promise { // @ts-ignore return this.publicRequest(instrument, currency, 'orderbook'); }; getTrades(instrument: BTCMarkets.instruments, currency: BTCMarkets.currencies, since?: number): Promise { // @ts-ignore return this.publicRequest(instrument, currency, 'trades', { since: since} ); }; // // Private API functions // createOrder(instrument: BTCMarkets.instruments, currency: BTCMarkets.currencies, price: number | void = 0, // price is not needed if a market order volume: number, orderSide: BTCMarkets.OrderSide, ordertype: BTCMarkets.OrderType, clientRequestId: string | void = "" // if no client id then set to an empty string ): Promise { const params = { currency: currency, instrument: instrument, price: ordertype == 'Market'? 0 : price, // market orders don't have a price but a value must be passed volume: volume, orderSide: orderSide, ordertype: ordertype, clientRequestId: clientRequestId }; // @ts-ignore return this.privateRequest('/order/create', params); }; cancelOrders(orderIds: number[]): Promise { // @ts-ignore return this.privateRequest('/order/cancel', { orderIds: orderIds} ); }; getOrderDetail(orderIds: number[]): Promise { // @ts-ignore return this.privateRequest('/order/detail', { orderIds: orderIds} ); }; getOpenOrders(instrument: BTCMarkets.instruments, currency: BTCMarkets.currencies, limit: number | void = 10, since: number | null = null): Promise { // @ts-ignore return this.privateRequest('/order/open', { currency: currency, instrument: instrument, limit: limit, since: since} ); }; getOrderHistory(instrument: BTCMarkets.instruments, currency: BTCMarkets.currencies, limit: number | void = 100, since: number | null = null): Promise { // @ts-ignore return this.privateRequest('/order/history', { currency: currency, instrument: instrument, limit: limit, since: since} ); }; getTradeHistory(instrument: BTCMarkets.instruments, currency: BTCMarkets.currencies, limit: number | void = 100, since: number | null = null): Promise { // @ts-ignore return this.privateRequest('/order/trade/history', { currency: currency, instrument: instrument, limit: limit, since: since} ); }; getAccountBalances(): Promise { // @ts-ignore return this.privateRequest('/account/balance'); }; getTradingFee(instrument: BTCMarkets.instruments, currency: BTCMarkets.currencies): Promise { // @ts-ignore return this.privateRequest('/account/' + instrument + "/" + currency + "/" + 'tradingfee'); }; withdrawCrypto(amount: number, address: string, crypto: string): Promise { // @ts-ignore return this.privateRequest('/fundtransfer/withdrawCrypto', { amount: amount, address: address, currency: crypto }); }; withdrawEFT(accountName: string, accountNumber: string, bankName: string, bsbNumber: string, amount: number): Promise { // @ts-ignore return this.privateRequest('/fundtransfer/withdrawEFT', { accountName: accountName, accountNumber: accountNumber, bankName: bankName, bsbNumber: bsbNumber, amount: amount, currency: "AUD" }); }; withdrawHistory(limit: number | void, since: number | void, indexForward: boolean | void): Promise { // @ts-ignore return this.privateRequest('/fundtransfer/history', { limit: limit, since: since, indexForward: indexForward }); }; }