Usage $ bumped Commands init Initializes a new `.bumpedrc` file in the current directory. Bumped detects configuration files such as `package.json` by default, but you can add files with `add` as well. add Add a new file in your current configuration. When you add a file, the shared version between the configuration files is recalculated to get the more high version possible. version Prints the current synchronized version. release Bumped a new version of your software, updating the version in your configuration files. bumped supports different release keywords styles, namely: semver: $ bumped release nature: $ bumped release numeric: $ bumped release <[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]> remove Removes a file declared in the configuration file. The synchronized version is recalculated. set Set or update a determinate property across the files declared in your configuration files. You can set Strings, Arrays or Objects: $ bumped set name newName $ bumped set keywords [ semver, management, cli ] $ bumped set newAuthor Example $ bumped init $ bumped release 1.0.0 $ bumped release breaking $ bumped release premajor beta