"use strict"; var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __reExport = (target, mod, secondTarget) => (__copyProps(target, mod, "default"), secondTarget && __copyProps(secondTarget, mod, "default")); var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod )); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // src/index.ts var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { URLPattern: () => me, assert: () => import_node_assert.default, async_hooks: () => async_hooks_exports, buffer: () => buffer_exports, child_process: () => child_process_exports, console: () => import_node_console.default, crypto: () => crypto_exports, dgram: () => dgram_exports, diagnostics_channel: () => diagnostics_channel_exports, dns: () => dns_exports, events: () => import_node_events.default, fs: () => fs_exports, http: () => http_exports, http2: () => http2_exports, https: () => https_exports, module: () => import_node_module.default, net: () => net_exports, os: () => os_exports, path: () => import_node_path.default, perf_hooks: () => perf_hooks_exports, process: () => import_node_process.default, punycode: () => punycode_exports, querystring: () => querystring_exports, readline: () => readline_exports, stream: () => import_node_stream.default, string_decoder: () => string_decoder_exports, timers: () => timers_exports, tls: () => tls_exports, tty: () => tty_exports, url: () => url_exports, util: () => util_exports, vm: () => vm_exports, worker_threads: () => worker_threads_exports, zlib: () => zlib_exports }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports); // src/assert.ts var import_node_assert = __toESM(require("node:assert"), 1); // src/async_hooks.ts var async_hooks_exports = {}; __reExport(async_hooks_exports, require("node:async_hooks")); // src/buffer.ts var buffer_exports = {}; __reExport(buffer_exports, require("node:buffer")); // src/child_process.ts var child_process_exports = {}; __reExport(child_process_exports, require("node:child_process")); // src/console.ts var import_node_console = __toESM(require("node:console"), 1); // src/crypto.ts var crypto_exports = {}; __reExport(crypto_exports, require("node:crypto")); // src/dgram.ts var dgram_exports = {}; __reExport(dgram_exports, require("node:dgram")); // src/diagnostics_channel.ts var diagnostics_channel_exports = {}; __reExport(diagnostics_channel_exports, require("node:diagnostics_channel")); // src/dns.ts var dns_exports = {}; __reExport(dns_exports, require("node:dns")); // src/events.ts var import_node_events = __toESM(require("node:events"), 1); // src/fs.ts var fs_exports = {}; __reExport(fs_exports, require("node:fs")); // src/http.ts var http_exports = {}; __reExport(http_exports, require("node:http")); // src/http2.ts var http2_exports = {}; __reExport(http2_exports, require("node:http2")); // src/https.ts var https_exports = {}; __reExport(https_exports, require("node:https")); // src/module.ts var import_node_module = __toESM(require("node:module"), 1); // src/net.ts var net_exports = {}; __reExport(net_exports, require("node:net")); // src/os.ts var os_exports = {}; __reExport(os_exports, require("node:os")); // src/path.ts var import_node_path = __toESM(require("node:path"), 1); // src/perf_hooks.ts var perf_hooks_exports = {}; __reExport(perf_hooks_exports, require("node:perf_hooks")); // src/process.ts var import_node_process = __toESM(require("node:process"), 1); // src/punycode.ts var punycode_exports = {}; __reExport(punycode_exports, require("node:punycode")); // src/querystring.ts var querystring_exports = {}; __reExport(querystring_exports, require("node:querystring")); // src/readline.ts var readline_exports = {}; __reExport(readline_exports, require("node:readline")); // src/stream.ts var import_node_stream = __toESM(require("node:stream"), 1); // src/string_decoder.ts var string_decoder_exports = {}; __reExport(string_decoder_exports, require("node:string_decoder")); // src/timers.ts var timers_exports = {}; __reExport(timers_exports, require("node:timers")); // src/tls.ts var tls_exports = {}; __reExport(tls_exports, require("node:tls")); // src/tty.ts var tty_exports = {}; __reExport(tty_exports, require("node:tty")); // src/url.ts var url_exports = {}; __reExport(url_exports, require("node:url")); // src/util.ts var util_exports = {}; __reExport(util_exports, require("node:util")); // src/vm.ts var vm_exports = {}; __reExport(vm_exports, require("node:vm")); // src/worker_threads.ts var worker_threads_exports = {}; __reExport(worker_threads_exports, require("node:worker_threads")); // src/zlib.ts var zlib_exports = {}; __reExport(zlib_exports, require("node:zlib")); // node_modules/urlpattern-polyfill/dist/urlpattern.js var R = class { type = 3; name = ""; prefix = ""; value = ""; suffix = ""; modifier = 3; constructor(t, r, n, o, c, l) { this.type = t, this.name = r, this.prefix = n, this.value = o, this.suffix = c, this.modifier = l; } hasCustomName() { return this.name !== "" && typeof this.name != "number"; } }; var be = /[$_\p{ID_Start}]/u; var Pe = /[$_\u200C\u200D\p{ID_Continue}]/u; var M = ".*"; function Re(e, t) { return (t ? /^[\x00-\xFF]*$/ : /^[\x00-\x7F]*$/).test(e); } function v(e, t = false) { let r = [], n = 0; for (; n < e.length; ) { let o = e[n], c = function(l) { if (!t) throw new TypeError(l); r.push({ type: "INVALID_CHAR", index: n, value: e[n++] }); }; if (o === "*") { r.push({ type: "ASTERISK", index: n, value: e[n++] }); continue; } if (o === "+" || o === "?") { r.push({ type: "OTHER_MODIFIER", index: n, value: e[n++] }); continue; } if (o === "\\") { r.push({ type: "ESCAPED_CHAR", index: n++, value: e[n++] }); continue; } if (o === "{") { r.push({ type: "OPEN", index: n, value: e[n++] }); continue; } if (o === "}") { r.push({ type: "CLOSE", index: n, value: e[n++] }); continue; } if (o === ":") { let l = "", s = n + 1; for (; s < e.length; ) { let i = e.substr(s, 1); if (s === n + 1 && be.test(i) || s !== n + 1 && Pe.test(i)) { l += e[s++]; continue; } break; } if (!l) { c(`Missing parameter name at ${n}`); continue; } r.push({ type: "NAME", index: n, value: l }), n = s; continue; } if (o === "(") { let l = 1, s = "", i = n + 1, a = false; if (e[i] === "?") { c(`Pattern cannot start with "?" at ${i}`); continue; } for (; i < e.length; ) { if (!Re(e[i], false)) { c(`Invalid character '${e[i]}' at ${i}.`), a = true; break; } if (e[i] === "\\") { s += e[i++] + e[i++]; continue; } if (e[i] === ")") { if (l--, l === 0) { i++; break; } } else if (e[i] === "(" && (l++, e[i + 1] !== "?")) { c(`Capturing groups are not allowed at ${i}`), a = true; break; } s += e[i++]; } if (a) continue; if (l) { c(`Unbalanced pattern at ${n}`); continue; } if (!s) { c(`Missing pattern at ${n}`); continue; } r.push({ type: "REGEX", index: n, value: s }), n = i; continue; } r.push({ type: "CHAR", index: n, value: e[n++] }); } return r.push({ type: "END", index: n, value: "" }), r; } function D(e, t = {}) { let r = v(e); t.delimiter ??= "/#?", t.prefixes ??= "./"; let n = `[^${S(t.delimiter)}]+?`, o = [], c = 0, l = 0, s = "", i = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), a = (h) => { if (l < r.length && r[l].type === h) return r[l++].value; }, f = () => a("OTHER_MODIFIER") ?? a("ASTERISK"), d = (h) => { let u = a(h); if (u !== void 0) return u; let { type: p, index: A } = r[l]; throw new TypeError(`Unexpected ${p} at ${A}, expected ${h}`); }, T = () => { let h = "", u; for (; u = a("CHAR") ?? a("ESCAPED_CHAR"); ) h += u; return h; }, Se = (h) => h, L = t.encodePart || Se, I = "", U = (h) => { I += h; }, $ = () => { I.length && (o.push(new R(3, "", "", L(I), "", 3)), I = ""); }, V = (h, u, p, A, Y) => { let g = 3; switch (Y) { case "?": g = 1; break; case "*": g = 0; break; case "+": g = 2; break; } if (!u && !p && g === 3) { U(h); return; } if ($(), !u && !p) { if (!h) return; o.push(new R(3, "", "", L(h), "", g)); return; } let m; p ? p === "*" ? m = M : m = p : m = n; let O = 2; m === n ? (O = 1, m = "") : m === M && (O = 0, m = ""); let P; if (u ? P = u : p && (P = c++), i.has(P)) throw new TypeError(`Duplicate name '${P}'.`); i.add(P), o.push(new R(O, P, L(h), m, L(A), g)); }; for (; l < r.length; ) { let h = a("CHAR"), u = a("NAME"), p = a("REGEX"); if (!u && !p && (p = a("ASTERISK")), u || p) { let g = h ?? ""; t.prefixes.indexOf(g) === -1 && (U(g), g = ""), $(); let m = f(); V(g, u, p, "", m); continue; } let A = h ?? a("ESCAPED_CHAR"); if (A) { U(A); continue; } if (a("OPEN")) { let g = T(), m = a("NAME"), O = a("REGEX"); !m && !O && (O = a("ASTERISK")); let P = T(); d("CLOSE"); let xe = f(); V(g, m, O, P, xe); continue; } $(), d("END"); } return o; } function S(e) { return e.replace(/([.+*?^${}()[\]|/\\])/g, "\\$1"); } function X(e) { return e && e.ignoreCase ? "ui" : "u"; } function Z(e, t, r) { return F(D(e, r), t, r); } function k(e) { switch (e) { case 0: return "*"; case 1: return "?"; case 2: return "+"; case 3: return ""; } } function F(e, t, r = {}) { r.delimiter ??= "/#?", r.prefixes ??= "./", r.sensitive ??= false, r.strict ??= false, r.end ??= true, r.start ??= true, r.endsWith = ""; let n = r.start ? "^" : ""; for (let s of e) { if (s.type === 3) { s.modifier === 3 ? n += S(s.value) : n += `(?:${S(s.value)})${k(s.modifier)}`; continue; } t && t.push(s.name); let i = `[^${S(r.delimiter)}]+?`, a = s.value; if (s.type === 1 ? a = i : s.type === 0 && (a = M), !s.prefix.length && !s.suffix.length) { s.modifier === 3 || s.modifier === 1 ? n += `(${a})${k(s.modifier)}` : n += `((?:${a})${k(s.modifier)})`; continue; } if (s.modifier === 3 || s.modifier === 1) { n += `(?:${S(s.prefix)}(${a})${S(s.suffix)})`, n += k(s.modifier); continue; } n += `(?:${S(s.prefix)}`, n += `((?:${a})(?:`, n += S(s.suffix), n += S(s.prefix), n += `(?:${a}))*)${S(s.suffix)})`, s.modifier === 0 && (n += "?"); } let o = `[${S(r.endsWith)}]|$`, c = `[${S(r.delimiter)}]`; if (r.end) return r.strict || (n += `${c}?`), r.endsWith.length ? n += `(?=${o})` : n += "$", new RegExp(n, X(r)); r.strict || (n += `(?:${c}(?=${o}))?`); let l = false; if (e.length) { let s = e[e.length - 1]; s.type === 3 && s.modifier === 3 && (l = r.delimiter.indexOf(s) > -1); } return l || (n += `(?=${c}|${o})`), new RegExp(n, X(r)); } var x = { delimiter: "", prefixes: "", sensitive: true, strict: true }; var B = { delimiter: ".", prefixes: "", sensitive: true, strict: true }; var q = { delimiter: "/", prefixes: "/", sensitive: true, strict: true }; function J(e, t) { return e.length ? e[0] === "/" ? true : !t || e.length < 2 ? false : (e[0] == "\\" || e[0] == "{") && e[1] == "/" : false; } function Q(e, t) { return e.startsWith(t) ? e.substring(t.length, e.length) : e; } function Ee(e, t) { return e.endsWith(t) ? e.substr(0, e.length - t.length) : e; } function W(e) { return !e || e.length < 2 ? false : e[0] === "[" || (e[0] === "\\" || e[0] === "{") && e[1] === "["; } var ee = ["ftp", "file", "http", "https", "ws", "wss"]; function N(e) { if (!e) return true; for (let t of ee) if (e.test(t)) return true; return false; } function te(e, t) { if (e = Q(e, "#"), t || e === "") return e; let r = new URL("https://example.com"); return r.hash = e, r.hash ? r.hash.substring(1, r.hash.length) : ""; } function re(e, t) { if (e = Q(e, "?"), t || e === "") return e; let r = new URL("https://example.com"); return r.search = e, r.search ? r.search.substring(1, r.search.length) : ""; } function ne(e, t) { return t || e === "" ? e : W(e) ? j(e) : z(e); } function se(e, t) { if (t || e === "") return e; let r = new URL("https://example.com"); return r.password = e, r.password; } function ie(e, t) { if (t || e === "") return e; let r = new URL("https://example.com"); return r.username = e, r.username; } function ae(e, t, r) { if (r || e === "") return e; if (t && !ee.includes(t)) return new URL(`${t}:${e}`).pathname; let n = e[0] == "/"; return e = new URL(n ? e : "/-" + e, "https://example.com").pathname, n || (e = e.substring(2, e.length)), e; } function oe(e, t, r) { return _(t) === e && (e = ""), r || e === "" ? e : K(e); } function ce(e, t) { return e = Ee(e, ":"), t || e === "" ? e : y(e); } function _(e) { switch (e) { case "ws": case "http": return "80"; case "wws": case "https": return "443"; case "ftp": return "21"; default: return ""; } } function y(e) { if (e === "") return e; if (/^[-+.A-Za-z0-9]*$/.test(e)) return e.toLowerCase(); throw new TypeError(`Invalid protocol '${e}'.`); } function le(e) { if (e === "") return e; let t = new URL("https://example.com"); return t.username = e, t.username; } function fe(e) { if (e === "") return e; let t = new URL("https://example.com"); return t.password = e, t.password; } function z(e) { if (e === "") return e; if (/[\t\n\r #%/:<>?@[\]^\\|]/g.test(e)) throw new TypeError(`Invalid hostname '${e}'`); let t = new URL("https://example.com"); return t.hostname = e, t.hostname; } function j(e) { if (e === "") return e; if (/[^0-9a-fA-F[\]:]/g.test(e)) throw new TypeError(`Invalid IPv6 hostname '${e}'`); return e.toLowerCase(); } function K(e) { if (e === "" || /^[0-9]*$/.test(e) && parseInt(e) <= 65535) return e; throw new TypeError(`Invalid port '${e}'.`); } function he(e) { if (e === "") return e; let t = new URL("https://example.com"); return t.pathname = e[0] !== "/" ? "/-" + e : e, e[0] !== "/" ? t.pathname.substring(2, t.pathname.length) : t.pathname; } function ue(e) { return e === "" ? e : new URL(`data:${e}`).pathname; } function de(e) { if (e === "") return e; let t = new URL("https://example.com"); return t.search = e, t.search.substring(1, t.search.length); } function pe(e) { if (e === "") return e; let t = new URL("https://example.com"); return t.hash = e, t.hash.substring(1, t.hash.length); } var H = class { #i; #n = []; #t = {}; #e = 0; #s = 1; #l = 0; #o = 0; #d = 0; #p = 0; #g = false; constructor(t) { this.#i = t; } get result() { return this.#t; } parse() { for (this.#n = v(this.#i, true); this.#e < this.#n.length; this.#e += this.#s) { if (this.#s = 1, this.#n[this.#e].type === "END") { if (this.#o === 0) { this.#b(), this.#f() ? this.#r(9, 1) : this.#h() ? this.#r(8, 1) : this.#r(7, 0); continue; } else if (this.#o === 2) { this.#u(5); continue; } this.#r(10, 0); break; } if (this.#d > 0) if (this.#A()) this.#d -= 1; else continue; if (this.#T()) { this.#d += 1; continue; } switch (this.#o) { case 0: this.#P() && this.#u(1); break; case 1: if (this.#P()) { this.#C(); let t = 7, r = 1; this.#E() ? (t = 2, r = 3) : this.#g && (t = 2), this.#r(t, r); } break; case 2: this.#S() ? this.#u(3) : (this.#x() || this.#h() || this.#f()) && this.#u(5); break; case 3: this.#O() ? this.#r(4, 1) : this.#S() && this.#r(5, 1); break; case 4: this.#S() && this.#r(5, 1); break; case 5: this.#y() ? this.#p += 1 : this.#w() && (this.#p -= 1), this.#k() && !this.#p ? this.#r(6, 1) : this.#x() ? this.#r(7, 0) : this.#h() ? this.#r(8, 1) : this.#f() && this.#r(9, 1); break; case 6: this.#x() ? this.#r(7, 0) : this.#h() ? this.#r(8, 1) : this.#f() && this.#r(9, 1); break; case 7: this.#h() ? this.#r(8, 1) : this.#f() && this.#r(9, 1); break; case 8: this.#f() && this.#r(9, 1); break; case 9: break; case 10: break; } } this.#t.hostname !== void 0 && this.#t.port === void 0 && (this.#t.port = ""); } #r(t, r) { switch (this.#o) { case 0: break; case 1: this.#t.protocol = this.#c(); break; case 2: break; case 3: this.#t.username = this.#c(); break; case 4: this.#t.password = this.#c(); break; case 5: this.#t.hostname = this.#c(); break; case 6: this.#t.port = this.#c(); break; case 7: this.#t.pathname = this.#c(); break; case 8: this.#t.search = this.#c(); break; case 9: this.#t.hash = this.#c(); break; case 10: break; } this.#o !== 0 && t !== 10 && ([1, 2, 3, 4].includes(this.#o) && [6, 7, 8, 9].includes(t) && (this.#t.hostname ??= ""), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].includes(this.#o) && [8, 9].includes(t) && (this.#t.pathname ??= this.#g ? "/" : ""), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].includes(this.#o) && t === 9 && (this.#t.search ??= "")), this.#R(t, r); } #R(t, r) { this.#o = t, this.#l = this.#e + r, this.#e += r, this.#s = 0; } #b() { this.#e = this.#l, this.#s = 0; } #u(t) { this.#b(), this.#o = t; } #m(t) { return t < 0 && (t = this.#n.length - t), t < this.#n.length ? this.#n[t] : this.#n[this.#n.length - 1]; } #a(t, r) { let n = this.#m(t); return n.value === r && (n.type === "CHAR" || n.type === "ESCAPED_CHAR" || n.type === "INVALID_CHAR"); } #P() { return this.#a(this.#e, ":"); } #E() { return this.#a(this.#e + 1, "/") && this.#a(this.#e + 2, "/"); } #S() { return this.#a(this.#e, "@"); } #O() { return this.#a(this.#e, ":"); } #k() { return this.#a(this.#e, ":"); } #x() { return this.#a(this.#e, "/"); } #h() { if (this.#a(this.#e, "?")) return true; if (this.#n[this.#e].value !== "?") return false; let t = this.#m(this.#e - 1); return t.type !== "NAME" && t.type !== "REGEX" && t.type !== "CLOSE" && t.type !== "ASTERISK"; } #f() { return this.#a(this.#e, "#"); } #T() { return this.#n[this.#e].type == "OPEN"; } #A() { return this.#n[this.#e].type == "CLOSE"; } #y() { return this.#a(this.#e, "["); } #w() { return this.#a(this.#e, "]"); } #c() { let t = this.#n[this.#e], r = this.#m(this.#l).index; return this.#i.substring(r, t.index); } #C() { let t = {}; Object.assign(t, x), t.encodePart = y; let r = Z(this.#c(), void 0, t); this.#g = N(r); } }; var G = ["protocol", "username", "password", "hostname", "port", "pathname", "search", "hash"]; var E = "*"; function ge(e, t) { if (typeof e != "string") throw new TypeError("parameter 1 is not of type 'string'."); let r = new URL(e, t); return { protocol: r.protocol.substring(0, r.protocol.length - 1), username: r.username, password: r.password, hostname: r.hostname, port: r.port, pathname: r.pathname, search: r.search !== "" ? r.search.substring(1, r.search.length) : void 0, hash: r.hash !== "" ? r.hash.substring(1, r.hash.length) : void 0 }; } function b(e, t) { return t ? C(e) : e; } function w(e, t, r) { let n; if (typeof t.baseURL == "string") try { n = new URL(t.baseURL), t.protocol === void 0 && (e.protocol = b(n.protocol.substring(0, n.protocol.length - 1), r)), !r && t.protocol === void 0 && t.hostname === void 0 && t.port === void 0 && t.username === void 0 && (e.username = b(n.username, r)), !r && t.protocol === void 0 && t.hostname === void 0 && t.port === void 0 && t.username === void 0 && t.password === void 0 && (e.password = b(n.password, r)), t.protocol === void 0 && t.hostname === void 0 && (e.hostname = b(n.hostname, r)), t.protocol === void 0 && t.hostname === void 0 && t.port === void 0 && (e.port = b(n.port, r)), t.protocol === void 0 && t.hostname === void 0 && t.port === void 0 && t.pathname === void 0 && (e.pathname = b(n.pathname, r)), t.protocol === void 0 && t.hostname === void 0 && t.port === void 0 && t.pathname === void 0 && t.search === void 0 && (e.search = b(n.search.substring(1, n.search.length), r)), t.protocol === void 0 && t.hostname === void 0 && t.port === void 0 && t.pathname === void 0 && t.search === void 0 && t.hash === void 0 && (e.hash = b(n.hash.substring(1, n.hash.length), r)); } catch { throw new TypeError(`invalid baseURL '${t.baseURL}'.`); } if (typeof t.protocol == "string" && (e.protocol = ce(t.protocol, r)), typeof t.username == "string" && (e.username = ie(t.username, r)), typeof t.password == "string" && (e.password = se(t.password, r)), typeof t.hostname == "string" && (e.hostname = ne(t.hostname, r)), typeof t.port == "string" && (e.port = oe(t.port, e.protocol, r)), typeof t.pathname == "string") { if (e.pathname = t.pathname, n && !J(e.pathname, r)) { let o = n.pathname.lastIndexOf("/"); o >= 0 && (e.pathname = b(n.pathname.substring(0, o + 1), r) + e.pathname); } e.pathname = ae(e.pathname, e.protocol, r); } return typeof t.search == "string" && (e.search = re(t.search, r)), typeof t.hash == "string" && (e.hash = te(t.hash, r)), e; } function C(e) { return e.replace(/([+*?:{}()\\])/g, "\\$1"); } function Oe(e) { return e.replace(/([.+*?^${}()[\]|/\\])/g, "\\$1"); } function ke(e, t) { t.delimiter ??= "/#?", t.prefixes ??= "./", t.sensitive ??= false, t.strict ??= false, t.end ??= true, t.start ??= true, t.endsWith = ""; let r = ".*", n = `[^${Oe(t.delimiter)}]+?`, o = /[$_\u200C\u200D\p{ID_Continue}]/u, c = ""; for (let l = 0; l < e.length; ++l) { let s = e[l]; if (s.type === 3) { if (s.modifier === 3) { c += C(s.value); continue; } c += `{${C(s.value)}}${k(s.modifier)}`; continue; } let i = s.hasCustomName(), a = !!s.suffix.length || !!s.prefix.length && (s.prefix.length !== 1 || !t.prefixes.includes(s.prefix)), f = l > 0 ? e[l - 1] : null, d = l < e.length - 1 ? e[l + 1] : null; if (!a && i && s.type === 1 && s.modifier === 3 && d && !d.prefix.length && !d.suffix.length) if (d.type === 3) { let T = d.value.length > 0 ? d.value[0] : ""; a = o.test(T); } else a = !d.hasCustomName(); if (!a && !s.prefix.length && f && f.type === 3) { let T = f.value[f.value.length - 1]; a = t.prefixes.includes(T); } a && (c += "{"), c += C(s.prefix), i && (c += `:${s.name}`), s.type === 2 ? c += `(${s.value})` : s.type === 1 ? i || (c += `(${n})`) : s.type === 0 && (!i && (!f || f.type === 3 || f.modifier !== 3 || a || s.prefix !== "") ? c += "*" : c += `(${r})`), s.type === 1 && i && s.suffix.length && o.test(s.suffix[0]) && (c += "\\"), c += C(s.suffix), a && (c += "}"), s.modifier !== 3 && (c += k(s.modifier)); } return c; } var me = class { #i; #n = {}; #t = {}; #e = {}; #s = {}; #l = false; constructor(t = {}, r, n) { try { let o; if (typeof r == "string" ? o = r : n = r, typeof t == "string") { let i = new H(t); if (i.parse(), t = i.result, o === void 0 && typeof t.protocol != "string") throw new TypeError("A base URL must be provided for a relative constructor string."); t.baseURL = o; } else { if (!t || typeof t != "object") throw new TypeError("parameter 1 is not of type 'string' and cannot convert to dictionary."); if (o) throw new TypeError("parameter 1 is not of type 'string'."); } typeof n > "u" && (n = { ignoreCase: false }); let c = { ignoreCase: n.ignoreCase === true }, l = { pathname: E, protocol: E, username: E, password: E, hostname: E, port: E, search: E, hash: E }; this.#i = w(l, t, true), _(this.#i.protocol) === this.#i.port && (this.#i.port = ""); let s; for (s of G) { if (!(s in this.#i)) continue; let i = {}, a = this.#i[s]; switch (this.#t[s] = [], s) { case "protocol": Object.assign(i, x), i.encodePart = y; break; case "username": Object.assign(i, x), i.encodePart = le; break; case "password": Object.assign(i, x), i.encodePart = fe; break; case "hostname": Object.assign(i, B), W(a) ? i.encodePart = j : i.encodePart = z; break; case "port": Object.assign(i, x), i.encodePart = K; break; case "pathname": N(this.#n.protocol) ? (Object.assign(i, q, c), i.encodePart = he) : (Object.assign(i, x, c), i.encodePart = ue); break; case "search": Object.assign(i, x, c), i.encodePart = de; break; case "hash": Object.assign(i, x, c), i.encodePart = pe; break; } try { this.#s[s] = D(a, i), this.#n[s] = F(this.#s[s], this.#t[s], i), this.#e[s] = ke(this.#s[s], i), this.#l = this.#l || this.#s[s].some((f) => f.type === 2); } catch { throw new TypeError(`invalid ${s} pattern '${this.#i[s]}'.`); } } } catch (o) { throw new TypeError(`Failed to construct 'URLPattern': ${o.message}`); } } test(t = {}, r) { let n = { pathname: "", protocol: "", username: "", password: "", hostname: "", port: "", search: "", hash: "" }; if (typeof t != "string" && r) throw new TypeError("parameter 1 is not of type 'string'."); if (typeof t > "u") return false; try { typeof t == "object" ? n = w(n, t, false) : n = w(n, ge(t, r), false); } catch { return false; } let o; for (o of G) if (!this.#n[o].exec(n[o])) return false; return true; } exec(t = {}, r) { let n = { pathname: "", protocol: "", username: "", password: "", hostname: "", port: "", search: "", hash: "" }; if (typeof t != "string" && r) throw new TypeError("parameter 1 is not of type 'string'."); if (typeof t > "u") return; try { typeof t == "object" ? n = w(n, t, false) : n = w(n, ge(t, r), false); } catch { return null; } let o = {}; r ? o.inputs = [t, r] : o.inputs = [t]; let c; for (c of G) { let l = this.#n[c].exec(n[c]); if (!l) return null; let s = {}; for (let [i, a] of this.#t[c].entries()) if (typeof a == "string" || typeof a == "number") { let f = l[i + 1]; s[a] = f; } o[c] = { input: n[c] ?? "", groups: s }; } return o; } static compareComponent(t, r, n) { let o = (i, a) => { for (let f of ["type", "modifier", "prefix", "value", "suffix"]) { if (i[f] < a[f]) return -1; if (i[f] === a[f]) continue; return 1; } return 0; }, c = new R(3, "", "", "", "", 3), l = new R(0, "", "", "", "", 3), s = (i, a) => { let f = 0; for (; f < Math.min(i.length, a.length); ++f) { let d = o(i[f], a[f]); if (d) return d; } return i.length === a.length ? 0 : o(i[f] ?? c, a[f] ?? c); }; return !r.#e[t] && !n.#e[t] ? 0 : r.#e[t] && !n.#e[t] ? s(r.#s[t], [l]) : !r.#e[t] && n.#e[t] ? s([l], n.#s[t]) : s(r.#s[t], n.#s[t]); } get protocol() { return this.#e.protocol; } get username() { return this.#e.username; } get password() { return this.#e.password; } get hostname() { return this.#e.hostname; } get port() { return this.#e.port; } get pathname() { return this.#e.pathname; } get search() { return this.#e.search; } get hash() { return this.#e.hash; } get hasRegExpGroups() { return this.#l; } }; // node_modules/urlpattern-polyfill/index.js if (!globalThis.URLPattern) { globalThis.URLPattern = me; } // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { URLPattern, assert, async_hooks, buffer, child_process, console, crypto, dgram, diagnostics_channel, dns, events, fs, http, http2, https, module, net, os, path, perf_hooks, process, punycode, querystring, readline, stream, string_decoder, timers, tls, tty, url, util, vm, worker_threads, zlib });