import 'mocha'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import { resolve } from 'path'; import { readFile as _readFile } from 'fs'; import { promisify } from 'bluebird'; import createButlerServer, { createHeaders, hasIndexTemplate, notFoundHandler, internalErrorHandler, redirectHandler, fileHandler, getTrimmedFilename, listContents, directoryHandler, getPathStats, logRequest, requestHandler, } from './server'; const readFile = promisify(_readFile); interface HandlerTestOpts { name: Function; statusCode: number; headers: Object; response: string; } describe('server', () => { describe('hasIndexTemplate', () => { it('returns false for empty arrays', () => { expect(hasIndexTemplate([])); }); it('returns false for arrays without an index template', () => { expect(hasIndexTemplate(['foo.ts', 'bar.html'])); }); it('returns true for arrays with an index template', () => { expect(hasIndexTemplate(['foo/index.html', 'bar.html'])); }); }); describe('createHeaders', () => { it('returns default headers when no params are provided', () => { expect(createHeaders()).to.deep.eq({ 'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', }); }); it('returns headers based on the param when provided', () => { expect(createHeaders('example.txt')).to.deep.eq({ 'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', }); expect(createHeaders('example.js')).to.deep.eq({ 'Content-Type': 'application/javascript; charset=utf-8', }); expect(createHeaders('example.ts')).to.deep.eq({ 'Content-Type': 'video/mp2t', }); }); it('should default to plaintext for unknown mimetypes', () => { expect(createHeaders('example.invalid')).to.deep.eq({ 'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', }); }); }); const generateHandlerTests = (opts: HandlerTestOpts, redirectUrl?: string) => { describe(, () => { it('should serve the appropriate response', () => { const res = {}; const writeHead = res.writeHead = sinon.spy(); const end = res.end = sinon.spy();, redirectUrl); expect(writeHead.called); expect(end.called); expect(writeHead.getCall(0).args).to.deep.eq([opts.statusCode, opts.headers]); expect(end.getCall(0).args[0]).to.eq(opts.response); }); }); }; generateHandlerTests({ name: notFoundHandler, statusCode: 404, headers: createHeaders(), response: '404 - File Not Found', }); generateHandlerTests({ name: internalErrorHandler, statusCode: 500, headers: createHeaders(), response: '500 - Internal Server Error', }); generateHandlerTests({ name: redirectHandler, statusCode: 302, headers: { Location: '/foo' }, response: undefined, }, '/foo'); describe('fileHandler', () => { it('should serve the appropriate response', async () => { const res = {}; const writeHead = res.writeHead = sinon.spy(); const end = res.end = sinon.spy(); const path = './dist/server.test.js'; const contents = await readFile(path); await fileHandler(res, path); expect(writeHead.called); expect(writeHead.getCall(0).args).to.deep.eq([200, createHeaders(path)]); expect(end.called); expect(end.getCall(0).args[0]).to.deep.eq(contents); }); }); describe('getTrimmedFilename', () => { it('should return the path to the filerelative to the directory', () => { // The file is in the immediate directory. expect(getTrimmedFilename('/foo/bar', 'file.ts', '/foo/bar')).to.eq('file.ts'); // The file is in a subdirectory. expect(getTrimmedFilename('/foo/bar/baz', 'file.ts', '/foo/bar')).to.eq('baz/file.ts'); // The file is in a subdirectory of a subdirectory. expect(getTrimmedFilename('/foo/bar/baz', 'file.ts', '/foo')).to.eq('bar/baz/file.ts'); }); it('should keep the leading slash when the root directory is /', () => { // This gets called for the initial list of files and directories for /. expect(getTrimmedFilename('/foo/bar', '', '/')).to.eq('foo/bar'); expect(getTrimmedFilename('/foo', 'file.ts', '/')).to.eq('foo/file.ts'); }); }); describe('listContents', () => { const server = createButlerServer({ port: '8080', directory: './', basePath: '/', forceTls: false, }, () => {}); it('should return all immediate files and directories', async () => { const { directories, files } = await listContents('./test/sample'); expect(directories).to.deep.eq(['test/sample/bar']); expect(files).to.deep.eq(['test/sample/foo.txt']); }); }); describe('directoryHandler', () => { it('should render a list of files and directories if there is no index.html', async () => { const res = {}; const end = res.end = sinon.spy(); await directoryHandler(res, './test/sample'); expect(end.called); const output = end.getCall(0).args[0]; expect(!!output.match('

Files in ./test/sample

')); }); it('should render an index.html file when found', async () => { const res = {}; const end = res.end = sinon.spy(); await directoryHandler(res, './test/sample/bar'); expect(end.called); const output = end.getCall(0).args[0].toString(); expect(!!output.match('


')); }); }); describe('getPathStats', () => { it('should return the expected values', async () => { const { path, stats } = await getPathStats('/test'); expect(path).to.eq(resolve('./test')); expect(stats.isDirectory()); }); it('should follow symlinks as required', async () => { const { path, stats } = await getPathStats('/test/sample/bar/symlink'); expect(stats.isSymbolicLink()); expect(path).to.eq(resolve('./test/sample/foo.txt')); }); }); // These tests are quite weird and badly factored in nature due to // difficulties in spying on the functions that requestHandler delegates to, // for unknown reasons. describe('requestHandler', () => { const createRequest = (url: string, callback: Function) => { const req = { url, headers: { host: '', 'x-forwarded-for': '', }, }; const res = {}; res.writeHead = sinon.spy(); const end = res.end = sinon.spy(); requestHandler(req, res).then(() => { setTimeout(() => { const output = end.getCall(0).args[0]; callback(output); }, 10); }); }; it('should serve requests for directory urls appropriately', (done) => { createRequest('/test/sample', (output: string) => { expect(!!output.match(/test\/sample/)); done(); }); }); it('should serve requests for files appropriately', (done) => { createRequest('/test/sample/foo.txt', (output: string) => { expect(!!output.toString().match(/Hi there\!/)); done(); }); }); }); });