import { createServer, IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http'; import { readFileSync, lstat as _lstat, readFile as _readFile, readdir as _readdir, realpath as _realpath, } from 'fs'; import { basename, join, resolve } from 'path'; import * as chalk from 'chalk'; import { format } from 'date-fns'; import { compile } from 'ejs'; import { contentType as getContentType } from 'mime-types'; import { map, promisify } from 'bluebird'; // Promisify callback-style methods as promises for async/await. const readdir = promisify(_readdir); const readFile = promisify(_readFile); const realpath = promisify(_realpath); const lstat = promisify(_lstat); // Configure globals required throughout the module. let opts: ButlerOptions; const template = compile(readFileSync(join(__dirname, 'template.ejs'), 'utf-8')); export interface ButlerOptions { port: string; directory: string; basePath: string; forceTls: boolean; } interface DirContents { directories: Array; files: Array; } interface ResponseHeaders { 'Content-Type': string; } interface FileStats { isFile(): boolean; isDirectory(): boolean; isSymbolicLink(): boolean; } interface ReadError { code: string; } interface PathStats { path: string; stats: FileStats; error?: ReadError; } export function hasIndexTemplate (files: Array): boolean { return files.some((file: string): boolean => !!file.match(/index.html$/)); } export function createHeaders (path?: string): ResponseHeaders { const defaultValue = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'; const contentType = path ? (getContentType(basename(path)) || defaultValue) : defaultValue; return { 'Content-Type': contentType }; } export function notFoundHandler (res: ServerResponse): void { res.writeHead(404, createHeaders()); res.end('404 - File Not Found'); } export function internalErrorHandler (res: ServerResponse): void { res.writeHead(500, createHeaders()); res.end('500 - Internal Server Error'); } export function redirectHandler (res: ServerResponse, redirectUrl: string): void { res.writeHead(302, { Location: redirectUrl }); res.end(); } /** * Read the file at the provided path and write to the response along * with the appropriate headers. */ export async function fileHandler (res: ServerResponse, path: string) { res.writeHead(200, createHeaders(path)); res.end(await readFile(path)); } /** * Trim the filename so that it only includes subdirectories of the root * directory as part of the pathname, not the absolute path. * Example: Given a root directory of "/Users/butler/" and the contents being a * single directory "example/" with a file "example.txt", the function should * return "example/example.txt" instead of "/Users/butler/example/example.txt". */ export function getTrimmedFilename (path: string, file: string, rootDirectory: string): string { const name = join(resolve(path), file); let trimLength = resolve(rootDirectory).length + 1; // Handle edge case for the system root directory ("/"). if (trimLength === 2) { trimLength = 1; } return name.substr(trimLength); } /** * Return a list of files and subdirectories at the given path. */ export async function listContents (path: string): Promise { const directories: Array = []; const files: Array = []; const fullPath = resolve(path); const contents = await readdir(fullPath); await map(contents, async (file: string) => { const stats = await lstat(join(fullPath, file)); const name = getTrimmedFilename(path, file,; if (stats.isDirectory()) { directories.push(name); } else { files.push(name); } }); return { directories, files }; } /** * Read the files in the directory at the provided path and write to the * response as appropriate; if there is an index.html file it is served, * otherwise a template listing the files is rendered. */ export async function directoryHandler (res: ServerResponse, path: string) { const { directories, files } = await listContents(path); if (hasIndexTemplate(files)) { res.end(await readFile(resolve(path, 'index.html'))); } else { res.end(template({ directories, files, path })); } } /** * Parse the provided URL into a path and read the file there. * Return the path, the path stats and any errors encountered. */ export async function getPathStats (url: string): Promise { let path = join(resolve(, decodeURI(url)); let stats; let error; try { stats = await lstat(path); // Follow symbolic link when required. if (stats.isSymbolicLink()) { path = await realpath(path) as string; stats = await lstat(path); } } catch (err) { error = err; } return { path, stats, error }; } /** * Parse and log the request. */ export function logRequest (req: IncomingMessage): void { const time = format(new Date(), 'DD/MM/YY HH:mm:ss'); let ip = req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || req.connection.remoteAddress; if (ip.startsWith('::ffff:')) { ip = ip.substr(7); } console.log( chalk.white(ip),'@'), chalk.white(time),'>'), `${chalk.white(}${}`, ); } /** * Handle server requests by delegating to other functions that examine * the URL and then serve a response for files, folders, symbolic links or * errors as appropriate. */ export async function requestHandler (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse): Promise { logRequest(req); if (!req.url.startsWith(opts.basePath)) { return redirectHandler(res, `${opts.basePath}${req.url.substr(1)}`); } if (opts.forceTls) { res.setHeader( 'Strict-Transport-Security', 'max-age=8640000; includeSubDomains', ); if (!req.headers['x-forwarded-proto']) { res.writeHead(302, { Location: `https://${}${req.url}`, }); res.end(); return; } } const url = req.url.substr(opts.basePath.length); const { path, stats, error } = await getPathStats(url); if (error) { return error.code === 'ENOENT' && notFoundHandler(res) || internalErrorHandler(res); } if (stats.isFile()) { fileHandler(res, path); } else if (stats.isDirectory()) { directoryHandler(res, path); } else { internalErrorHandler(res); } } export default function createButlerServer (options: ButlerOptions, callback: Function): void { if (options) { opts = options; } createServer(requestHandler).listen(options.port); callback(); }