import assert from "assert"; import cp from "child_process"; import { CloseFn as FgCloseFn, proxy as fgChildProxy } from "demurgos-foreground-child"; import findUp from "find-up"; import fs from "fs"; import { fromSysPath, toSysPath } from "furi"; import sysPath from "path"; import Exclude from "test-exclude"; import urlMod from "url"; import vinylFs from "vinyl-fs"; import yargs from "yargs"; import { asyncDonePromise } from "./async-done-promise"; import { CoverageFilter, fromGlob } from "./filter"; import { GetText, getText as defaultGetText, GetTextSync, getTextSyncFromSourceStore } from "./get-text"; import { createReporter, reportStream, reportVinyl } from "./report"; import { Reporter, StreamReporter, VinylReporter } from "./reporter"; import { DEFAULT_REGISTRY } from "./reporter-registry"; import { RichProcessCov, spawnInspected } from "./spawn-inspected"; import { processCovsToIstanbul } from "./to-istanbul"; import { VERSION } from "./version"; const DEFAULT_GLOBS: ReadonlyArray = string) => `!${pattern}`); interface Watermarks { lines: [number, number]; functions: [number, number]; branches: [number, number]; statements: [number, number]; } export interface FileConfig { reporters?: ReadonlyArray; globs?: ReadonlyArray; coverageDir?: string; waterMarks?: Watermarks; } export interface CliConfig { reporters?: ReadonlyArray; globs?: ReadonlyArray; coverageDir?: string; command: ReadonlyArray; } export interface ResolvedConfig { reporters: ReadonlyArray; globs: ReadonlyArray; coverageDir: string; waterMarks: Watermarks; command: ReadonlyArray; } export interface MessageAction { action: "message"; message: string; error?: Error; } export interface RunAction { action: "run"; config: ResolvedConfig; } export type CliAction = MessageAction | RunAction; export type ParseArgsResult = MessageAction | {action: "run"; config: CliConfig}; const DEFAULT_WATERMARKS: Watermarks = Object.freeze({ lines: [80, 95] as [number, number], functions: [80, 95] as [number, number], branches: [80, 95] as [number, number], statements: [80, 95] as [number, number], }); // TODO: Fix yargs type definition const ARG_PARSER: yargs.Argv = yargs() as any; ARG_PARSER .scriptName("c88") .version(VERSION) .usage("$0 [opts] [script] [opts]") .locale("en") .option("reporter", { alias: "r", describe: "coverage reporter(s) to use", default: "text", }) .option("match", { alias: "m", default: DEFAULT_GLOBS, // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length describe: "a list of specific files and directories that should be matched, glob patterns are supported.", }) .option("coverage-directory", { default: "coverage", describe: "directory to output coverage JSON and reports", }) .pkgConf("c88") .demandCommand(1) .epilog("visit for list of available reporters"); // tslint:disable:whitespace /** * Executes the c88 CLI * * @param args CLI arguments * @param cwd Current working directory * @param proc Current process */ export async function execCli(args: string[], cwd: string, proc: NodeJS.Process): Promise { const action: CliAction = await getAction(args, cwd); switch (action.action) { case "message": process.stderr.write(Buffer.from(action.message)); return action.error === undefined ? 0 : 1; case "run": return execRunAction(action, cwd, proc); default: throw new Error(`AssertionError: Unexpected \`action\`: ${(action as any).action}`); } } function resolveConfig(fileConfig: FileConfig, cliConfig: CliConfig): ResolvedConfig { return { command: cliConfig.command, reporters: cliConfig.reporters !== undefined ? cliConfig.reporters : ["text"], globs: cliConfig.globs !== undefined ? cliConfig.globs : DEFAULT_GLOBS, waterMarks: fileConfig.waterMarks !== undefined ? fileConfig.waterMarks : DEFAULT_WATERMARKS, coverageDir: cliConfig.coverageDir !== undefined ? cliConfig.coverageDir : "coverage", }; } async function execRunAction({config}: RunAction, cwd: string, proc: NodeJS.Process): Promise { const file: string = config.command[0]; const args: string[] = config.command.slice(1); const filter: CoverageFilter = fromGlob({patterns: config.globs, base: fromSysPath(cwd)}); const subProcessExit: DeferredPromise = deferPromise(); async function onRootProcess(inspectedProc: cp.ChildProcess): Promise { const closeFn: FgCloseFn = await fgChildProxy(proc, inspectedProc); if (closeFn.signal !== null) { subProcessExit.reject(new Error(`Process killed by signal: ${closeFn.signal}`)); } else { subProcessExit.resolve(closeFn.code!); } } let processCovs: RichProcessCov[]; try { processCovs = await spawnInspected(file, args, {filter, onRootProcess}); } catch (err) { proc.stderr.write(Buffer.from(`${err.toString()}\n`)); return 1; } const exitCode: number = await subProcessExit.promise; try { const reporter: Reporter = createReporter(DEFAULT_REGISTRY, config.reporters, {waterMarks: config.waterMarks}); const resolvedCoverageDir: string = sysPath.join(cwd, config.coverageDir); const coverageDir: urlMod.URL = fromSysPath(resolvedCoverageDir); await report(reporter, processCovs, proc.stdout, coverageDir); return exitCode; } catch (err) { proc.stderr.write(Buffer.from(err.toString() + "\n")); return Math.max(1, exitCode); } } export async function report( reporter: Reporter, processCovs: ReadonlyArray, outStream: NodeJS.WritableStream, outDir: Readonly, getText: GetText = defaultGetText, ): Promise { const {coverageMap, sources} = await processCovsToIstanbul(processCovs, getText); const getSourcesSync: GetTextSync = getTextSyncFromSourceStore(sources); const tasks: Promise[] = []; if (reporter.reportStream !== undefined) { const stream: NodeJS.ReadableStream = reportStream(reporter as StreamReporter, coverageMap, getSourcesSync); tasks.push(pipeData(stream, outStream)); } if (reporter.reportVinyl !== undefined) { const stream: NodeJS.ReadableStream = reportVinyl(reporter as VinylReporter, coverageMap, getSourcesSync) .pipe(vinylFs.dest(toSysPath(outDir.href))); tasks.push(asyncDonePromise(() => stream)); } await Promise.all(tasks); } export async function getAction(args: string[], cwd: string): Promise { const parsed: ParseArgsResult = parseArgs(args); if (parsed.action !== "run") { return parsed; } const fileConfig: FileConfig = await readConfigFile(cwd); return { action: "run", config: resolveConfig(fileConfig, parsed.config), }; } export function parseArgs(args: string[]): ParseArgsResult { // The yargs pure API is kinda strange to use (apart from requiring a callback): // The error can either be defined, `undefined` or `null`. // If it is defined or `null`, then `output` should be a non-empty string // intended to be written to stderr. `parsed` is defined but it should be // ignored in this case. // If `err` is `undefined`, then `output` is an empty string and `parsed` // contains the succesfully parsed args. // tslint:disable:variable-name let _err: Error | undefined | null; let _parsed: any; let _output: string; let isParsed: boolean = false; ARG_PARSER.parse(args, (err: Error | undefined | null, parsed: any, output: string): void => { _err = err; _parsed = parsed; _output = output; isParsed = true; }); assert(isParsed); const err: Error | undefined | null = _err!; const parsed: any = _parsed!; const output: string = _output!; if (err === null) { // Successfully parsed return { action: "run", config: { command: parsed._, reporters: Array.isArray(parsed.reporter) ? parsed.reporter : [parsed.reporter], globs: parsed.match, }, }; } else { return {action: "message", message: output, error: err}; } } async function readConfigFile(cwd: string): Promise { const configPath: string | null = findUp.sync([".c88rc", ".c88rc.json"]); if (configPath === null) { return Object.create(null); } return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configPath, "UTF-8")); } interface DeferredPromise { promise: Promise; resolve(value: T): void; reject(reason: any): void; } function deferPromise(): DeferredPromise { let resolve: (value: T) => void; let reject: (reason: any) => void; const promise: Promise = new Promise((res, rej) => { resolve = res; reject = rej; }); return {resolve: resolve!, reject: reject!, promise}; } function pipeData(src: NodeJS.ReadableStream, dest: NodeJS.WritableStream): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { src.on("data", chunk => dest.write(chunk)); src.on("error", reject); src.on("end", resolve); }); }