import libCoverage from "istanbul-lib-coverage"; import sourceMap from "source-map"; import url from "url"; import { CoverageMapBuilder } from "./builder"; import { SourceStore } from "./source-store"; /** * A range in a source text identified by its `url`. */ export interface SourceLocationWithUrl extends SourceLocation { /** * URL of the file containing this location. */ readonly url: string; } /** * A (possibly empty) range in the source text. */ export interface SourceLocation { /** * Start position. */ readonly start: Position; /** * End position. */ readonly end: Position; } /** * A position in the source text. */ export interface Position { /** * 1-based line index. * * Must satisfy `line >= 1`. */ readonly line: number; /** * 0-based column index. * * Must satisfy `column >= 0`. */ readonly column: number; } /** * Adds content from a generated-file coverage using source maps. * * @param covMapBuilder Coverage map builder to use for the original coverages. * @param sourceStore Store where inlined source texts will be added. * @param generatedFileCov File coverage to process. * @param rawSourceMap Raw source map corresponding to the file to process. * @param sourceMapUrl Optional URL of the source map. */ export async function addFromGeneratedFileCov( covMapBuilder: CoverageMapBuilder, sourceStore: SourceStore, generatedFileCov: libCoverage.FileCoverageData, rawSourceMap: sourceMap.RawSourceMap, sourceMapUrl?: string, ): Promise { return sourceMap.SourceMapConsumer.with( rawSourceMap, undefined, // sourceMapUrl, // TODO: Fix `souce-map.d.ts` type definitions <(smc: any) => Promise> (async (smc: sourceMap.BasicSourceMapConsumer): Promise => { const didUpdateSources: boolean = addSourceTexts(sourceStore, smc, generatedFileCov.path); const didUpdateCovMap: boolean = addOriginalFileCovs(covMapBuilder, smc, generatedFileCov); return didUpdateSources || didUpdateCovMap; }), ); } /** * Adds the source texts embedded in the source map to the source store. * * @param sourceStore Source store where the source texts will be added. * @param smc Source map consumer to use for the extraction. * @param generatedUrl URL of the generated file. * @returns Boolean indicating of the source store was updated. */ export function addSourceTexts( sourceStore: SourceStore, smc: sourceMap.BasicSourceMapConsumer, generatedUrl: string, ): boolean { let didUpdate: boolean = false; for (const [url, sourceText] of getSourceTexts(smc, generatedUrl)) { const curDidUpdate: boolean = sourceStore.set(url, sourceText); didUpdate = didUpdate || curDidUpdate; } return didUpdate; } /** * Extracts the source texts embedded in the source map. * * This function can be used to extract inlined source text for example. * * @param smc Source map consumer to use for the extraction. * @param generatedUrl URL of the generated file. * @returns Iterator of `[url, sourceText]`. `url` is absolute. */ export function* getSourceTexts( smc: sourceMap.BasicSourceMapConsumer, generatedUrl: string, ): IterableIterator<[string, string]> { for (const source of smc.sources) { const sourceText: string | null = smc.sourceContentFor(source); if (sourceText === null) { continue; } const originalUrl: string = url.resolve(generatedUrl, source); yield [originalUrl, sourceText]; } } /** * Adds the original file coverages to the provided builders map. * * @param covMapBuilder Coverage map builder to use for the original coverages. * @param smc Source map consumer to use. * @param generatedFileCov File coverage for the generated file. * @returns Boolean indicating if the builder was updated. */ export function addOriginalFileCovs( covMapBuilder: CoverageMapBuilder, smc: sourceMap.BasicSourceMapConsumer, generatedFileCov: libCoverage.FileCoverageData, ): boolean { let didUpdate: boolean = false; const generatedUrl: string = generatedFileCov.path; for (const [key, loc] of Object.entries(generatedFileCov.statementMap)) { const count: number = generatedFileCov.s[key]; const originalLoc: SourceLocationWithUrl | undefined = tryGetOriginalLocation(smc, generatedUrl, loc); if (originalLoc === undefined) { continue; } covMapBuilder.addStatement(originalLoc.url, originalLoc, count); didUpdate = true; } for (const [key, funcMapping] of Object.entries(generatedFileCov.fnMap)) { const count: number = generatedFileCov.f[key]; const originalDecl: SourceLocationWithUrl | undefined = tryGetOriginalLocation(smc, generatedUrl, funcMapping.decl); const originalLoc: SourceLocationWithUrl | undefined = tryGetOriginalLocation(smc, generatedUrl, funcMapping.loc); if (originalDecl === undefined || originalLoc === undefined || originalDecl.url !== originalLoc.url) { continue; } covMapBuilder.addFunction(originalDecl.url, originalDecl, originalLoc, count,; didUpdate = true; } branches: for (const [key, branchMapping] of Object.entries(generatedFileCov.branchMap)) { const counts: ReadonlyArray = generatedFileCov.b[key]; const mainLoc: SourceLocation = branchMapping.loc; const originalMainLoc: SourceLocationWithUrl | undefined = tryGetOriginalLocation(smc, generatedUrl, mainLoc); if (originalMainLoc === undefined) { continue; } const arms: [SourceLocation, number][] = []; for (const [i, loc] of branchMapping.locations.entries()) { const count: number = counts[i]; const originalLoc: SourceLocationWithUrl | undefined = tryGetOriginalLocation(smc, generatedUrl, loc); if (originalLoc === undefined || originalLoc.url !== originalMainLoc.url) { continue branches; } arms.push([originalLoc, count]); } covMapBuilder.addBranch(originalMainLoc.url, originalMainLoc, arms, branchMapping.type); didUpdate = true; } return didUpdate; } /** * Tries to return the corresponding original range. * * The function returns `undefined` in the `start` or `end` positions cannot * be fully resolved (`source`, `line` and `column`) or the `source` does not * match. * * @param smc Source map consumer to use. * @param generatedUrl Absolute URL of the generated file. * @param generatedLocation Source location from the generated file. */ function tryGetOriginalLocation( smc: sourceMap.BasicSourceMapConsumer, generatedUrl: string, generatedLocation: SourceLocation, ): SourceLocationWithUrl | undefined { // `oStart`: `originalStart` const oStart: sourceMap.NullableMappedPosition = smc.originalPositionFor({ ...generatedLocation.start, bias: sourceMap.SourceMapConsumer.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND, }); if (oStart.source === null || oStart.line === null || oStart.column === null) { // Unable to fully resolve the start position. return undefined; } // `oEnd`: `originalEnd` let oEnd: sourceMap.NullableMappedPosition = smc.originalPositionFor({ ...generatedLocation.end, bias: sourceMap.SourceMapConsumer.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND, }); if (oEnd.source === oStart.source && oEnd.line === oStart.line && oEnd.column === oStart.column) { // `oEnd` === `oStart`, try to use the other bias oEnd = smc.originalPositionFor({ ...generatedLocation.end, bias: sourceMap.SourceMapConsumer.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND, }); } if (oEnd.source === null || oEnd.line === null || oEnd.column === null) { // Unable to fully resolve the end position. return undefined; } if (oEnd.source !== oStart.source) { return undefined; } const originalUrl: string = url.resolve(generatedUrl, oStart.source); return { url: originalUrl, start: {line: oStart.line, column: oStart.column}, end: {line: oEnd.line, column: oEnd.column}, }; }