import { ProcessCov, ScriptCov } from "@c88/v8-coverage"; import assert from "assert"; import cp from "child_process"; import cri from "chrome-remote-interface"; import { ChildProcessProxy, observeSpawn, ObserveSpawnOptions, SpawnEvent } from "demurgos-spawn-wrap"; import Protocol from "devtools-protocol"; import events from "events"; import { SourceType } from "istanbulize"; import { CoverageFilter } from "./filter"; const DEBUGGER_URI_RE: RegExp = /ws:\/\/.*?:(\d+)\//; // In milliseconds (1s) const GET_DEBUGGER_PORT_TIMEOUT: number = 1000; // In milliseconds (10s) const GET_COVERAGE_TIMEOUT: number = 10000; export interface ScriptMeta { sourceText: string; sourceType: SourceType; sourceMapUrl?: string; } export interface RichScriptCov extends ScriptCov, ScriptMeta { } export interface RichProcessCov extends ProcessCov { result: RichScriptCov[]; } export interface SpawnInspectedOptions extends ObserveSpawnOptions { filter?: CoverageFilter; onRootProcess?(process: cp.ChildProcess): any; } export async function spawnInspected( file: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnInspectedOptions, ): Promise { const processCovs: RichProcessCov[] = []; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { observeSpawn(file, args, options) .subscribe( async (ev: SpawnEvent) => { try { if (ev.rootProcess !== undefined && options.onRootProcess !== undefined) { options.onRootProcess(ev.rootProcess); } const args: ReadonlyArray = ["--inspect=0", ...ev.args]; const proxy: ChildProcessProxy = ev.proxySpawn(args); const debuggerPort: number = await getDebuggerPort(proxy); const processCov: RichProcessCov = await getCoverage(debuggerPort, options.filter); processCovs.push(processCov); } catch (err) { reject(err); } }, reject, () => resolve(processCovs), ); }); } export async function getDebuggerPort(proc: ChildProcessProxy): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const timeoutId: NodeJS.Timer = setTimeout(onTimeout, GET_DEBUGGER_PORT_TIMEOUT * 100); let stderrBuffer: Buffer = Buffer.alloc(0); proc.stderr.on("data", onStderrData); proc.stderr.on("close", onClose); function onStderrData(chunk: Buffer): void { stderrBuffer = Buffer.concat([stderrBuffer, chunk]); const stderrStr: string = stderrBuffer.toString("UTF-8"); const match: RegExpExecArray | null = DEBUGGER_URI_RE.exec(stderrStr); if (match === null) { return; } const result: number = parseInt(match[1], 10); removeListeners(); resolve(result); } function onClose(code: number | null, signal: string | null): void { removeListeners(); reject(new Error(`Unable to hook inspector (early exit, ${code}, ${signal})`)); } function onTimeout(): void { removeListeners(); reject(new Error("Unable to hook inspector (timeout)")); // proc.kill(); } function removeListeners(): void { proc.stderr.removeListener("data", onStderrData); proc.stderr.removeListener("close", onClose); clearTimeout(timeoutId); } }); } async function getCoverage(port: number, filter?: CoverageFilter): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const timeoutId: NodeJS.Timer = setTimeout(onTimeout, GET_COVERAGE_TIMEOUT); let client: any; let mainExecutionContextId: Protocol.Runtime.ExecutionContextId | undefined; const scriptIdToMeta: Map> = new Map(); let state: string = "WaitingForMainContext"; // TODO: enum try { client = await cri({port}); await client.Profiler.enable(); await client.Profiler.startPreciseCoverage({callCount: true, detailed: true}); await client.Debugger.enable(); (client as any as events.EventEmitter).once("Runtime.executionContextCreated", onMainContextCreation); (client as any as events.EventEmitter).on("Runtime.executionContextDestroyed", onContextDestruction); (client as any as events.EventEmitter).on("Debugger.scriptParsed", onScriptParsed); await client.Runtime.enable(); } catch (err) { removeListeners(); reject(err); } function onMainContextCreation(ev: Protocol.Runtime.ExecutionContextCreatedEvent) { assert(state === "WaitingForMainContext"); mainExecutionContextId =; state = "WaitingForMainContextDestruction"; } function onScriptParsed(ev: Protocol.Debugger.ScriptParsedEvent) { const collect: boolean = filter !== undefined ? filter(ev) : true; if (collect) { let sourceType: SourceType = SourceType.Script; if (ev.isModule !== undefined) { sourceType = ev.isModule ? SourceType.Module : SourceType.Script; } let sourceMapUrl: string | undefined; if (ev.sourceMapURL !== undefined && ev.sourceMapURL !== "") { sourceMapUrl = ev.sourceMapURL; } scriptIdToMeta.set( ev.scriptId, { sourceType, sourceMapUrl, }, ); } } async function onContextDestruction(ev: Protocol.Runtime.ExecutionContextDestroyedEvent): Promise { assert(state === "WaitingForMainContextDestruction"); if (ev.executionContextId !== mainExecutionContextId) { return; } state = "WaitingForCoverage"; try { // await client.Profiler.stopPreciseCoverage(); await client.HeapProfiler.collectGarbage(); const {result: scriptCovs} = await client.Profiler.takePreciseCoverage(); const result: RichScriptCov[] = []; for (const scriptCov of scriptCovs) { const meta: Partial | undefined = scriptIdToMeta.get(scriptCov.scriptId); if (meta === undefined) { // `undefined` means that the script was filtered out. continue; } const {scriptSource} = await client.Debugger.getScriptSource({scriptId: scriptCov.scriptId}); result.push({ ...scriptCov, sourceText: scriptSource, ...meta, } as RichScriptCov); } resolve({result}); } catch (err) { reject(err); } finally { removeListeners(); } } function onTimeout(): void { removeListeners(); reject(new Error("Unable to get V8 coverage (timeout)")); } function removeListeners(): void { (client as any as events.EventEmitter).removeListener("Runtime.executionContextCreated", onMainContextCreation); (client as any as events.EventEmitter).removeListener("Runtime.executionContextDestroyed", onContextDestruction); (client as any as events.EventEmitter).removeListener("Runtime.scriptParsed", onScriptParsed); clearTimeout(timeoutId); (client as any).close(); } }); }