import from2 from "from2"; import fs from "fs"; import libReport from "istanbul-lib-report"; import merge2 from "merge2"; import sysPath from "path"; import stream from "stream"; import Vinyl from "vinyl"; import { ReportOptions, StreamReporter, VinylReporter } from "./reporter"; export interface ContextOptions extends libReport.Context { writer: libReport.FileWriter; } function createContext(options: ContextOptions): any { const context: libReport.Context = libReport.createContext(options); if (context.writer !== options.writer) { Object.defineProperty(context, "writer", {value: options.writer}); } return context; } export function wrapFileReporter(reporter: libReport.Visitor): VinylReporter { function reportVinyl(options: Readonly): NodeJS.ReadableStream { let done: boolean = false; return from2({objectMode: true}, (_: number, next: (err: null | Error, obj: Vinyl) => void): void => { if (done) { next(null, null as any); // end of stream return; } const cwd: string = process.cwd(); const writer: VinylWriter = new VinylWriter(cwd, cwd, next); // TODO: Fix istanbul-lib-report types const context: libReport.Context = createContext({ writer, sourceFinder: options.sourceFinder, } as any as ContextOptions); const tree: libReport.Tree = libReport.summarizers.pkg(; tree.visit(reporter, context); done = true; }); } return {reportVinyl}; } class VinylWriter implements libReport.FileWriter { public readonly base: string; public readonly dir: string; private readonly next: (err: null | Error, obj: Vinyl) => void; constructor(base: string, dir: string, next: (err: null | Error, obj: Vinyl) => void) { this.base = base; this.dir = dir; = next; } public copyFile(source: string, dest: string): void { const content: Buffer = fs.readFileSync(source); const resolvedPath: string = sysPath.join(this.dir, dest); const vinyl: Vinyl = new Vinyl({ cwd: this.base, base: this.base, path: resolvedPath, contents: content, });, vinyl); } public writeFile(file: string | null): VinylContentWriter { if (typeof file !== "string") { throw new Error("NotSupported: StreamWriter#writeFile(file: null)"); } const resolvedPath: string = sysPath.join(this.dir, file); return new VinylContentWriter((content: Buffer): void => { const vinyl: Vinyl = new Vinyl({ cwd: this.base, base: this.base, path: resolvedPath, contents: content, });, vinyl); }); } public writeForDir(subdir: string): VinylWriter { return new VinylWriter(this.base, sysPath.join(this.dir, subdir),; } } class VinylContentWriter implements libReport.ContentWriter { private readonly chunks: string[]; private readonly done: (content: Buffer) => void; constructor(done: (content: Buffer) => void) { this.chunks = []; this.done = done; } public write(str: string): void { this.chunks.push(str); } public println(str: string) { this.write(str); this.write("\n"); } public colorize(str: string): string { return str; } public close(): void { return this.done(Buffer.from(this.chunks.join(""))); } } export function wrapStreamReporter(reporter: libReport.Visitor): StreamReporter { function reportStream(options: Readonly): NodeJS.ReadableStream { const duplex: stream.Duplex = new stream.PassThrough(); const writer: StreamWriter = new StreamWriter(duplex); const context: libReport.Context = createContext({ writer, sourceFinder: options.sourceFinder, } as any as ContextOptions); const tree: libReport.Tree = libReport.summarizers.pkg(; tree.visit(reporter, context); return duplex; } return {reportStream}; } class StreamWriter implements libReport.FileWriter { private readonly stream: NodeJS.WritableStream; private fileName: string | null | undefined; constructor(stream: NodeJS.WritableStream) { = stream; this.fileName = undefined; } public copyFile(source: string, dest: string): void { throw new Error("NotSupported: StreamWriter#copyFile"); } public writeFile(file: string | null): StreamContentWriter { if (typeof file !== "string") { file = null; } if (this.fileName === undefined) { this.fileName = file; } else if (file !== this.fileName) { throw new Error(`NotSupported: Write to multiple different files: ${this.fileName}, ${file}`); } return new StreamContentWriter(; } public writeForDir(subdir: string): StreamWriter { throw new Error("NotSupported: StreamWriter#writeForDir"); } } class StreamContentWriter implements libReport.ContentWriter { private readonly stream: NodeJS.WritableStream; constructor(stream: NodeJS.WritableStream) { = stream; } public write(str: string): void {; } public println(str: string) { this.write(str); this.write("\n"); } public colorize(str: string): string { return str; } public close(): void {; } } export function toVinylOnlyReporter(reporter: StreamReporter, fileName: string): VinylReporter { function reportVinyl(options: Readonly): NodeJS.ReadableStream { let done: boolean = false; const wrappedStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream = from2( {objectMode: true}, (_: number, next: (err: null | Error, obj: Vinyl) => void): void => { if (done) { next(null, null as any); // end of stream return; } const stream: NodeJS.ReadableStream = reporter.reportStream(options); next(null, streamToVinyl(stream, fileName)); done = true; }, ); const streams: NodeJS.ReadableStream[] = [wrappedStream]; if (reporter.reportVinyl !== undefined) { streams.push(reporter.reportVinyl(options)); } return merge2(streams); } return {reportVinyl}; } function streamToVinyl(stream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, fileName: string): Vinyl { const cwd: string = process.cwd(); const resolvedPath: string = sysPath.join(cwd, fileName); return new Vinyl({ cwd, base: cwd, path: resolvedPath, contents: stream, }); }