import { toPosixPath } from "furi"; import minimatch from "minimatch"; import { parseSys as parseNodeScriptUrl } from "node-script-url"; import sysPath from "path"; import url from "url"; export interface ModuleInfo { url: string; isModule?: boolean; } export type CoverageFilter = (info: ModuleInfo) => boolean; export interface FromGlobOptions { patterns: ReadonlyArray; /** * Base file URL for relative patterns. */ base?: url.URL; } interface FuriMatch { type: "negative" | "positive"; regexp: RegExp; } export function fromGlob(options: FromGlobOptions): CoverageFilter { let basePath: string | undefined; if (options.base !== undefined) { basePath = toPosixPath(options.base.href); } const matches: FuriMatch[] = []; const patterns: ReadonlyArray = [...options.patterns]; for (const pattern of patterns) { let absPattern: string; let type: "negative" | "positive"; if (pattern.startsWith("!")) { absPattern = pattern.substr(1); type = "negative"; } else { absPattern = pattern; type = "positive"; } const resolvedPattern: string = basePath !== undefined ? sysPath.resolve(basePath, absPattern) : absPattern; matches.push({ type, regexp: minimatch.makeRe(resolvedPattern, {dot: true}), }); // Fix bad wildstar conversion to RegExp if (absPattern.startsWith("**/")) { const patternTail: string = absPattern.substr("**/".length); const resolvedPattern: string = basePath !== undefined ? sysPath.resolve(basePath, patternTail) : patternTail; matches.push({ type, regexp: minimatch.makeRe(resolvedPattern, {dot: true}), }); } } return function filter(info: ModuleInfo): boolean { if (!isRegularFile(info)) { return false; } const posixPath: string = toPosixPath(info.url); for (const match of matches) { if (match.regexp.test(posixPath)) { return match.type === "positive"; } } return false; }; } export function isRegularFile(info: ModuleInfo): boolean { return parseNodeScriptUrl(info.url).isFileUrl; } // function inCwd(info: ModuleInfo): boolean { // const scriptUrl: ParsedScriptUrl = parseNodeScriptUrl(info.url); // if (!scriptUrl.isFileUrl) { // return false; // } // const cwdFuri: string = fromSysPath(sysPath.resolve(process.cwd())).href; // return isDescendantOf(scriptUrl.url, cwdFuri); // } // function isDescendantOf(curUrl: string, ancestorUrl: string): boolean { // const cur: ReadonlyArray = new url.URL(curUrl).pathname.split("/"); // const ancestor: ReadonlyArray = new url.URL(ancestorUrl).pathname.split("/"); // for (const [i, segment] of ancestor.entries()) { // if (cur[i] !== segment) { // return false; // } // } // return true; // }