import Keyv = require('keyv'); import {Resolver, LookupAddress} from 'dns'; import {Agent} from 'http'; type IPFamily = 4 | 6; export interface Options { /** * A Keyv adapter which stores the cache. * @default new Map() */ cacheAdapter?: Keyv; /** * Limits the cache time (TTL). If set to `0`, it will make a new DNS query each time. * @default Infinity */ maxTtl?: number; /** * DNS Resolver used to make DNS queries. * @default new dns.Resolver() */ resolver?: Resolver; } interface EntryObject { /** * The IP address (can be an IPv4 or IPv5 address). */ readonly address: string; /** * The IP family. */ readonly family: IPFamily; /** * The original TTL. */ readonly ttl?: number; /** * The expiration timestamp. */ readonly expires?: number; } interface LookupOptions { /** * One or more supported getaddrinfo flags. Multiple flags may be passed by bitwise ORing their values. */ hints?: number; /** * The record family. Must be `4` or `6`. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are both returned by default. */ family?: IPFamily; /** * If `true` the entries returned by `lookup(…)` and `lookupAsync(…)` will have additional `expires` and `ttl` properties representing the expiration timestamp and the original TTL. * @default false */ details?: boolean; /** * When `true`, the callback returns all resolved addresses in an array. Otherwise, returns a single address. * @default false */ all?: boolean; /** * Throw when there's no match. If set to `false` and it gets no match, it will return `undefined`. * @default false */ throwNotFound?: boolean; } export default class CacheableLookup { constructor(options?: Options); /** * DNS servers used to make the query. Can be overridden - then the new servers will be used. */ servers: string[]; /** * @see */ lookup(hostname: string, family: IPFamily, callback: (error: NodeJS.ErrnoException, address: string, family: IPFamily) => void): void; lookup(hostname: string, callback: (error: NodeJS.ErrnoException, address: string, family: IPFamily) => void): void; lookup(hostname: string, options: LookupOptions & {all: true, details: true}, callback: (error: NodeJS.ErrnoException, result: ReadonlyArray) => void): void; lookup(hostname: string, options: LookupOptions & {all: true}, callback: (error: NodeJS.ErrnoException, result: ReadonlyArray) => void): void; lookup(hostname: string, options: LookupOptions, callback: (error: NodeJS.ErrnoException, address: string, family: IPFamily) => void): void; /** * The asynchronous version of `dns.lookup(…)`. */ lookupAsync(hostname: string, options: LookupOptions & {all: true, details: true}): Promise>; lookupAsync(hostname: string, options: LookupOptions & {all: true}): Promise>; lookupAsync(hostname: string, options: LookupOptions & {details: true}): Promise; lookupAsync(hostname: string, options: LookupOptions): Promise; lookupAsync(hostname: string): Promise; lookupAsync(hostname: string, family: IPFamily): Promise; /** * An asynchronous function which returns cached DNS lookup entries. This is the base for `lookupAsync(hostname, options)` and `lookup(hostname, options, callback)`. */ query(hostname: string, family: IPFamily): Promise>; /** * An asynchronous function which makes a new DNS lookup query and updates the database. This is used by `query(hostname, family)` if no entry in the database is present. Returns an array of objects with `address`, `family`, `ttl` and `expires` properties. */ queryAndCache(hostname: string, family: IPFamily): Promise>; /** * Attaches itself to an Agent instance. */ install(agent: Agent): void; /** * Removes itself from an Agent instance. */ uninstall(agent: Agent): void; }