/*! * camera-controls * https://github.com/yomotsu/camera-controls * (c) 2017 @yomotsu * Released under the MIT License. */ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); // see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent/buttons#value const MOUSE_BUTTON = { LEFT: 1, RIGHT: 2, MIDDLE: 4, }; const ACTION = Object.freeze({ NONE: 0b0, ROTATE: 0b1, TRUCK: 0b10, SCREEN_PAN: 0b100, OFFSET: 0b1000, DOLLY: 0b10000, ZOOM: 0b100000, TOUCH_ROTATE: 0b1000000, TOUCH_TRUCK: 0b10000000, TOUCH_SCREEN_PAN: 0b100000000, TOUCH_OFFSET: 0b1000000000, TOUCH_DOLLY: 0b10000000000, TOUCH_ZOOM: 0b100000000000, TOUCH_DOLLY_TRUCK: 0b1000000000000, TOUCH_DOLLY_SCREEN_PAN: 0b10000000000000, TOUCH_DOLLY_OFFSET: 0b100000000000000, TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE: 0b1000000000000000, TOUCH_ZOOM_TRUCK: 0b10000000000000000, TOUCH_ZOOM_OFFSET: 0b100000000000000000, TOUCH_ZOOM_SCREEN_PAN: 0b1000000000000000000, TOUCH_ZOOM_ROTATE: 0b10000000000000000000, }); const DOLLY_DIRECTION = { NONE: 0, IN: 1, OUT: -1, }; function isPerspectiveCamera(camera) { return camera.isPerspectiveCamera; } function isOrthographicCamera(camera) { return camera.isOrthographicCamera; } const PI_2 = Math.PI * 2; const PI_HALF = Math.PI / 2; const EPSILON = 1e-5; const DEG2RAD = Math.PI / 180; function clamp(value, min, max) { return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, value)); } function approxZero(number, error = EPSILON) { return Math.abs(number) < error; } function approxEquals(a, b, error = EPSILON) { return approxZero(a - b, error); } function roundToStep(value, step) { return Math.round(value / step) * step; } function infinityToMaxNumber(value) { if (isFinite(value)) return value; if (value < 0) return -Number.MAX_VALUE; return Number.MAX_VALUE; } function maxNumberToInfinity(value) { if (Math.abs(value) < Number.MAX_VALUE) return value; return value * Infinity; } // https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Mathf.SmoothDamp.html // https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/UnityCsReference/blob/a2bdfe9b3c4cd4476f44bf52f848063bfaf7b6b9/Runtime/Export/Math/Mathf.cs#L308 function smoothDamp(current, target, currentVelocityRef, smoothTime, maxSpeed = Infinity, deltaTime) { // Based on Game Programming Gems 4 Chapter 1.10 smoothTime = Math.max(0.0001, smoothTime); const omega = 2 / smoothTime; const x = omega * deltaTime; const exp = 1 / (1 + x + 0.48 * x * x + 0.235 * x * x * x); let change = current - target; const originalTo = target; // Clamp maximum speed const maxChange = maxSpeed * smoothTime; change = clamp(change, -maxChange, maxChange); target = current - change; const temp = (currentVelocityRef.value + omega * change) * deltaTime; currentVelocityRef.value = (currentVelocityRef.value - omega * temp) * exp; let output = target + (change + temp) * exp; // Prevent overshooting if (originalTo - current > 0.0 === output > originalTo) { output = originalTo; currentVelocityRef.value = (output - originalTo) / deltaTime; } return output; } // https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Vector3.SmoothDamp.html // https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/UnityCsReference/blob/a2bdfe9b3c4cd4476f44bf52f848063bfaf7b6b9/Runtime/Export/Math/Vector3.cs#L97 function smoothDampVec3(current, target, currentVelocityRef, smoothTime, maxSpeed = Infinity, deltaTime, out) { // Based on Game Programming Gems 4 Chapter 1.10 smoothTime = Math.max(0.0001, smoothTime); const omega = 2 / smoothTime; const x = omega * deltaTime; const exp = 1 / (1 + x + 0.48 * x * x + 0.235 * x * x * x); let targetX = target.x; let targetY = target.y; let targetZ = target.z; let changeX = current.x - targetX; let changeY = current.y - targetY; let changeZ = current.z - targetZ; const originalToX = targetX; const originalToY = targetY; const originalToZ = targetZ; // Clamp maximum speed const maxChange = maxSpeed * smoothTime; const maxChangeSq = maxChange * maxChange; const magnitudeSq = changeX * changeX + changeY * changeY + changeZ * changeZ; if (magnitudeSq > maxChangeSq) { const magnitude = Math.sqrt(magnitudeSq); changeX = changeX / magnitude * maxChange; changeY = changeY / magnitude * maxChange; changeZ = changeZ / magnitude * maxChange; } targetX = current.x - changeX; targetY = current.y - changeY; targetZ = current.z - changeZ; const tempX = (currentVelocityRef.x + omega * changeX) * deltaTime; const tempY = (currentVelocityRef.y + omega * changeY) * deltaTime; const tempZ = (currentVelocityRef.z + omega * changeZ) * deltaTime; currentVelocityRef.x = (currentVelocityRef.x - omega * tempX) * exp; currentVelocityRef.y = (currentVelocityRef.y - omega * tempY) * exp; currentVelocityRef.z = (currentVelocityRef.z - omega * tempZ) * exp; out.x = targetX + (changeX + tempX) * exp; out.y = targetY + (changeY + tempY) * exp; out.z = targetZ + (changeZ + tempZ) * exp; // Prevent overshooting const origMinusCurrentX = originalToX - current.x; const origMinusCurrentY = originalToY - current.y; const origMinusCurrentZ = originalToZ - current.z; const outMinusOrigX = out.x - originalToX; const outMinusOrigY = out.y - originalToY; const outMinusOrigZ = out.z - originalToZ; if (origMinusCurrentX * outMinusOrigX + origMinusCurrentY * outMinusOrigY + origMinusCurrentZ * outMinusOrigZ > 0) { out.x = originalToX; out.y = originalToY; out.z = originalToZ; currentVelocityRef.x = (out.x - originalToX) / deltaTime; currentVelocityRef.y = (out.y - originalToY) / deltaTime; currentVelocityRef.z = (out.z - originalToZ) / deltaTime; } return out; } function extractClientCoordFromEvent(pointers, out) { out.set(0, 0); pointers.forEach((pointer) => { out.x += pointer.clientX; out.y += pointer.clientY; }); out.x /= pointers.length; out.y /= pointers.length; } function notSupportedInOrthographicCamera(camera, message) { if (isOrthographicCamera(camera)) { console.warn(`${message} is not supported in OrthographicCamera`); return true; } return false; } class EventDispatcher { constructor() { this._listeners = {}; } /** * Adds the specified event listener. * @param type event name * @param listener handler function * @category Methods */ addEventListener(type, listener) { const listeners = this._listeners; if (listeners[type] === undefined) listeners[type] = []; if (listeners[type].indexOf(listener) === -1) listeners[type].push(listener); } /** * Presence of the specified event listener. * @param type event name * @param listener handler function * @category Methods */ hasEventListener(type, listener) { const listeners = this._listeners; return listeners[type] !== undefined && listeners[type].indexOf(listener) !== -1; } /** * Removes the specified event listener * @param type event name * @param listener handler function * @category Methods */ removeEventListener(type, listener) { const listeners = this._listeners; const listenerArray = listeners[type]; if (listenerArray !== undefined) { const index = listenerArray.indexOf(listener); if (index !== -1) listenerArray.splice(index, 1); } } /** * Removes all event listeners * @param type event name * @category Methods */ removeAllEventListeners(type) { if (!type) { this._listeners = {}; return; } if (Array.isArray(this._listeners[type])) this._listeners[type].length = 0; } /** * Fire an event type. * @param event DispatcherEvent * @category Methods */ dispatchEvent(event) { const listeners = this._listeners; const listenerArray = listeners[event.type]; if (listenerArray !== undefined) { event.target = this; const array = listenerArray.slice(0); for (let i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) { array[i].call(this, event); } } } } var _a; const VERSION = '2.10.0'; // will be replaced with `version` in package.json during the build process. const TOUCH_DOLLY_FACTOR = 1 / 8; const isMac = /Mac/.test((_a = globalThis === null || globalThis === void 0 ? void 0 : globalThis.navigator) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.platform); let THREE; let _ORIGIN; let _AXIS_Y; let _AXIS_Z; let _v2; let _v3A; let _v3B; let _v3C; let _cameraDirection; let _xColumn; let _yColumn; let _zColumn; let _deltaTarget; let _deltaOffset; let _sphericalA; let _sphericalB; let _box3A; let _box3B; let _sphere; let _quaternionA; let _quaternionB; let _rotationMatrix; let _raycaster; class CameraControls extends EventDispatcher { /** * Injects THREE as the dependency. You can then proceed to use CameraControls. * * e.g * ```javascript * CameraControls.install( { THREE: THREE } ); * ``` * * Note: If you do not wish to use enter three.js to reduce file size(tree-shaking for example), make a subset to install. * * ```js * import { * Vector2, * Vector3, * Vector4, * Quaternion, * Matrix4, * Spherical, * Box3, * Sphere, * Raycaster, * MathUtils, * } from 'three'; * * const subsetOfTHREE = { * Vector2 : Vector2, * Vector3 : Vector3, * Vector4 : Vector4, * Quaternion: Quaternion, * Matrix4 : Matrix4, * Spherical : Spherical, * Box3 : Box3, * Sphere : Sphere, * Raycaster : Raycaster, * }; * CameraControls.install( { THREE: subsetOfTHREE } ); * ``` * @category Statics */ static install(libs) { THREE = libs.THREE; _ORIGIN = Object.freeze(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0)); _AXIS_Y = Object.freeze(new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0)); _AXIS_Z = Object.freeze(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1)); _v2 = new THREE.Vector2(); _v3A = new THREE.Vector3(); _v3B = new THREE.Vector3(); _v3C = new THREE.Vector3(); _cameraDirection = new THREE.Vector3(); _xColumn = new THREE.Vector3(); _yColumn = new THREE.Vector3(); _zColumn = new THREE.Vector3(); _deltaTarget = new THREE.Vector3(); _deltaOffset = new THREE.Vector3(); _sphericalA = new THREE.Spherical(); _sphericalB = new THREE.Spherical(); _box3A = new THREE.Box3(); _box3B = new THREE.Box3(); _sphere = new THREE.Sphere(); _quaternionA = new THREE.Quaternion(); _quaternionB = new THREE.Quaternion(); _rotationMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(); _raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster(); } /** * list all ACTIONs * @category Statics */ static get ACTION() { return ACTION; } /** * Creates a `CameraControls` instance. * * Note: * You **must install** three.js before using camera-controls. see [#install](#install) * Not doing so will lead to runtime errors (`undefined` references to THREE). * * e.g. * ``` * CameraControls.install( { THREE } ); * const cameraControls = new CameraControls( camera, domElement ); * ``` * * @param camera A `THREE.PerspectiveCamera` or `THREE.OrthographicCamera` to be controlled. * @param domElement A `HTMLElement` for the draggable area, usually `renderer.domElement`. * @category Constructor */ constructor(camera, domElement) { super(); /** * Minimum vertical angle in radians. * The angle has to be between `0` and `.maxPolarAngle` inclusive. * The default value is `0`. * * e.g. * ``` * cameraControls.maxPolarAngle = 0; * ``` * @category Properties */ this.minPolarAngle = 0; // radians /** * Maximum vertical angle in radians. * The angle has to be between `.maxPolarAngle` and `Math.PI` inclusive. * The default value is `Math.PI`. * * e.g. * ``` * cameraControls.maxPolarAngle = Math.PI; * ``` * @category Properties */ this.maxPolarAngle = Math.PI; // radians /** * Minimum horizontal angle in radians. * The angle has to be less than `.maxAzimuthAngle`. * The default value is `- Infinity`. * * e.g. * ``` * cameraControls.minAzimuthAngle = - Infinity; * ``` * @category Properties */ this.minAzimuthAngle = -Infinity; // radians /** * Maximum horizontal angle in radians. * The angle has to be greater than `.minAzimuthAngle`. * The default value is `Infinity`. * * e.g. * ``` * cameraControls.maxAzimuthAngle = Infinity; * ``` * @category Properties */ this.maxAzimuthAngle = Infinity; // radians // How far you can dolly in and out ( PerspectiveCamera only ) /** * Minimum distance for dolly. The value must be higher than `0`. Default is `Number.EPSILON`. * PerspectiveCamera only. * @category Properties */ this.minDistance = Number.EPSILON; /** * Maximum distance for dolly. The value must be higher than `minDistance`. Default is `Infinity`. * PerspectiveCamera only. * @category Properties */ this.maxDistance = Infinity; /** * `true` to enable Infinity Dolly for wheel and pinch. Use this with `minDistance` and `maxDistance` * If the Dolly distance is less (or over) than the `minDistance` (or `maxDistance`), `infinityDolly` will keep the distance and pushes the target position instead. * @category Properties */ this.infinityDolly = false; /** * Minimum camera zoom. * @category Properties */ this.minZoom = 0.01; /** * Maximum camera zoom. * @category Properties */ this.maxZoom = Infinity; /** * Approximate time in seconds to reach the target. A smaller value will reach the target faster. * @category Properties */ this.smoothTime = 0.25; /** * the smoothTime while dragging * @category Properties */ this.draggingSmoothTime = 0.125; /** * Max transition speed in unit-per-seconds * @category Properties */ this.maxSpeed = Infinity; /** * Speed of azimuth (horizontal) rotation. * @category Properties */ this.azimuthRotateSpeed = 1.0; /** * Speed of polar (vertical) rotation. * @category Properties */ this.polarRotateSpeed = 1.0; /** * Speed of mouse-wheel dollying. * @category Properties */ this.dollySpeed = 1.0; /** * `true` to invert direction when dollying or zooming via drag * @category Properties */ this.dollyDragInverted = false; /** * Speed of drag for truck and pedestal. * @category Properties */ this.truckSpeed = 2.0; /** * `true` to enable Dolly-in to the mouse cursor coords. * @category Properties */ this.dollyToCursor = false; /** * @category Properties */ this.dragToOffset = false; /** * Friction ratio of the boundary. * @category Properties */ this.boundaryFriction = 0.0; /** * Controls how soon the `rest` event fires as the camera slows. * @category Properties */ this.restThreshold = 0.01; /** * An array of Meshes to collide with camera. * Be aware colliderMeshes may decrease performance. The collision test uses 4 raycasters from the camera since the near plane has 4 corners. * @category Properties */ this.colliderMeshes = []; /** * Force cancel user dragging. * @category Methods */ // cancel will be overwritten in the constructor. this.cancel = () => { }; this._enabled = true; this._state = ACTION.NONE; this._viewport = null; this._changedDolly = 0; this._changedZoom = 0; this._hasRested = true; this._boundaryEnclosesCamera = false; this._needsUpdate = true; this._updatedLastTime = false; this._elementRect = new DOMRect(); this._isDragging = false; this._dragNeedsUpdate = true; this._activePointers = []; this._lockedPointer = null; this._interactiveArea = new DOMRect(0, 0, 1, 1); // Use draggingSmoothTime over smoothTime while true. // set automatically true on user-dragging start. // set automatically false on programmable methods call. this._isUserControllingRotate = false; this._isUserControllingDolly = false; this._isUserControllingTruck = false; this._isUserControllingOffset = false; this._isUserControllingZoom = false; this._lastDollyDirection = DOLLY_DIRECTION.NONE; // velocities for smoothDamp this._thetaVelocity = { value: 0 }; this._phiVelocity = { value: 0 }; this._radiusVelocity = { value: 0 }; this._targetVelocity = new THREE.Vector3(); this._focalOffsetVelocity = new THREE.Vector3(); this._zoomVelocity = { value: 0 }; this._truckInternal = (deltaX, deltaY, dragToOffset, screenSpacePanning) => { let truckX; let pedestalY; if (isPerspectiveCamera(this._camera)) { const offset = _v3A.copy(this._camera.position).sub(this._target); // half of the fov is center to top of screen const fov = this._camera.getEffectiveFOV() * DEG2RAD; const targetDistance = offset.length() * Math.tan(fov * 0.5); truckX = (this.truckSpeed * deltaX * targetDistance / this._elementRect.height); pedestalY = (this.truckSpeed * deltaY * targetDistance / this._elementRect.height); } else if (isOrthographicCamera(this._camera)) { const camera = this._camera; truckX = this.truckSpeed * deltaX * (camera.right - camera.left) / camera.zoom / this._elementRect.width; pedestalY = this.truckSpeed * deltaY * (camera.top - camera.bottom) / camera.zoom / this._elementRect.height; } else { return; } if (screenSpacePanning) { dragToOffset ? this.setFocalOffset(this._focalOffsetEnd.x + truckX, this._focalOffsetEnd.y, this._focalOffsetEnd.z, true) : this.truck(truckX, 0, true); this.forward(-pedestalY, true); } else { dragToOffset ? this.setFocalOffset(this._focalOffsetEnd.x + truckX, this._focalOffsetEnd.y + pedestalY, this._focalOffsetEnd.z, true) : this.truck(truckX, pedestalY, true); } }; this._rotateInternal = (deltaX, deltaY) => { const theta = PI_2 * this.azimuthRotateSpeed * deltaX / this._elementRect.height; // divide by *height* to refer the resolution const phi = PI_2 * this.polarRotateSpeed * deltaY / this._elementRect.height; this.rotate(theta, phi, true); }; this._dollyInternal = (delta, x, y) => { const dollyScale = Math.pow(0.95, -delta * this.dollySpeed); const lastDistance = this._sphericalEnd.radius; const distance = this._sphericalEnd.radius * dollyScale; const clampedDistance = clamp(distance, this.minDistance, this.maxDistance); const overflowedDistance = clampedDistance - distance; if (this.infinityDolly && this.dollyToCursor) { this._dollyToNoClamp(distance, true); } else if (this.infinityDolly && !this.dollyToCursor) { this.dollyInFixed(overflowedDistance, true); this._dollyToNoClamp(clampedDistance, true); } else { this._dollyToNoClamp(clampedDistance, true); } if (this.dollyToCursor) { this._changedDolly += (this.infinityDolly ? distance : clampedDistance) - lastDistance; this._dollyControlCoord.set(x, y); } this._lastDollyDirection = Math.sign(-delta); }; this._zoomInternal = (delta, x, y) => { const zoomScale = Math.pow(0.95, delta * this.dollySpeed); const lastZoom = this._zoom; const zoom = this._zoom * zoomScale; // for both PerspectiveCamera and OrthographicCamera this.zoomTo(zoom, true); if (this.dollyToCursor) { this._changedZoom += zoom - lastZoom; this._dollyControlCoord.set(x, y); } }; // Check if the user has installed THREE if (typeof THREE === 'undefined') { console.error('camera-controls: `THREE` is undefined. You must first run `CameraControls.install( { THREE: THREE } )`. Check the docs for further information.'); } this._camera = camera; this._yAxisUpSpace = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromUnitVectors(this._camera.up, _AXIS_Y); this._yAxisUpSpaceInverse = this._yAxisUpSpace.clone().invert(); this._state = ACTION.NONE; // the location this._target = new THREE.Vector3(); this._targetEnd = this._target.clone(); this._focalOffset = new THREE.Vector3(); this._focalOffsetEnd = this._focalOffset.clone(); // rotation this._spherical = new THREE.Spherical().setFromVector3(_v3A.copy(this._camera.position).applyQuaternion(this._yAxisUpSpace)); this._sphericalEnd = this._spherical.clone(); this._lastDistance = this._spherical.radius; this._zoom = this._camera.zoom; this._zoomEnd = this._zoom; this._lastZoom = this._zoom; // collisionTest uses nearPlane.s this._nearPlaneCorners = [ new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), new THREE.Vector3(), ]; this._updateNearPlaneCorners(); // Target cannot move outside of this box this._boundary = new THREE.Box3(new THREE.Vector3(-Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity), new THREE.Vector3(Infinity, Infinity, Infinity)); // reset this._cameraUp0 = this._camera.up.clone(); this._target0 = this._target.clone(); this._position0 = this._camera.position.clone(); this._zoom0 = this._zoom; this._focalOffset0 = this._focalOffset.clone(); this._dollyControlCoord = new THREE.Vector2(); // configs this.mouseButtons = { left: ACTION.ROTATE, middle: ACTION.DOLLY, right: ACTION.TRUCK, wheel: isPerspectiveCamera(this._camera) ? ACTION.DOLLY : isOrthographicCamera(this._camera) ? ACTION.ZOOM : ACTION.NONE, }; this.touches = { one: ACTION.TOUCH_ROTATE, two: isPerspectiveCamera(this._camera) ? ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_TRUCK : isOrthographicCamera(this._camera) ? ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_TRUCK : ACTION.NONE, three: ACTION.TOUCH_TRUCK, }; const dragStartPosition = new THREE.Vector2(); const lastDragPosition = new THREE.Vector2(); const dollyStart = new THREE.Vector2(); const onPointerDown = (event) => { if (!this._enabled || !this._domElement) return; if (this._interactiveArea.left !== 0 || this._interactiveArea.top !== 0 || this._interactiveArea.width !== 1 || this._interactiveArea.height !== 1) { const elRect = this._domElement.getBoundingClientRect(); const left = event.clientX / elRect.width; const top = event.clientY / elRect.height; // check if the interactiveArea contains the drag start position. if (left < this._interactiveArea.left || left > this._interactiveArea.right || top < this._interactiveArea.top || top > this._interactiveArea.bottom) return; } // Don't call `event.preventDefault()` on the pointerdown event // to keep receiving pointermove evens outside dragging iframe // https://taye.me/blog/tips/2015/11/16/mouse-drag-outside-iframe/ const mouseButton = event.pointerType !== 'mouse' ? null : (event.buttons & MOUSE_BUTTON.LEFT) === MOUSE_BUTTON.LEFT ? MOUSE_BUTTON.LEFT : (event.buttons & MOUSE_BUTTON.MIDDLE) === MOUSE_BUTTON.MIDDLE ? MOUSE_BUTTON.MIDDLE : (event.buttons & MOUSE_BUTTON.RIGHT) === MOUSE_BUTTON.RIGHT ? MOUSE_BUTTON.RIGHT : null; if (mouseButton !== null) { const zombiePointer = this._findPointerByMouseButton(mouseButton); zombiePointer && this._disposePointer(zombiePointer); } if ((event.buttons & MOUSE_BUTTON.LEFT) === MOUSE_BUTTON.LEFT && this._lockedPointer) return; const pointer = { pointerId: event.pointerId, clientX: event.clientX, clientY: event.clientY, deltaX: 0, deltaY: 0, mouseButton, }; this._activePointers.push(pointer); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef this._domElement.ownerDocument.removeEventListener('pointermove', onPointerMove, { passive: false }); this._domElement.ownerDocument.removeEventListener('pointerup', onPointerUp); this._domElement.ownerDocument.addEventListener('pointermove', onPointerMove, { passive: false }); this._domElement.ownerDocument.addEventListener('pointerup', onPointerUp); this._isDragging = true; startDragging(event); }; const onPointerMove = (event) => { if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault(); const pointerId = event.pointerId; const pointer = this._lockedPointer || this._findPointerById(pointerId); if (!pointer) return; pointer.clientX = event.clientX; pointer.clientY = event.clientY; pointer.deltaX = event.movementX; pointer.deltaY = event.movementY; this._state = 0; if (event.pointerType === 'touch') { switch (this._activePointers.length) { case 1: this._state = this.touches.one; break; case 2: this._state = this.touches.two; break; case 3: this._state = this.touches.three; break; } } else { if ((!this._isDragging && this._lockedPointer) || this._isDragging && (event.buttons & MOUSE_BUTTON.LEFT) === MOUSE_BUTTON.LEFT) { this._state = this._state | this.mouseButtons.left; } if (this._isDragging && (event.buttons & MOUSE_BUTTON.MIDDLE) === MOUSE_BUTTON.MIDDLE) { this._state = this._state | this.mouseButtons.middle; } if (this._isDragging && (event.buttons & MOUSE_BUTTON.RIGHT) === MOUSE_BUTTON.RIGHT) { this._state = this._state | this.mouseButtons.right; } } dragging(); }; const onPointerUp = (event) => { const pointer = this._findPointerById(event.pointerId); if (pointer && pointer === this._lockedPointer) return; pointer && this._disposePointer(pointer); if (event.pointerType === 'touch') { switch (this._activePointers.length) { case 0: this._state = ACTION.NONE; break; case 1: this._state = this.touches.one; break; case 2: this._state = this.touches.two; break; case 3: this._state = this.touches.three; break; } } else { this._state = ACTION.NONE; } endDragging(); }; let lastScrollTimeStamp = -1; const onMouseWheel = (event) => { if (!this._domElement) return; if (!this._enabled || this.mouseButtons.wheel === ACTION.NONE) return; if (this._interactiveArea.left !== 0 || this._interactiveArea.top !== 0 || this._interactiveArea.width !== 1 || this._interactiveArea.height !== 1) { const elRect = this._domElement.getBoundingClientRect(); const left = event.clientX / elRect.width; const top = event.clientY / elRect.height; // check if the interactiveArea contains the drag start position. if (left < this._interactiveArea.left || left > this._interactiveArea.right || top < this._interactiveArea.top || top > this._interactiveArea.bottom) return; } event.preventDefault(); if (this.dollyToCursor || this.mouseButtons.wheel === ACTION.ROTATE || this.mouseButtons.wheel === ACTION.TRUCK) { const now = performance.now(); // only need to fire this at scroll start. if (lastScrollTimeStamp - now < 1000) this._getClientRect(this._elementRect); lastScrollTimeStamp = now; } // Ref: https://github.com/cedricpinson/osgjs/blob/00e5a7e9d9206c06fdde0436e1d62ab7cb5ce853/sources/osgViewer/input/source/InputSourceMouse.js#L89-L103 const deltaYFactor = isMac ? -1 : -3; const delta = (event.deltaMode === 1) ? event.deltaY / deltaYFactor : event.deltaY / (deltaYFactor * 10); const x = this.dollyToCursor ? (event.clientX - this._elementRect.x) / this._elementRect.width * 2 - 1 : 0; const y = this.dollyToCursor ? (event.clientY - this._elementRect.y) / this._elementRect.height * -2 + 1 : 0; switch (this.mouseButtons.wheel) { case ACTION.ROTATE: { this._rotateInternal(event.deltaX, event.deltaY); this._isUserControllingRotate = true; break; } case ACTION.TRUCK: { this._truckInternal(event.deltaX, event.deltaY, false, false); this._isUserControllingTruck = true; break; } case ACTION.SCREEN_PAN: { this._truckInternal(event.deltaX, event.deltaY, false, true); this._isUserControllingTruck = true; break; } case ACTION.OFFSET: { this._truckInternal(event.deltaX, event.deltaY, true, false); this._isUserControllingOffset = true; break; } case ACTION.DOLLY: { this._dollyInternal(-delta, x, y); this._isUserControllingDolly = true; break; } case ACTION.ZOOM: { this._zoomInternal(-delta, x, y); this._isUserControllingZoom = true; break; } } this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'control' }); }; const onContextMenu = (event) => { if (!this._domElement || !this._enabled) return; // contextmenu event is fired right after pointerdown // remove attached handlers and active pointer, if interrupted by contextmenu. if (this.mouseButtons.right === CameraControls.ACTION.NONE) { const pointerId = event instanceof PointerEvent ? event.pointerId : 0; const pointer = this._findPointerById(pointerId); pointer && this._disposePointer(pointer); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef this._domElement.ownerDocument.removeEventListener('pointermove', onPointerMove, { passive: false }); this._domElement.ownerDocument.removeEventListener('pointerup', onPointerUp); return; } event.preventDefault(); }; const startDragging = (event) => { if (!this._enabled) return; extractClientCoordFromEvent(this._activePointers, _v2); this._getClientRect(this._elementRect); dragStartPosition.copy(_v2); lastDragPosition.copy(_v2); const isMultiTouch = this._activePointers.length >= 2; if (isMultiTouch) { // 2 finger pinch const dx = _v2.x - this._activePointers[1].clientX; const dy = _v2.y - this._activePointers[1].clientY; const distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); dollyStart.set(0, distance); // center coords of 2 finger truck const x = (this._activePointers[0].clientX + this._activePointers[1].clientX) * 0.5; const y = (this._activePointers[0].clientY + this._activePointers[1].clientY) * 0.5; lastDragPosition.set(x, y); } this._state = 0; if (!event) { if (this._lockedPointer) this._state = this._state | this.mouseButtons.left; } else if ('pointerType' in event && event.pointerType === 'touch') { switch (this._activePointers.length) { case 1: this._state = this.touches.one; break; case 2: this._state = this.touches.two; break; case 3: this._state = this.touches.three; break; } } else { if (!this._lockedPointer && (event.buttons & MOUSE_BUTTON.LEFT) === MOUSE_BUTTON.LEFT) { this._state = this._state | this.mouseButtons.left; } if ((event.buttons & MOUSE_BUTTON.MIDDLE) === MOUSE_BUTTON.MIDDLE) { this._state = this._state | this.mouseButtons.middle; } if ((event.buttons & MOUSE_BUTTON.RIGHT) === MOUSE_BUTTON.RIGHT) { this._state = this._state | this.mouseButtons.right; } } // stop current movement on drag start // - rotate if ((this._state & ACTION.ROTATE) === ACTION.ROTATE || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ROTATE) === ACTION.TOUCH_ROTATE || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_ROTATE) === ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_ROTATE) { this._sphericalEnd.theta = this._spherical.theta; this._sphericalEnd.phi = this._spherical.phi; this._thetaVelocity.value = 0; this._phiVelocity.value = 0; } // - truck and screen-pan if ((this._state & ACTION.TRUCK) === ACTION.TRUCK || (this._state & ACTION.SCREEN_PAN) === ACTION.SCREEN_PAN || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_TRUCK) === ACTION.TOUCH_TRUCK || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_SCREEN_PAN) === ACTION.TOUCH_SCREEN_PAN || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_TRUCK) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_TRUCK || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_SCREEN_PAN) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_SCREEN_PAN || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_TRUCK) === ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_TRUCK || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_SCREEN_PAN) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_SCREEN_PAN) { this._targetEnd.copy(this._target); this._targetVelocity.set(0, 0, 0); } // - dolly if ((this._state & ACTION.DOLLY) === ACTION.DOLLY || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_TRUCK) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_TRUCK || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_SCREEN_PAN) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_SCREEN_PAN || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_OFFSET) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_OFFSET || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE) { this._sphericalEnd.radius = this._spherical.radius; this._radiusVelocity.value = 0; } // - zoom if ((this._state & ACTION.ZOOM) === ACTION.ZOOM || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM) === ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_TRUCK) === ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_TRUCK || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_SCREEN_PAN) === ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_SCREEN_PAN || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_OFFSET) === ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_OFFSET || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_ROTATE) === ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_ROTATE) { this._zoomEnd = this._zoom; this._zoomVelocity.value = 0; } // - offset if ((this._state & ACTION.OFFSET) === ACTION.OFFSET || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_OFFSET) === ACTION.TOUCH_OFFSET || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_OFFSET) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_OFFSET || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_OFFSET) === ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_OFFSET) { this._focalOffsetEnd.copy(this._focalOffset); this._focalOffsetVelocity.set(0, 0, 0); } this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'controlstart' }); }; const dragging = () => { if (!this._enabled || !this._dragNeedsUpdate) return; this._dragNeedsUpdate = false; extractClientCoordFromEvent(this._activePointers, _v2); // When pointer lock is enabled clientX, clientY, screenX, and screenY remain 0. // If pointer lock is enabled, use the Delta directory, and assume active-pointer is not multiple. const isPointerLockActive = this._domElement && this._domElement.ownerDocument.pointerLockElement === this._domElement; const lockedPointer = isPointerLockActive ? this._lockedPointer || this._activePointers[0] : null; const deltaX = lockedPointer ? -lockedPointer.deltaX : lastDragPosition.x - _v2.x; const deltaY = lockedPointer ? -lockedPointer.deltaY : lastDragPosition.y - _v2.y; lastDragPosition.copy(_v2); // rotate if ((this._state & ACTION.ROTATE) === ACTION.ROTATE || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ROTATE) === ACTION.TOUCH_ROTATE || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_ROTATE) === ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_ROTATE) { this._rotateInternal(deltaX, deltaY); this._isUserControllingRotate = true; } // mouse dolly or zoom if ((this._state & ACTION.DOLLY) === ACTION.DOLLY || (this._state & ACTION.ZOOM) === ACTION.ZOOM) { const dollyX = this.dollyToCursor ? (dragStartPosition.x - this._elementRect.x) / this._elementRect.width * 2 - 1 : 0; const dollyY = this.dollyToCursor ? (dragStartPosition.y - this._elementRect.y) / this._elementRect.height * -2 + 1 : 0; const dollyDirection = this.dollyDragInverted ? -1 : 1; if ((this._state & ACTION.DOLLY) === ACTION.DOLLY) { this._dollyInternal(dollyDirection * deltaY * TOUCH_DOLLY_FACTOR, dollyX, dollyY); this._isUserControllingDolly = true; } else { this._zoomInternal(dollyDirection * deltaY * TOUCH_DOLLY_FACTOR, dollyX, dollyY); this._isUserControllingZoom = true; } } // touch dolly or zoom if ((this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM) === ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_TRUCK) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_TRUCK || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_TRUCK) === ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_TRUCK || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_SCREEN_PAN) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_SCREEN_PAN || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_SCREEN_PAN) === ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_SCREEN_PAN || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_OFFSET) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_OFFSET || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_OFFSET) === ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_OFFSET || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_ROTATE) === ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_ROTATE) { const dx = _v2.x - this._activePointers[1].clientX; const dy = _v2.y - this._activePointers[1].clientY; const distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); const dollyDelta = dollyStart.y - distance; dollyStart.set(0, distance); const dollyX = this.dollyToCursor ? (lastDragPosition.x - this._elementRect.x) / this._elementRect.width * 2 - 1 : 0; const dollyY = this.dollyToCursor ? (lastDragPosition.y - this._elementRect.y) / this._elementRect.height * -2 + 1 : 0; if ((this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_ROTATE || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_TRUCK) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_TRUCK || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_SCREEN_PAN) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_SCREEN_PAN || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_OFFSET) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_OFFSET) { this._dollyInternal(dollyDelta * TOUCH_DOLLY_FACTOR, dollyX, dollyY); this._isUserControllingDolly = true; } else { this._zoomInternal(dollyDelta * TOUCH_DOLLY_FACTOR, dollyX, dollyY); this._isUserControllingZoom = true; } } // truck if ((this._state & ACTION.TRUCK) === ACTION.TRUCK || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_TRUCK) === ACTION.TOUCH_TRUCK || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_TRUCK) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_TRUCK || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_TRUCK) === ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_TRUCK) { this._truckInternal(deltaX, deltaY, false, false); this._isUserControllingTruck = true; } // screen-pan if ((this._state & ACTION.SCREEN_PAN) === ACTION.SCREEN_PAN || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_SCREEN_PAN) === ACTION.TOUCH_SCREEN_PAN || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_SCREEN_PAN) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_SCREEN_PAN || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_SCREEN_PAN) === ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_SCREEN_PAN) { this._truckInternal(deltaX, deltaY, false, true); this._isUserControllingTruck = true; } // offset if ((this._state & ACTION.OFFSET) === ACTION.OFFSET || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_OFFSET) === ACTION.TOUCH_OFFSET || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_OFFSET) === ACTION.TOUCH_DOLLY_OFFSET || (this._state & ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_OFFSET) === ACTION.TOUCH_ZOOM_OFFSET) { this._truckInternal(deltaX, deltaY, true, false); this._isUserControllingOffset = true; } this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'control' }); }; const endDragging = () => { extractClientCoordFromEvent(this._activePointers, _v2); lastDragPosition.copy(_v2); this._dragNeedsUpdate = false; if (this._activePointers.length === 0 || (this._activePointers.length === 1 && this._activePointers[0] === this._lockedPointer)) { this._isDragging = false; } if (this._activePointers.length === 0 && this._domElement) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef this._domElement.ownerDocument.removeEventListener('pointermove', onPointerMove, { passive: false }); this._domElement.ownerDocument.removeEventListener('pointerup', onPointerUp); this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'controlend' }); } }; this.lockPointer = () => { if (!this._enabled || !this._domElement) return; this.cancel(); // Element.requestPointerLock is allowed to happen without any pointer active - create a faux one for compatibility with controls this._lockedPointer = { pointerId: -1, clientX: 0, clientY: 0, deltaX: 0, deltaY: 0, mouseButton: null, }; this._activePointers.push(this._lockedPointer); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef this._domElement.ownerDocument.removeEventListener('pointermove', onPointerMove, { passive: false }); this._domElement.ownerDocument.removeEventListener('pointerup', onPointerUp); this._domElement.requestPointerLock(); this._domElement.ownerDocument.addEventListener('pointerlockchange', onPointerLockChange); this._domElement.ownerDocument.addEventListener('pointerlockerror', onPointerLockError); this._domElement.ownerDocument.addEventListener('pointermove', onPointerMove, { passive: false }); this._domElement.ownerDocument.addEventListener('pointerup', onPointerUp); startDragging(); }; this.unlockPointer = () => { var _a, _b, _c; if (this._lockedPointer !== null) { this._disposePointer(this._lockedPointer); this._lockedPointer = null; } (_a = this._domElement) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.ownerDocument.exitPointerLock(); (_b = this._domElement) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.ownerDocument.removeEventListener('pointerlockchange', onPointerLockChange); (_c = this._domElement) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.ownerDocument.removeEventListener('pointerlockerror', onPointerLockError); this.cancel(); }; const onPointerLockChange = () => { const isPointerLockActive = this._domElement && this._domElement.ownerDocument.pointerLockElement === this._domElement; if (!isPointerLockActive) this.unlockPointer(); }; const onPointerLockError = () => { this.unlockPointer(); }; this._addAllEventListeners = (domElement) => { this._domElement = domElement; this._domElement.style.touchAction = 'none'; this._domElement.style.userSelect = 'none'; this._domElement.style.webkitUserSelect = 'none'; this._domElement.addEventListener('pointerdown', onPointerDown); this._domElement.addEventListener('pointercancel', onPointerUp); this._domElement.addEventListener('wheel', onMouseWheel, { passive: false }); this._domElement.addEventListener('contextmenu', onContextMenu); }; this._removeAllEventListeners = () => { if (!this._domElement) return; this._domElement.style.touchAction = ''; this._domElement.style.userSelect = ''; this._domElement.style.webkitUserSelect = ''; this._domElement.removeEventListener('pointerdown', onPointerDown); this._domElement.removeEventListener('pointercancel', onPointerUp); // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/removeEventListener#matching_event_listeners_for_removal // > it's probably wise to use the same values used for the call to `addEventListener()` when calling `removeEventListener()` // see https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/32912#issuecomment-522142969 // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef this._domElement.removeEventListener('wheel', onMouseWheel, { passive: false }); this._domElement.removeEventListener('contextmenu', onContextMenu); // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef this._domElement.ownerDocument.removeEventListener('pointermove', onPointerMove, { passive: false }); this._domElement.ownerDocument.removeEventListener('pointerup', onPointerUp); this._domElement.ownerDocument.removeEventListener('pointerlockchange', onPointerLockChange); this._domElement.ownerDocument.removeEventListener('pointerlockerror', onPointerLockError); }; this.cancel = () => { if (this._state === ACTION.NONE) return; this._state = ACTION.NONE; this._activePointers.length = 0; endDragging(); }; if (domElement) this.connect(domElement); this.update(0); } /** * The camera to be controlled * @category Properties */ get camera() { return this._camera; } set camera(camera) { this._camera = camera; this.updateCameraUp(); this._camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); this._updateNearPlaneCorners(); this._needsUpdate = true; } /** * Whether or not the controls are enabled. * `false` to disable user dragging/touch-move, but all methods works. * @category Properties */ get enabled() { return this._enabled; } set enabled(enabled) { this._enabled = enabled; if (!this._domElement) return; if (enabled) { this._domElement.style.touchAction = 'none'; this._domElement.style.userSelect = 'none'; this._domElement.style.webkitUserSelect = 'none'; } else { this.cancel(); this._domElement.style.touchAction = ''; this._domElement.style.userSelect = ''; this._domElement.style.webkitUserSelect = ''; } } /** * Returns `true` if the controls are active updating. * readonly value. * @category Properties */ get active() { return !this._hasRested; } /** * Getter for the current `ACTION`. * readonly value. * @category Properties */ get currentAction() { return this._state; } /** * get/set Current distance. * @category Properties */ get distance() { return this._spherical.radius; } set distance(distance) { if (this._spherical.radius === distance && this._sphericalEnd.radius === distance) return; this._spherical.radius = distance; this._sphericalEnd.radius = distance; this._needsUpdate = true; } // horizontal angle /** * get/set the azimuth angle (horizontal) in radians. * Every 360 degrees turn is added to `.azimuthAngle` value, which is accumulative. * @category Properties */ get azimuthAngle() { return this._spherical.theta; } set azimuthAngle(azimuthAngle) { if (this._spherical.theta === azimuthAngle && this._sphericalEnd.theta === azimuthAngle) return; this._spherical.theta = azimuthAngle; this._sphericalEnd.theta = azimuthAngle; this._needsUpdate = true; } // vertical angle /** * get/set the polar angle (vertical) in radians. * @category Properties */ get polarAngle() { return this._spherical.phi; } set polarAngle(polarAngle) { if (this._spherical.phi === polarAngle && this._sphericalEnd.phi === polarAngle) return; this._spherical.phi = polarAngle; this._sphericalEnd.phi = polarAngle; this._needsUpdate = true; } /** * Whether camera position should be enclosed in the boundary or not. * @category Properties */ get boundaryEnclosesCamera() { return this._boundaryEnclosesCamera; } set boundaryEnclosesCamera(boundaryEnclosesCamera) { this._boundaryEnclosesCamera = boundaryEnclosesCamera; this._needsUpdate = true; } /** * Set drag-start, touches and wheel enable area in the domElement. * each values are between `0` and `1` inclusive, where `0` is left/top and `1` is right/bottom of the screen. * e.g. `{ x: 0, y: 0, width: 1, height: 1 }` for entire area. * @category Properties */ set interactiveArea(interactiveArea) { this._interactiveArea.width = clamp(interactiveArea.width, 0, 1); this._interactiveArea.height = clamp(interactiveArea.height, 0, 1); this._interactiveArea.x = clamp(interactiveArea.x, 0, 1 - this._interactiveArea.width); this._interactiveArea.y = clamp(interactiveArea.y, 0, 1 - this._interactiveArea.height); } /** * Adds the specified event listener. * Applicable event types (which is `K`) are: * | Event name | Timing | * | ------------------- | ------ | * | `'controlstart'` | When the user starts to control the camera via mouse / touches. ¹ | * | `'control'` | When the user controls the camera (dragging). | * | `'controlend'` | When the user ends to control the camera. ¹ | * | `'transitionstart'` | When any kind of transition starts, either user control or using a method with `enableTransition = true` | * | `'update'` | When the camera position is updated. | * | `'wake'` | When the camera starts moving. | * | `'rest'` | When the camera movement is below `.restThreshold` ². | * | `'sleep'` | When the camera end moving. | * * 1. `mouseButtons.wheel` (Mouse wheel control) does not emit `'controlstart'` and `'controlend'`. `mouseButtons.wheel` uses scroll-event internally, and scroll-event happens intermittently. That means "start" and "end" cannot be detected. * 2. Due to damping, `sleep` will usually fire a few seconds after the camera _appears_ to have stopped moving. If you want to do something (e.g. enable UI, perform another transition) at the point when the camera has stopped, you probably want the `rest` event. This can be fine tuned using the `.restThreshold` parameter. See the [Rest and Sleep Example](https://yomotsu.github.io/camera-controls/examples/rest-and-sleep.html). * * e.g. * ``` * cameraControl.addEventListener( 'controlstart', myCallbackFunction ); * ``` * @param type event name * @param listener handler function * @category Methods */ addEventListener(type, listener) { super.addEventListener(type, listener); } /** * Removes the specified event listener * e.g. * ``` * cameraControl.addEventListener( 'controlstart', myCallbackFunction ); * ``` * @param type event name * @param listener handler function * @category Methods */ removeEventListener(type, listener) { super.removeEventListener(type, listener); } /** * Rotate azimuthal angle(horizontal) and polar angle(vertical). * Every value is added to the current value. * @param azimuthAngle Azimuth rotate angle. In radian. * @param polarAngle Polar rotate angle. In radian. * @param enableTransition Whether to move smoothly or immediately * @category Methods */ rotate(azimuthAngle, polarAngle, enableTransition = false) { return this.rotateTo(this._sphericalEnd.theta + azimuthAngle, this._sphericalEnd.phi + polarAngle, enableTransition); } /** * Rotate azimuthal angle(horizontal) to the given angle and keep the same polar angle(vertical) target. * * e.g. * ``` * cameraControls.rotateAzimuthTo( 30 * THREE.MathUtils.DEG2RAD, true ); * ``` * @param azimuthAngle Azimuth rotate angle. In radian. * @param enableTransition Whether to move smoothly or immediately * @category Methods */ rotateAzimuthTo(azimuthAngle, enableTransition = false) { return this.rotateTo(azimuthAngle, this._sphericalEnd.phi, enableTransition); } /** * Rotate polar angle(vertical) to the given angle and keep the same azimuthal angle(horizontal) target. * * e.g. * ``` * cameraControls.rotatePolarTo( 30 * THREE.MathUtils.DEG2RAD, true ); * ``` * @param polarAngle Polar rotate angle. In radian. * @param enableTransition Whether to move smoothly or immediately * @category Methods */ rotatePolarTo(polarAngle, enableTransition = false) { return this.rotateTo(this._sphericalEnd.theta, polarAngle, enableTransition); } /** * Rotate azimuthal angle(horizontal) and polar angle(vertical) to the given angle. * Camera view will rotate over the orbit pivot absolutely: * * azimuthAngle * ``` * 0º * \ * 90º -----+----- -90º * \ * 180º * ``` * | direction | angle | * | --------- | ---------------------- | * | front | 0º | * | left | 90º (`Math.PI / 2`) | * | right | -90º (`- Math.PI / 2`) | * | back | 180º (`Math.PI`) | * * polarAngle * ``` * 180º * | * 90º * | * 0º * ``` * | direction | angle | * | -------------------- | ---------------------- | * | top/sky | 180º (`Math.PI`) | * | horizontal from view | 90º (`Math.PI / 2`) | * | bottom/floor | 0º | * * @param azimuthAngle Azimuth rotate angle to. In radian. * @param polarAngle Polar rotate angle to. In radian. * @param enableTransition Whether to move smoothly or immediately * @category Methods */ rotateTo(azimuthAngle, polarAngle, enableTransition = false) { this._isUserControllingRotate = false; const theta = clamp(azimuthAngle, this.minAzimuthAngle, this.maxAzimuthAngle); const phi = clamp(polarAngle, this.minPolarAngle, this.maxPolarAngle); this._sphericalEnd.theta = theta; this._sphericalEnd.phi = phi; this._sphericalEnd.makeSafe(); this._needsUpdate = true; if (!enableTransition) { this._spherical.theta = this._sphericalEnd.theta; this._spherical.phi = this._sphericalEnd.phi; } const resolveImmediately = !enableTransition || approxEquals(this._spherical.theta, this._sphericalEnd.theta, this.restThreshold) && approxEquals(this._spherical.phi, this._sphericalEnd.phi, this.restThreshold); return this._createOnRestPromise(resolveImmediately); } /** * Dolly in/out camera position. * @param distance Distance of dollyIn. Negative number for dollyOut. * @param enableTransition Whether to move smoothly or immediately. * @category Methods */ dolly(distance, enableTransition = false) { return this.dollyTo(this._sphericalEnd.radius - distance, enableTransition); } /** * Dolly in/out camera position to given distance. * @param distance Distance of dolly. * @param enableTransition Whether to move smoothly or immediately. * @category Methods */ dollyTo(distance, enableTransition = false) { this._isUserControllingDolly = false; this._lastDollyDirection = DOLLY_DIRECTION.NONE; this._changedDolly = 0; return this._dollyToNoClamp(clamp(distance, this.minDistance, this.maxDistance), enableTransition); } _dollyToNoClamp(distance, enableTransition = false) { const lastRadius = this._sphericalEnd.radius; const hasCollider = this.colliderMeshes.length >= 1; if (hasCollider) { const maxDistanceByCollisionTest = this._collisionTest(); const isCollided = approxEquals(maxDistanceByCollisionTest, this._spherical.radius); const isDollyIn = lastRadius > distance; if (!isDollyIn && isCollided) return Promise.resolve(); this._sphericalEnd.radius = Math.min(distance, maxDistanceByCollisionTest); } else { this._sphericalEnd.radius = distance; } this._needsUpdate = true; if (!enableTransition) { this._spherical.radius = this._sphericalEnd.radius; } const resolveImmediately = !enableTransition || approxEquals(this._spherical.radius, this._sphericalEnd.radius, this.restThreshold); return this._createOnRestPromise(resolveImmediately); } /** * Dolly in, but does not change the distance between the target and the camera, and moves the target position instead. * Specify a negative value for dolly out. * @param distance Distance of dolly. * @param enableTransition Whether to move smoothly or immediately. * @category Methods */ dollyInFixed(distance, enableTransition = false) { this._targetEnd.add(this._getCameraDirection(_cameraDirection).multiplyScalar(distance)); if (!enableTransition) { this._target.copy(this._targetEnd); } const resolveImmediately = !enableTransition || approxEquals(this._target.x, this._targetEnd.x, this.restThreshold) && approxEquals(this._target.y, this._targetEnd.y, this.restThreshold) && approxEquals(this._target.z, this._targetEnd.z, this.restThreshold); return this._createOnRestPromise(resolveImmediately); } /** * Zoom in/out camera. The value is added to camera zoom. * Limits set with `.minZoom` and `.maxZoom` * @param zoomStep zoom scale * @param enableTransition Whether to move smoothly or immediately * @category Methods */ zoom(zoomStep, enableTransition = false) { return this.zoomTo(this._zoomEnd + zoomStep, enableTransition); } /** * Zoom in/out camera to given scale. The value overwrites camera zoom. * Limits set with .minZoom and .maxZoom * @param zoom * @param enableTransition * @category Methods */ zoomTo(zoom, enableTransition = false) { this._isUserControllingZoom = false; this._zoomEnd = clamp(zoom, this.minZoom, this.maxZoom); this._needsUpdate = true; if (!enableTransition) { this._zoom = this._zoomEnd; } const resolveImmediately = !enableTransition || approxEquals(this._zoom, this._zoomEnd, this.restThreshold); this._changedZoom = 0; return this._createOnRestPromise(resolveImmediately); } /** * @deprecated `pan()` has been renamed to `truck()` * @category Methods */ pan(x, y, enableTransition = false) { console.warn('`pan` has been renamed to `truck`'); return this.truck(x, y, enableTransition); } /** * Truck and pedestal camera using current azimuthal angle * @param x Horizontal translate amount * @param y Vertical translate amount * @param enableTransition Whether to move smoothly or immediately * @category Methods */ truck(x, y, enableTransition = false) { this._camera.updateMatrix(); _xColumn.setFromMatrixColumn(this._camera.matrix, 0); _yColumn.setFromMatrixColumn(this._camera.matrix, 1); _xColumn.multiplyScalar(x); _yColumn.multiplyScalar(-y); const offset = _v3A.copy(_xColumn).add(_yColumn); const to = _v3B.copy(this._targetEnd).add(offset); return this.moveTo(to.x, to.y, to.z, enableTransition); } /** * Move forward / backward. * @param distance Amount to move forward / backward. Negative value to move backward * @param enableTransition Whether to move smoothly or immediately * @category Methods */ forward(distance, enableTransition = false) { _v3A.setFromMatrixColumn(this._camera.matrix, 0); _v3A.crossVectors(this._camera.up, _v3A); _v3A.multiplyScalar(distance); const to = _v3B.copy(this._targetEnd).add(_v3A); return this.moveTo(to.x, to.y, to.z, enableTransition); } /** * Move up / down. * @param height Amount to move up / down. Negative value to move down * @param enableTransition Whether to move smoothly or immediately * @category Methods */ elevate(height, enableTransition = false) { _v3A.copy(this._camera.up).multiplyScalar(height); return this.moveTo(this._targetEnd.x + _v3A.x, this._targetEnd.y + _v3A.y, this._targetEnd.z + _v3A.z, enableTransition); } /** * Move target position to given point. * @param x x coord to move center position * @param y y coord to move center position * @param z z coord to move center position * @param enableTransition Whether to move smoothly or immediately * @category Methods */ moveTo(x, y, z, enableTransition = false) { this._isUserControllingTruck = false; const offset = _v3A.set(x, y, z).sub(this._targetEnd); this._encloseToBoundary(this._targetEnd, offset, this.boundaryFriction); this._needsUpdate = true; if (!enableTransition) { this._target.copy(this._targetEnd); } const resolveImmediately = !enableTransition || approxEquals(this._target.x, this._targetEnd.x, this.restThreshold) && approxEquals(this._target.y, this._targetEnd.y, this.restThreshold) && approxEquals(this._target.z, this._targetEnd.z, this.restThreshold); return this._createOnRestPromise(resolveImmediately); } /** * Look in the given point direction. * @param x point x. * @param y point y. * @param z point z. * @param enableTransition Whether to move smoothly or immediately. * @returns Transition end promise * @category Methods */ lookInDirectionOf(x, y, z, enableTransition = false) { const point = _v3A.set(x, y, z); const direction = point.sub(this._targetEnd).normalize(); const position = direction.multiplyScalar(-this._sphericalEnd.radius).add(this._targetEnd); return this.setPosition(position.x, position.y, position.z, enableTransition); } /** * Fit the viewport to the box or the bounding box of the object, using the nearest axis. paddings are in unit. * set `cover: true` to fill enter screen. * e.g. * ``` * cameraControls.fitToBox( myMesh ); * ``` * @param box3OrObject Axis aligned bounding box to fit the view. * @param enableTransition Whether to move smoothly or immediately. * @param options | `` { cover: boolean, paddingTop: number, paddingLeft: number, paddingBottom: number, paddingRight: number } * @returns Transition end promise * @category Methods */ fitToBox(box3OrObject, enableTransition, { cover = false, paddingLeft = 0, paddingRight = 0, paddingBottom = 0, paddingTop = 0 } = {}) { const promises = []; const aabb = box3OrObject.isBox3 ? _box3A.copy(box3OrObject) : _box3A.setFromObject(box3OrObject); if (aabb.isEmpty()) { console.warn('camera-controls: fitTo() cannot be used with an empty box. Aborting'); Promise.resolve(); } // round to closest axis ( forward | backward | right | left | top | bottom ) const theta = roundToStep(this._sphericalEnd.theta, PI_HALF); const phi = roundToStep(this._sphericalEnd.phi, PI_HALF); promises.push(this.rotateTo(theta, phi, enableTransition)); const normal = _v3A.setFromSpherical(this._sphericalEnd).normalize(); const rotation = _quaternionA.setFromUnitVectors(normal, _AXIS_Z); const viewFromPolar = approxEquals(Math.abs(normal.y), 1); if (viewFromPolar) { rotation.multiply(_quaternionB.setFromAxisAngle(_AXIS_Y, theta)); } rotation.multiply(this._yAxisUpSpaceInverse); // make oriented bounding box const bb = _box3B.makeEmpty(); // left bottom back corner _v3B.copy(aabb.min).applyQuaternion(rotation); bb.expandByPoint(_v3B); // right bottom back corner _v3B.copy(aabb.min).setX(aabb.max.x).applyQuaternion(rotation); bb.expandByPoint(_v3B); // left top back corner _v3B.copy(aabb.min).setY(aabb.max.y).applyQuaternion(rotation); bb.expandByPoint(_v3B); // right top back corner _v3B.copy(aabb.max).setZ(aabb.min.z).applyQuaternion(rotation); bb.expandByPoint(_v3B); // left bottom front corner _v3B.copy(aabb.min).setZ(aabb.max.z).applyQuaternion(rotation); bb.expandByPoint(_v3B); // right bottom front corner _v3B.copy(aabb.max).setY(aabb.min.y).applyQuaternion(rotation); bb.expandByPoint(_v3B); // left top front corner _v3B.copy(aabb.max).setX(aabb.min.x).applyQuaternion(rotation); bb.expandByPoint(_v3B); // right top front corner _v3B.copy(aabb.max).applyQuaternion(rotation); bb.expandByPoint(_v3B); // add padding bb.min.x -= paddingLeft; bb.min.y -= paddingBottom; bb.max.x += paddingRight; bb.max.y += paddingTop; rotation.setFromUnitVectors(_AXIS_Z, normal); if (viewFromPolar) { rotation.premultiply(_quaternionB.invert()); } rotation.premultiply(this._yAxisUpSpace); const bbSize = bb.getSize(_v3A); const center = bb.getCenter(_v3B).applyQuaternion(rotation); if (isPerspectiveCamera(this._camera)) { const distance = this.getDistanceToFitBox(bbSize.x, bbSize.y, bbSize.z, cover); promises.push(this.moveTo(center.x, center.y, center.z, enableTransition)); promises.push(this.dollyTo(distance, enableTransition)); promises.push(this.setFocalOffset(0, 0, 0, enableTransition)); } else if (isOrthographicCamera(this._camera)) { const camera = this._camera; const width = camera.right - camera.left; const height = camera.top - camera.bottom; const zoom = cover ? Math.max(width / bbSize.x, height / bbSize.y) : Math.min(width / bbSize.x, height / bbSize.y); promises.push(this.moveTo(center.x, center.y, center.z, enableTransition)); promises.push(this.zoomTo(zoom, enableTransition)); promises.push(this.setFocalOffset(0, 0, 0, enableTransition)); } return Promise.all(promises); } /** * Fit the viewport to the sphere or the bounding sphere of the object. * @param sphereOrMesh * @param enableTransition * @category Methods */ fitToSphere(sphereOrMesh, enableTransition) { const promises = []; const isObject3D = 'isObject3D' in sphereOrMesh; const boundingSphere = isObject3D ? CameraControls.createBoundingSphere(sphereOrMesh, _sphere) : _sphere.copy(sphereOrMesh); promises.push(this.moveTo(boundingSphere.center.x, boundingSphere.center.y, boundingSphere.center.z, enableTransition)); if (isPerspectiveCamera(this._camera)) { const distanceToFit = this.getDistanceToFitSphere(boundingSphere.radius); promises.push(this.dollyTo(distanceToFit, enableTransition)); } else if (isOrthographicCamera(this._camera)) { const width = this._camera.right - this._camera.left; const height = this._camera.top - this._camera.bottom; const diameter = 2 * boundingSphere.radius; const zoom = Math.min(width / diameter, height / diameter); promises.push(this.zoomTo(zoom, enableTransition)); } promises.push(this.setFocalOffset(0, 0, 0, enableTransition)); return Promise.all(promises); } /** * Look at the `target` from the `position`. * @param positionX * @param positionY * @param positionZ * @param targetX * @param targetY * @param targetZ * @param enableTransition * @category Methods */ setLookAt(positionX, positionY, positionZ, targetX, targetY, targetZ, enableTransition = false) { this._isUserControllingRotate = false; this._isUserControllingDolly = false; this._isUserControllingTruck = false; this._lastDollyDirection = DOLLY_DIRECTION.NONE; this._changedDolly = 0; const target = _v3B.set(targetX, targetY, targetZ); const position = _v3A.set(positionX, positionY, positionZ); this._targetEnd.copy(target); this._sphericalEnd.setFromVector3(position.sub(target).applyQuaternion(this._yAxisUpSpace)); this.normalizeRotations(); this._needsUpdate = true; if (!enableTransition) { this._target.copy(this._targetEnd); this._spherical.copy(this._sphericalEnd); } const resolveImmediately = !enableTransition || approxEquals(this._target.x, this._targetEnd.x, this.restThreshold) && approxEquals(this._target.y, this._targetEnd.y, this.restThreshold) && approxEquals(this._target.z, this._targetEnd.z, this.restThreshold) && approxEquals(this._spherical.theta, this._sphericalEnd.theta, this.restThreshold) && approxEquals(this._spherical.phi, this._sphericalEnd.phi, this.restThreshold) && approxEquals(this._spherical.radius, this._sphericalEnd.radius, this.restThreshold); return this._createOnRestPromise(resolveImmediately); } /** * Similar to setLookAt, but it interpolates between two states. * @param positionAX * @param positionAY * @param positionAZ * @param targetAX * @param targetAY * @param targetAZ * @param positionBX * @param positionBY * @param positionBZ * @param targetBX * @param targetBY * @param targetBZ * @param t * @param enableTransition * @category Methods */ lerpLookAt(positionAX, positionAY, positionAZ, targetAX, targetAY, targetAZ, positionBX, positionBY, positionBZ, targetBX, targetBY, targetBZ, t, enableTransition = false) { this._isUserControllingRotate = false; this._isUserControllingDolly = false; this._isUserControllingTruck = false; this._lastDollyDirection = DOLLY_DIRECTION.NONE; this._changedDolly = 0; const targetA = _v3A.set(targetAX, targetAY, targetAZ); const positionA = _v3B.set(positionAX, positionAY, positionAZ); _sphericalA.setFromVector3(positionA.sub(targetA).applyQuaternion(this._yAxisUpSpace)); const targetB = _v3C.set(targetBX, targetBY, targetBZ); const positionB = _v3B.set(positionBX, positionBY, positionBZ); _sphericalB.setFromVector3(positionB.sub(targetB).applyQuaternion(this._yAxisUpSpace)); this._targetEnd.copy(targetA.lerp(targetB, t)); // tricky const deltaTheta = _sphericalB.theta - _sphericalA.theta; const deltaPhi = _sphericalB.phi - _sphericalA.phi; const deltaRadius = _sphericalB.radius - _sphericalA.radius; this._sphericalEnd.set(_sphericalA.radius + deltaRadius * t, _sphericalA.phi + deltaPhi * t, _sphericalA.theta + deltaTheta * t); this.normalizeRotations(); this._needsUpdate = true; if (!enableTransition) { this._target.copy(this._targetEnd); this._spherical.copy(this._sphericalEnd); } const resolveImmediately = !enableTransition || approxEquals(this._target.x, this._targetEnd.x, this.restThreshold) && approxEquals(this._target.y, this._targetEnd.y, this.restThreshold) && approxEquals(this._target.z, this._targetEnd.z, this.restThreshold) && approxEquals(this._spherical.theta, this._sphericalEnd.theta, this.restThreshold) && approxEquals(this._spherical.phi, this._sphericalEnd.phi, this.restThreshold) && approxEquals(this._spherical.radius, this._sphericalEnd.radius, this.restThreshold); return this._createOnRestPromise(resolveImmediately); } /** * Set angle and distance by given position. * An alias of `setLookAt()`, without target change. Thus keep gazing at the current target * @param positionX * @param positionY * @param positionZ * @param enableTransition * @category Methods */ setPosition(positionX, positionY, positionZ, enableTransition = false) { return this.setLookAt(positionX, positionY, positionZ, this._targetEnd.x, this._targetEnd.y, this._targetEnd.z, enableTransition); } /** * Set the target position where gaze at. * An alias of `setLookAt()`, without position change. Thus keep the same position. * @param targetX * @param targetY * @param targetZ * @param enableTransition * @category Methods */ setTarget(targetX, targetY, targetZ, enableTransition = false) { const pos = this.getPosition(_v3A); const promise = this.setLookAt(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, targetX, targetY, targetZ, enableTransition); // see https://github.com/yomotsu/camera-controls/issues/335 this._sphericalEnd.phi = clamp(this._sphericalEnd.phi, this.minPolarAngle, this.maxPolarAngle); return promise; } /** * Set focal offset using the screen parallel coordinates. z doesn't affect in Orthographic as with Dolly. * @param x * @param y * @param z * @param enableTransition * @category Methods */ setFocalOffset(x, y, z, enableTransition = false) { this._isUserControllingOffset = false; this._focalOffsetEnd.set(x, y, z); this._needsUpdate = true; if (!enableTransition) this._focalOffset.copy(this._focalOffsetEnd); const resolveImmediately = !enableTransition || approxEquals(this._focalOffset.x, this._focalOffsetEnd.x, this.restThreshold) && approxEquals(this._focalOffset.y, this._focalOffsetEnd.y, this.restThreshold) && approxEquals(this._focalOffset.z, this._focalOffsetEnd.z, this.restThreshold); return this._createOnRestPromise(resolveImmediately); } /** * Set orbit point without moving the camera. * SHOULD NOT RUN DURING ANIMATIONS. `setOrbitPoint()` will immediately fix the positions. * @param targetX * @param targetY * @param targetZ * @category Methods */ setOrbitPoint(targetX, targetY, targetZ) { this._camera.updateMatrixWorld(); _xColumn.setFromMatrixColumn(this._camera.matrixWorldInverse, 0); _yColumn.setFromMatrixColumn(this._camera.matrixWorldInverse, 1); _zColumn.setFromMatrixColumn(this._camera.matrixWorldInverse, 2); const position = _v3A.set(targetX, targetY, targetZ); const distance = position.distanceTo(this._camera.position); const cameraToPoint = position.sub(this._camera.position); _xColumn.multiplyScalar(cameraToPoint.x); _yColumn.multiplyScalar(cameraToPoint.y); _zColumn.multiplyScalar(cameraToPoint.z); _v3A.copy(_xColumn).add(_yColumn).add(_zColumn); _v3A.z = _v3A.z + distance; this.dollyTo(distance, false); this.setFocalOffset(-_v3A.x, _v3A.y, -_v3A.z, false); this.moveTo(targetX, targetY, targetZ, false); } /** * Set the boundary box that encloses the target of the camera. box3 is in THREE.Box3 * @param box3 * @category Methods */ setBoundary(box3) { if (!box3) { this._boundary.min.set(-Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity); this._boundary.max.set(Infinity, Infinity, Infinity); this._needsUpdate = true; return; } this._boundary.copy(box3); this._boundary.clampPoint(this._targetEnd, this._targetEnd); this._needsUpdate = true; } /** * Set (or unset) the current viewport. * Set this when you want to use renderer viewport and .dollyToCursor feature at the same time. * @param viewportOrX * @param y * @param width * @param height * @category Methods */ setViewport(viewportOrX, y, width, height) { if (viewportOrX === null) { // null this._viewport = null; return; } this._viewport = this._viewport || new THREE.Vector4(); if (typeof viewportOrX === 'number') { // number this._viewport.set(viewportOrX, y, width, height); } else { // Vector4 this._viewport.copy(viewportOrX); } } /** * Calculate the distance to fit the box. * @param width box width * @param height box height * @param depth box depth * @returns distance * @category Methods */ getDistanceToFitBox(width, height, depth, cover = false) { if (notSupportedInOrthographicCamera(this._camera, 'getDistanceToFitBox')) return this._spherical.radius; const boundingRectAspect = width / height; const fov = this._camera.getEffectiveFOV() * DEG2RAD; const aspect = this._camera.aspect; const heightToFit = (cover ? boundingRectAspect > aspect : boundingRectAspect < aspect) ? height : width / aspect; return heightToFit * 0.5 / Math.tan(fov * 0.5) + depth * 0.5; } /** * Calculate the distance to fit the sphere. * @param radius sphere radius * @returns distance * @category Methods */ getDistanceToFitSphere(radius) { if (notSupportedInOrthographicCamera(this._camera, 'getDistanceToFitSphere')) return this._spherical.radius; // https://stackoverflow.com/a/44849975 const vFOV = this._camera.getEffectiveFOV() * DEG2RAD; const hFOV = Math.atan(Math.tan(vFOV * 0.5) * this._camera.aspect) * 2; const fov = 1 < this._camera.aspect ? vFOV : hFOV; return radius / (Math.sin(fov * 0.5)); } /** * Returns the orbit center position, where the camera looking at. * @param out The receiving Vector3 instance to copy the result * @param receiveEndValue Whether receive the transition end coords or current. default is `true` * @category Methods */ getTarget(out, receiveEndValue = true) { const _out = !!out && out.isVector3 ? out : new THREE.Vector3(); return _out.copy(receiveEndValue ? this._targetEnd : this._target); } /** * Returns the camera position. * @param out The receiving Vector3 instance to copy the result * @param receiveEndValue Whether receive the transition end coords or current. default is `true` * @category Methods */ getPosition(out, receiveEndValue = true) { const _out = !!out && out.isVector3 ? out : new THREE.Vector3(); return _out.setFromSpherical(receiveEndValue ? this._sphericalEnd : this._spherical).applyQuaternion(this._yAxisUpSpaceInverse).add(receiveEndValue ? this._targetEnd : this._target); } /** * Returns the spherical coordinates of the orbit. * @param out The receiving Spherical instance to copy the result * @param receiveEndValue Whether receive the transition end coords or current. default is `true` * @category Methods */ getSpherical(out, receiveEndValue = true) { const _out = out || new THREE.Spherical(); return _out.copy(receiveEndValue ? this._sphericalEnd : this._spherical); } /** * Returns the focal offset, which is how much the camera appears to be translated in screen parallel coordinates. * @param out The receiving Vector3 instance to copy the result * @param receiveEndValue Whether receive the transition end coords or current. default is `true` * @category Methods */ getFocalOffset(out, receiveEndValue = true) { const _out = !!out && out.isVector3 ? out : new THREE.Vector3(); return _out.copy(receiveEndValue ? this._focalOffsetEnd : this._focalOffset); } /** * Normalize camera azimuth angle rotation between 0 and 360 degrees. * @category Methods */ normalizeRotations() { this._sphericalEnd.theta = this._sphericalEnd.theta % PI_2; if (this._sphericalEnd.theta < 0) this._sphericalEnd.theta += PI_2; this._spherical.theta += PI_2 * Math.round((this._sphericalEnd.theta - this._spherical.theta) / PI_2); } /** * stop all transitions. */ stop() { this._focalOffset.copy(this._focalOffsetEnd); this._target.copy(this._targetEnd); this._spherical.copy(this._sphericalEnd); this._zoom = this._zoomEnd; } /** * Reset all rotation and position to defaults. * @param enableTransition * @category Methods */ reset(enableTransition = false) { if (!approxEquals(this._camera.up.x, this._cameraUp0.x) || !approxEquals(this._camera.up.y, this._cameraUp0.y) || !approxEquals(this._camera.up.z, this._cameraUp0.z)) { this._camera.up.copy(this._cameraUp0); const position = this.getPosition(_v3A); this.updateCameraUp(); this.setPosition(position.x, position.y, position.z); } const promises = [ this.setLookAt(this._position0.x, this._position0.y, this._position0.z, this._target0.x, this._target0.y, this._target0.z, enableTransition), this.setFocalOffset(this._focalOffset0.x, this._focalOffset0.y, this._focalOffset0.z, enableTransition), this.zoomTo(this._zoom0, enableTransition), ]; return Promise.all(promises); } /** * Set current camera position as the default position. * @category Methods */ saveState() { this._cameraUp0.copy(this._camera.up); this.getTarget(this._target0); this.getPosition(this._position0); this._zoom0 = this._zoom; this._focalOffset0.copy(this._focalOffset); } /** * Sync camera-up direction. * When camera-up vector is changed, `.updateCameraUp()` must be called. * @category Methods */ updateCameraUp() { this._yAxisUpSpace.setFromUnitVectors(this._camera.up, _AXIS_Y); this._yAxisUpSpaceInverse.copy(this._yAxisUpSpace).invert(); } /** * Apply current camera-up direction to the camera. * The orbit system will be re-initialized with the current position. * @category Methods */ applyCameraUp() { const cameraDirection = _v3A.subVectors(this._target, this._camera.position).normalize(); // So first find the vector off to the side, orthogonal to both this.object.up and // the "view" vector. const side = _v3B.crossVectors(cameraDirection, this._camera.up); // Then find the vector orthogonal to both this "side" vector and the "view" vector. // This vector will be the new "up" vector. this._camera.up.crossVectors(side, cameraDirection).normalize(); this._camera.updateMatrixWorld(); const position = this.getPosition(_v3A); this.updateCameraUp(); this.setPosition(position.x, position.y, position.z); } /** * Update camera position and directions. * This should be called in your tick loop every time, and returns true if re-rendering is needed. * @param delta * @returns updated * @category Methods */ update(delta) { const deltaTheta = this._sphericalEnd.theta - this._spherical.theta; const deltaPhi = this._sphericalEnd.phi - this._spherical.phi; const deltaRadius = this._sphericalEnd.radius - this._spherical.radius; const deltaTarget = _deltaTarget.subVectors(this._targetEnd, this._target); const deltaOffset = _deltaOffset.subVectors(this._focalOffsetEnd, this._focalOffset); const deltaZoom = this._zoomEnd - this._zoom; // update theta if (approxZero(deltaTheta)) { this._thetaVelocity.value = 0; this._spherical.theta = this._sphericalEnd.theta; } else { const smoothTime = this._isUserControllingRotate ? this.draggingSmoothTime : this.smoothTime; this._spherical.theta = smoothDamp(this._spherical.theta, this._sphericalEnd.theta, this._thetaVelocity, smoothTime, Infinity, delta); this._needsUpdate = true; } // update phi if (approxZero(deltaPhi)) { this._phiVelocity.value = 0; this._spherical.phi = this._sphericalEnd.phi; } else { const smoothTime = this._isUserControllingRotate ? this.draggingSmoothTime : this.smoothTime; this._spherical.phi = smoothDamp(this._spherical.phi, this._sphericalEnd.phi, this._phiVelocity, smoothTime, Infinity, delta); this._needsUpdate = true; } // update distance if (approxZero(deltaRadius)) { this._radiusVelocity.value = 0; this._spherical.radius = this._sphericalEnd.radius; } else { const smoothTime = this._isUserControllingDolly ? this.draggingSmoothTime : this.smoothTime; this._spherical.radius = smoothDamp(this._spherical.radius, this._sphericalEnd.radius, this._radiusVelocity, smoothTime, this.maxSpeed, delta); this._needsUpdate = true; } // update target position if (approxZero(deltaTarget.x) && approxZero(deltaTarget.y) && approxZero(deltaTarget.z)) { this._targetVelocity.set(0, 0, 0); this._target.copy(this._targetEnd); } else { const smoothTime = this._isUserControllingTruck ? this.draggingSmoothTime : this.smoothTime; smoothDampVec3(this._target, this._targetEnd, this._targetVelocity, smoothTime, this.maxSpeed, delta, this._target); this._needsUpdate = true; } // update focalOffset if (approxZero(deltaOffset.x) && approxZero(deltaOffset.y) && approxZero(deltaOffset.z)) { this._focalOffsetVelocity.set(0, 0, 0); this._focalOffset.copy(this._focalOffsetEnd); } else { const smoothTime = this._isUserControllingOffset ? this.draggingSmoothTime : this.smoothTime; smoothDampVec3(this._focalOffset, this._focalOffsetEnd, this._focalOffsetVelocity, smoothTime, this.maxSpeed, delta, this._focalOffset); this._needsUpdate = true; } // update zoom if (approxZero(deltaZoom)) { this._zoomVelocity.value = 0; this._zoom = this._zoomEnd; } else { const smoothTime = this._isUserControllingZoom ? this.draggingSmoothTime : this.smoothTime; this._zoom = smoothDamp(this._zoom, this._zoomEnd, this._zoomVelocity, smoothTime, Infinity, delta); } if (this.dollyToCursor) { if (isPerspectiveCamera(this._camera) && this._changedDolly !== 0) { const dollyControlAmount = this._spherical.radius - this._lastDistance; const camera = this._camera; const cameraDirection = this._getCameraDirection(_cameraDirection); const planeX = _v3A.copy(cameraDirection).cross(camera.up).normalize(); if (planeX.lengthSq() === 0) planeX.x = 1.0; const planeY = _v3B.crossVectors(planeX, cameraDirection); const worldToScreen = this._sphericalEnd.radius * Math.tan(camera.getEffectiveFOV() * DEG2RAD * 0.5); const prevRadius = this._sphericalEnd.radius - dollyControlAmount; const lerpRatio = (prevRadius - this._sphericalEnd.radius) / this._sphericalEnd.radius; const cursor = _v3C.copy(this._targetEnd) .add(planeX.multiplyScalar(this._dollyControlCoord.x * worldToScreen * camera.aspect)) .add(planeY.multiplyScalar(this._dollyControlCoord.y * worldToScreen)); const newTargetEnd = _v3A.copy(this._targetEnd).lerp(cursor, lerpRatio); const isMin = this._lastDollyDirection === DOLLY_DIRECTION.IN && this._spherical.radius <= this.minDistance; const isMax = this._lastDollyDirection === DOLLY_DIRECTION.OUT && this.maxDistance <= this._spherical.radius; if (this.infinityDolly && (isMin || isMax)) { this._sphericalEnd.radius -= dollyControlAmount; this._spherical.radius -= dollyControlAmount; const dollyAmount = _v3B.copy(cameraDirection).multiplyScalar(-dollyControlAmount); newTargetEnd.add(dollyAmount); } // target position may be moved beyond boundary. this._boundary.clampPoint(newTargetEnd, newTargetEnd); const targetEndDiff = _v3B.subVectors(newTargetEnd, this._targetEnd); this._targetEnd.copy(newTargetEnd); this._target.add(targetEndDiff); this._changedDolly -= dollyControlAmount; if (approxZero(this._changedDolly)) this._changedDolly = 0; } else if (isOrthographicCamera(this._camera) && this._changedZoom !== 0) { const dollyControlAmount = this._zoom - this._lastZoom; const camera = this._camera; const worldCursorPosition = _v3A.set(this._dollyControlCoord.x, this._dollyControlCoord.y, (camera.near + camera.far) / (camera.near - camera.far)).unproject(camera); const quaternion = _v3B.set(0, 0, -1).applyQuaternion(camera.quaternion); const cursor = _v3C.copy(worldCursorPosition).add(quaternion.multiplyScalar(-worldCursorPosition.dot(camera.up))); const prevZoom = this._zoom - dollyControlAmount; const lerpRatio = -(prevZoom - this._zoom) / this._zoom; // find the "distance" (aka plane constant in three.js) of Plane // from a given position (this._targetEnd) and normal vector (cameraDirection) // https://www.maplesoft.com/support/help/maple/view.aspx?path=MathApps%2FEquationOfAPlaneNormal#bkmrk0 const cameraDirection = this._getCameraDirection(_cameraDirection); const prevPlaneConstant = this._targetEnd.dot(cameraDirection); const newTargetEnd = _v3A.copy(this._targetEnd).lerp(cursor, lerpRatio); const newPlaneConstant = newTargetEnd.dot(cameraDirection); // Pull back the camera depth that has moved, to be the camera stationary as zoom const pullBack = cameraDirection.multiplyScalar(newPlaneConstant - prevPlaneConstant); newTargetEnd.sub(pullBack); // target position may be moved beyond boundary. this._boundary.clampPoint(newTargetEnd, newTargetEnd); const targetEndDiff = _v3B.subVectors(newTargetEnd, this._targetEnd); this._targetEnd.copy(newTargetEnd); this._target.add(targetEndDiff); // this._target.copy( this._targetEnd ); this._changedZoom -= dollyControlAmount; if (approxZero(this._changedZoom)) this._changedZoom = 0; } } if (this._camera.zoom !== this._zoom) { this._camera.zoom = this._zoom; this._camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); this._updateNearPlaneCorners(); this._needsUpdate = true; } this._dragNeedsUpdate = true; // collision detection const maxDistance = this._collisionTest(); this._spherical.radius = Math.min(this._spherical.radius, maxDistance); // decompose spherical to the camera position this._spherical.makeSafe(); this._camera.position.setFromSpherical(this._spherical).applyQuaternion(this._yAxisUpSpaceInverse).add(this._target); this._camera.lookAt(this._target); // set offset after the orbit movement const affectOffset = !approxZero(this._focalOffset.x) || !approxZero(this._focalOffset.y) || !approxZero(this._focalOffset.z); if (affectOffset) { _xColumn.setFromMatrixColumn(this._camera.matrix, 0); _yColumn.setFromMatrixColumn(this._camera.matrix, 1); _zColumn.setFromMatrixColumn(this._camera.matrix, 2); _xColumn.multiplyScalar(this._focalOffset.x); _yColumn.multiplyScalar(-this._focalOffset.y); _zColumn.multiplyScalar(this._focalOffset.z); // notice: z-offset will not affect in Orthographic. _v3A.copy(_xColumn).add(_yColumn).add(_zColumn); this._camera.position.add(_v3A); this._camera.updateMatrixWorld(); } if (this._boundaryEnclosesCamera) { this._encloseToBoundary(this._camera.position.copy(this._target), _v3A.setFromSpherical(this._spherical).applyQuaternion(this._yAxisUpSpaceInverse), 1.0); } const updated = this._needsUpdate; if (updated && !this._updatedLastTime) { this._hasRested = false; this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'wake' }); this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'update' }); } else if (updated) { this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'update' }); if (approxZero(deltaTheta, this.restThreshold) && approxZero(deltaPhi, this.restThreshold) && approxZero(deltaRadius, this.restThreshold) && approxZero(deltaTarget.x, this.restThreshold) && approxZero(deltaTarget.y, this.restThreshold) && approxZero(deltaTarget.z, this.restThreshold) && approxZero(deltaOffset.x, this.restThreshold) && approxZero(deltaOffset.y, this.restThreshold) && approxZero(deltaOffset.z, this.restThreshold) && approxZero(deltaZoom, this.restThreshold) && !this._hasRested) { this._hasRested = true; this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'rest' }); } } else if (!updated && this._updatedLastTime) { this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'sleep' }); } this._lastDistance = this._spherical.radius; this._lastZoom = this._zoom; this._updatedLastTime = updated; this._needsUpdate = false; return updated; } /** * Get all state in JSON string * @category Methods */ toJSON() { return JSON.stringify({ enabled: this._enabled, minDistance: this.minDistance, maxDistance: infinityToMaxNumber(this.maxDistance), minZoom: this.minZoom, maxZoom: infinityToMaxNumber(this.maxZoom), minPolarAngle: this.minPolarAngle, maxPolarAngle: infinityToMaxNumber(this.maxPolarAngle), minAzimuthAngle: infinityToMaxNumber(this.minAzimuthAngle), maxAzimuthAngle: infinityToMaxNumber(this.maxAzimuthAngle), smoothTime: this.smoothTime, draggingSmoothTime: this.draggingSmoothTime, dollySpeed: this.dollySpeed, truckSpeed: this.truckSpeed, dollyToCursor: this.dollyToCursor, target: this._targetEnd.toArray(), position: _v3A.setFromSpherical(this._sphericalEnd).add(this._targetEnd).toArray(), zoom: this._zoomEnd, focalOffset: this._focalOffsetEnd.toArray(), target0: this._target0.toArray(), position0: this._position0.toArray(), zoom0: this._zoom0, focalOffset0: this._focalOffset0.toArray(), }); } /** * Reproduce the control state with JSON. enableTransition is where anim or not in a boolean. * @param json * @param enableTransition * @category Methods */ fromJSON(json, enableTransition = false) { const obj = JSON.parse(json); this.enabled = obj.enabled; this.minDistance = obj.minDistance; this.maxDistance = maxNumberToInfinity(obj.maxDistance); this.minZoom = obj.minZoom; this.maxZoom = maxNumberToInfinity(obj.maxZoom); this.minPolarAngle = obj.minPolarAngle; this.maxPolarAngle = maxNumberToInfinity(obj.maxPolarAngle); this.minAzimuthAngle = maxNumberToInfinity(obj.minAzimuthAngle); this.maxAzimuthAngle = maxNumberToInfinity(obj.maxAzimuthAngle); this.smoothTime = obj.smoothTime; this.draggingSmoothTime = obj.draggingSmoothTime; this.dollySpeed = obj.dollySpeed; this.truckSpeed = obj.truckSpeed; this.dollyToCursor = obj.dollyToCursor; this._target0.fromArray(obj.target0); this._position0.fromArray(obj.position0); this._zoom0 = obj.zoom0; this._focalOffset0.fromArray(obj.focalOffset0); this.moveTo(obj.target[0], obj.target[1], obj.target[2], enableTransition); _sphericalA.setFromVector3(_v3A.fromArray(obj.position).sub(this._targetEnd).applyQuaternion(this._yAxisUpSpace)); this.rotateTo(_sphericalA.theta, _sphericalA.phi, enableTransition); this.dollyTo(_sphericalA.radius, enableTransition); this.zoomTo(obj.zoom, enableTransition); this.setFocalOffset(obj.focalOffset[0], obj.focalOffset[1], obj.focalOffset[2], enableTransition); this._needsUpdate = true; } /** * Attach all internal event handlers to enable drag control. * @category Methods */ connect(domElement) { if (this._domElement) { console.warn('camera-controls is already connected.'); return; } domElement.setAttribute('data-camera-controls-version', VERSION); this._addAllEventListeners(domElement); this._getClientRect(this._elementRect); } /** * Detach all internal event handlers to disable drag control. */ disconnect() { this.cancel(); this._removeAllEventListeners(); if (this._domElement) { this._domElement.removeAttribute('data-camera-controls-version'); this._domElement = undefined; } } /** * Dispose the cameraControls instance itself, remove all eventListeners. * @category Methods */ dispose() { // remove all user event listeners this.removeAllEventListeners(); // remove all internal event listeners this.disconnect(); } // it's okay to expose public though _getTargetDirection(out) { // divide by distance to normalize, lighter than `Vector3.prototype.normalize()` return out.setFromSpherical(this._spherical).divideScalar(this._spherical.radius).applyQuaternion(this._yAxisUpSpaceInverse); } // it's okay to expose public though _getCameraDirection(out) { return this._getTargetDirection(out).negate(); } _findPointerById(pointerId) { return this._activePointers.find((activePointer) => activePointer.pointerId === pointerId); } _findPointerByMouseButton(mouseButton) { return this._activePointers.find((activePointer) => activePointer.mouseButton === mouseButton); } _disposePointer(pointer) { this._activePointers.splice(this._activePointers.indexOf(pointer), 1); } _encloseToBoundary(position, offset, friction) { const offsetLength2 = offset.lengthSq(); if (offsetLength2 === 0.0) { // sanity check return position; } // See: https://twitter.com/FMS_Cat/status/1106508958640988161 const newTarget = _v3B.copy(offset).add(position); // target const clampedTarget = this._boundary.clampPoint(newTarget, _v3C); // clamped target const deltaClampedTarget = clampedTarget.sub(newTarget); // newTarget -> clampedTarget const deltaClampedTargetLength2 = deltaClampedTarget.lengthSq(); // squared length of deltaClampedTarget if (deltaClampedTargetLength2 === 0.0) { // when the position doesn't have to be clamped return position.add(offset); } else if (deltaClampedTargetLength2 === offsetLength2) { // when the position is completely stuck return position; } else if (friction === 0.0) { return position.add(offset).add(deltaClampedTarget); } else { const offsetFactor = 1.0 + friction * deltaClampedTargetLength2 / offset.dot(deltaClampedTarget); return position .add(_v3B.copy(offset).multiplyScalar(offsetFactor)) .add(deltaClampedTarget.multiplyScalar(1.0 - friction)); } } _updateNearPlaneCorners() { if (isPerspectiveCamera(this._camera)) { const camera = this._camera; const near = camera.near; const fov = camera.getEffectiveFOV() * DEG2RAD; const heightHalf = Math.tan(fov * 0.5) * near; // near plain half height const widthHalf = heightHalf * camera.aspect; // near plain half width this._nearPlaneCorners[0].set(-widthHalf, -heightHalf, 0); this._nearPlaneCorners[1].set(widthHalf, -heightHalf, 0); this._nearPlaneCorners[2].set(widthHalf, heightHalf, 0); this._nearPlaneCorners[3].set(-widthHalf, heightHalf, 0); } else if (isOrthographicCamera(this._camera)) { const camera = this._camera; const zoomInv = 1 / camera.zoom; const left = camera.left * zoomInv; const right = camera.right * zoomInv; const top = camera.top * zoomInv; const bottom = camera.bottom * zoomInv; this._nearPlaneCorners[0].set(left, top, 0); this._nearPlaneCorners[1].set(right, top, 0); this._nearPlaneCorners[2].set(right, bottom, 0); this._nearPlaneCorners[3].set(left, bottom, 0); } } // lateUpdate _collisionTest() { let distance = Infinity; const hasCollider = this.colliderMeshes.length >= 1; if (!hasCollider) return distance; if (notSupportedInOrthographicCamera(this._camera, '_collisionTest')) return distance; const rayDirection = this._getTargetDirection(_cameraDirection); _rotationMatrix.lookAt(_ORIGIN, rayDirection, this._camera.up); for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { const nearPlaneCorner = _v3B.copy(this._nearPlaneCorners[i]); nearPlaneCorner.applyMatrix4(_rotationMatrix); const origin = _v3C.addVectors(this._target, nearPlaneCorner); _raycaster.set(origin, rayDirection); _raycaster.far = this._spherical.radius + 1; const intersects = _raycaster.intersectObjects(this.colliderMeshes); if (intersects.length !== 0 && intersects[0].distance < distance) { distance = intersects[0].distance; } } return distance; } /** * Get its client rect and package into given `DOMRect` . */ _getClientRect(target) { if (!this._domElement) return; const rect = this._domElement.getBoundingClientRect(); target.x = rect.left; target.y = rect.top; if (this._viewport) { target.x += this._viewport.x; target.y += rect.height - this._viewport.w - this._viewport.y; target.width = this._viewport.z; target.height = this._viewport.w; } else { target.width = rect.width; target.height = rect.height; } return target; } _createOnRestPromise(resolveImmediately) { if (resolveImmediately) return Promise.resolve(); this._hasRested = false; this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'transitionstart' }); return new Promise((resolve) => { const onResolve = () => { this.removeEventListener('rest', onResolve); resolve(); }; this.addEventListener('rest', onResolve); }); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars _addAllEventListeners(_domElement) { } _removeAllEventListeners() { } /** * backward compatible * @deprecated use smoothTime (in seconds) instead * @category Properties */ get dampingFactor() { console.warn('.dampingFactor has been deprecated. use smoothTime (in seconds) instead.'); return 0; } /** * backward compatible * @deprecated use smoothTime (in seconds) instead * @category Properties */ set dampingFactor(_) { console.warn('.dampingFactor has been deprecated. use smoothTime (in seconds) instead.'); } /** * backward compatible * @deprecated use draggingSmoothTime (in seconds) instead * @category Properties */ get draggingDampingFactor() { console.warn('.draggingDampingFactor has been deprecated. use draggingSmoothTime (in seconds) instead.'); return 0; } /** * backward compatible * @deprecated use draggingSmoothTime (in seconds) instead * @category Properties */ set draggingDampingFactor(_) { console.warn('.draggingDampingFactor has been deprecated. use draggingSmoothTime (in seconds) instead.'); } static createBoundingSphere(object3d, out = new THREE.Sphere()) { const boundingSphere = out; const center = boundingSphere.center; _box3A.makeEmpty(); // find the center object3d.traverseVisible((object) => { if (!object.isMesh) return; _box3A.expandByObject(object); }); _box3A.getCenter(center); // find the radius let maxRadiusSq = 0; object3d.traverseVisible((object) => { if (!object.isMesh) return; const mesh = object; if (!mesh.geometry) return; const geometry = mesh.geometry.clone(); geometry.applyMatrix4(mesh.matrixWorld); const bufferGeometry = geometry; const position = bufferGeometry.attributes.position; for (let i = 0, l = position.count; i < l; i++) { _v3A.fromBufferAttribute(position, i); maxRadiusSq = Math.max(maxRadiusSq, center.distanceToSquared(_v3A)); } }); boundingSphere.radius = Math.sqrt(maxRadiusSq); return boundingSphere; } } exports.EventDispatcher = EventDispatcher; exports.default = CameraControls;