import { configInterface, Point } from './interface'; import { version } from './utils'; /** * @class Ruler */ export default class Ruler { get canvas(): HTMLCanvasElement { return this.config.canvas; } animateTimer: number /** * default config */ config: configInterface = { width: 500, height: 24, color: '#000', background: '#fff', labelColor: '#345', labelFontSize: 10, labelFontFamily: 'Arial', lineWidth: 1, scale: 1, labelScale: 10, canvas: document.createElement('canvas'), start: 0, beginOffset: 0, endOffset: 0, base: 10, originOffset: 10, }; constructor(config?: configInterface) { Object.assign(this.config, config); this.checkCanvas(); this.resize(); } /** * resize the base canvas */ resize(): Ruler { const { config } = this; const { canvas, width, height } = config; canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; = `${width}px`; = `${height}px`; return this; } /** render the ruler */ render(): Ruler { return this.beforeRender().rendering().afterRender(); } /** update the config of the ruler and refresh it */ update(config: configInterface): Ruler { const { scale } = this.config; Object.assign(this.config, config); if (config.width || config.height) this.resize(); if (config.scale) { this.addAnimate({ type: 'scale', from: scale, to: config.scale }); } else { this.render(); } return this; } addAnimate({ type, from, to }:{type:string, from: number, to: number}): Ruler { if (type === 'scale') { let cur = from; const sign = Math.sign(to - from); let start: number | null; // let elapsed:number; const doAnimate = (timestamp:number) => { if (!start) start = timestamp; // elapsed = timestamp - start; // console.log(elapsed); cur += sign * 0.02; Object.assign(this.config, { scale: cur }); this.render(); if ((to - cur) * sign >= 0) { this.animateTimer = requestAnimationFrame(doAnimate); } }; this.animateTimer = requestAnimationFrame(doAnimate); } return this; } /** befroe render the ruler */ beforeRender(): Ruler { const ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); const { width, height } = this.canvas; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); const { background } = this.config;; ctx.fillStyle = background; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); ctx.restore(); return this; } /** * do rendering */ rendering(): Ruler { const ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); const { width, height } = this.canvas; const { lineWidth, scale, color, beginOffset, endOffset, base, labelScale, originOffset, } = this.config; /** each space of scale on the screen */ const es = base * scale; const pointsArr: Array> = []; const LabelArr = []; /** draw the baseLine of the ruler */ pointsArr.push([ [beginOffset, height - lineWidth / 2], [width - endOffset, height - lineWidth / 2], ]); const splitLine: Array> = []; const ZeroPos = beginOffset + originOffset * labelScale; let cur = ZeroPos; let count = 0; while (cur < width - endOffset) { // if ((es <= 5 && count % 5 === 0) || es > 5) { const from: Point = [cur - lineWidth / 2, height]; // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary const ty = count % 5 ? height / 2 : (count % 10 ? height / 3 : 0); const to: Point = [cur - lineWidth / 2, ty]; splitLine.push([from, to]); if (count % 5 === 0) { LabelArr.push({ point: to, text: String((count * base) / labelScale), type: count % 2, }); // } } cur += es; count += 1; } pointsArr.push(...splitLine);; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth; ctx.strokeStyle = color; pointsArr.forEach((oneItem) => { oneItem.forEach((p, index: number) => { const [x, y] = p; if (index === 0) ctx.moveTo(x, y); else ctx.lineTo(x, y); }); }); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore();; LabelArr.forEach(({ point, text, type }) => { this.renderLabel(text, point[0], point[1], type); }); ctx.restore(); return this; } /** * after rendered */ afterRender(): Ruler { return this; } /** * render the label of the ruler */ renderLabel(text: string, x: number, y: number, type: number): Ruler { const { canvas, labelFontFamily, labelColor } = this.config; let { labelFontSize } = this.config; const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); let textBaseline:CanvasTextBaseline; let textAlign:CanvasTextAlign; switch (type) { case 0: textBaseline = 'top'; textAlign = 'left'; x += 1; break; case 1: textBaseline = 'middle'; textAlign = 'left'; x += 1; y -= 1; labelFontSize -= 1; break; default: break; } ctx.textBaseline = textBaseline; ctx.textAlign = textAlign; ctx.font = `${labelFontSize}px ${labelFontFamily}`; ctx.fillStyle = labelColor; ctx.fillText(text, x, y); return this; } /** * check the canvas of config */ checkCanvas(): Ruler { const { canvasId, canvasClass } = this.config; if (canvasClass) { this.config.canvas = document.querySelector(canvasId); } if (canvasId) { this.config.canvas = document.querySelector(canvasId); } return this; } /** * destory the instance */ dispose(): Ruler { // this.config.canvas = null; this.config = null; return this; } /** * show ruler */ show(): Ruler { = 'block'; return this; } /** * hidden ruler */ hidden(): Ruler { = 'none'; return this; } /** * get the version of this Ruler */ public getVersion(): string { return version; } }