import { RenderingContext2D } from './types'; import Parser, { IParserOptions } from './Parser'; import Screen, { IScreenOptions, IScreenStartOptions } from './Screen'; import Document, { IDocumentOptions } from './Document'; declare type DOMDocument = typeof window.document; export interface IOptions extends IParserOptions, IScreenOptions, IScreenStartOptions, IDocumentOptions { } /** * SVG renderer on canvas. */ export default class Canvg { /** * Create Canvg instance from SVG source string or URL. * @param ctx - Rendering context. * @param svg - SVG source string or URL. * @param options - Rendering options. * @returns Canvg instance. */ static from(ctx: RenderingContext2D, svg: string, options?: IOptions): Promise; /** * Create Canvg instance from SVG source string. * @param ctx - Rendering context. * @param svg - SVG source string. * @param options - Rendering options. * @returns Canvg instance. */ static fromString(ctx: RenderingContext2D, svg: string, options?: IOptions): Canvg; /** * XML/HTML parser instance. */ readonly parser: Parser; /** * Screen instance. */ readonly screen: Screen; /** * Canvg Document. */ readonly document: Document; private readonly documentElement; private readonly options; /** * Main constructor. * @param ctx - Rendering context. * @param svg - SVG Document. * @param options - Rendering options. */ constructor(ctx: RenderingContext2D, svg: DOMDocument, options?: IOptions); /** * Create new Canvg instance with inherited options. * @param ctx - Rendering context. * @param svg - SVG source string or URL. * @param options - Rendering options. * @returns Canvg instance. */ fork(ctx: RenderingContext2D, svg: string, options?: IOptions): Promise; /** * Create new Canvg instance with inherited options. * @param ctx - Rendering context. * @param svg - SVG source string. * @param options - Rendering options. * @returns Canvg instance. */ forkString(ctx: RenderingContext2D, svg: string, options?: IOptions): Canvg; /** * Document is ready promise. * @returns Ready promise. */ ready(): Promise; /** * Document is ready value. * @returns Is ready or not. */ isReady(): boolean; /** * Render only first frame, ignoring animations and mouse. * @param options - Rendering options. */ render(options?: IScreenStartOptions): Promise; /** * Start rendering. * @param options - Render options. */ start(options?: IScreenStartOptions): void; /** * Stop rendering. */ stop(): void; /** * Resize SVG to fit in given size. * @param width * @param height * @param preserveAspectRatio */ resize(width: number, height?: number, preserveAspectRatio?: boolean | string): void; } export {}; //#