b0VIM 7.4LVl>thouvenip-thouveni~thouveni/devel/pollux/starter.jsutf-8 3210#"! UtpdeaddtQ* m^K5  S K ; p O  l I ! s r q ^ F 1 - ,  } y x w r S N  a/tB nE}DtAxN$uK config.fix('browserifyModules', []); config.fix('operators', {}); config.fix('resources', {}); // for apiv1 config.fix('middlewares', []); config.fix('loaders', {}); config.fix('routes', {}); config.fix('filters', []); config.fix('markdown', undefined); config.fix('models', {}); config.fix('middlewares', {}); config.fix('viewPath', path.resolve(__dirname, './app/views/')); config.fix('dataPath', path.normalize(path.resolve(process.cwd(), path.normalize(argv._[0] || "./data")))); config.fix('tempPath', os.tmpdir()); config.fix('filesToIgnore', [ "**/.*", "~*", "*~", "*.sw?", "*.old", "*.bak", "**/node_modules", "Thumbs.db" ]); config.fix('heartrate', 5000); config.fix('acceptFileTypes', []); config.fix('maxFileSize', 10485760); // 10 Mo config.fix('prefixKEY', 'ark:/XXX'); config.fix('prefixURL', ''); // ex: /server1 config.fix('delay', 250); config.fix('rootURL', undefined); config.fix('writeConcern', 1); config.fix('concurrency', os.cpus().length); config.fix('itemsPerPage', 30); config.fix('description', 'Change description'); config.fix('title', 'Change title'); config.fix('logFormat', 'combined'); config.fix('port', '3000'); config.fix('trustProxy', false); config.fix('debug', false); config.fix('collectionName', 'hotfolder'); config.fix('collectionsIndexName', 'px_index'); config.fix('connexionURI', config.get('connectionURI')); config.fix('connectionURI', 'mongodb://localhost:27017/' + appname + '/'); var config = new Configurator(); var Configurator = require('./configurator.js'); // // Default config parameters // } console.log = require('debug')('console:log'); if (!argv.verbose) { } process.exit(0); console.info(require('./package.json').version); if (argv.version) { } process.exit(0); console.info(usage) if (argv.help) { ].join("\n"); " - /etc/" + appname + "/config", " - /etc/" + appname + "rc", " - $HOME/.config/" + appname + "/config", " - $HOME/.config/" + appname + "", " - $HOME/." + appname + "/config", " - $HOME/." + appname + "rc", " - a local ." + appname + "rc or the first found looking in ./ ../ ../../ ../../../ etc.", " - if you passed an option --config file then from that file", " - environment variables prefixed with " + appname + "_", " - command line arguments", "It will look in all the obvious places to set the configuration:", "", "\t -V, --version Show version number and quit", "\t -v, --verbose Make the operation more talkative", "Options:", "", "Usage: " + appname + " [options...] ", var usage = [ var appname = path.basename(process.argv[1]) }); boolean: ['help', 'version', 'verbose', 'debug'] }, d: 'debug' v: 'verbose', V: 'version', h: 'help', alias: { var argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {module.exports = function(warmup) {; , app = require('./app') , fs = require('fs') , os = require('os') , kuler = require('kuler') , portfinder = require('portfinder') , minimist = require('minimist') , debug = require('debug')('castor:' + basename) , basename = path.basename(__filename, '.js')var path = require('path')"use strict";ad# M5 @' I ; } }); } }) app(config, takeoff); config.set('Errors', require('./app/helpers/errors.js')); } config.set('baseURL', '' + config.get('port')); if (!config.has('baseURL')) { warmup(config, function(takeoff) { config.set('port', newport); else { } process.exit(2); console.error(kuler("Unable to get a free port. Try to stop some services.", "red")); if (err instanceof Error) { portfinder.getPort(function (err, newport) { portfinder.basePort = config.get('port'); } process.exit(1); console.info(usage) if (!fs.existsSync(config.get('dataPath')) || !argv._[0]) { config.load(appname, argv); config.fix('documentFields', {}); config.fix('corpusFields', {});