pragma solidity 0.4.24; import "solidity-cborutils/contracts/CBOR.sol"; /** * @title Library for common Chainlink functions * @dev Uses imported CBOR library for encoding to buffer */ library Chainlink { uint256 internal constant defaultBufferSize = 256; using CBOR for Buffer.buffer; struct Request { bytes32 id; address callbackAddress; bytes4 callbackFunctionId; uint256 nonce; Buffer.buffer buf; } /** * @notice Initializes a Chainlink request * @dev Sets the ID, callback address, and callback function signature on the request * @param self The uninitialized request * @param _id The Job Specification ID * @param _callbackAddress The callback address * @param _callbackFunction The callback function signature * @return The initialized request */ function initialize( Request memory self, bytes32 _id, address _callbackAddress, bytes4 _callbackFunction ) internal pure returns (Chainlink.Request memory) { Buffer.init(self.buf, defaultBufferSize); = _id; self.callbackAddress = _callbackAddress; self.callbackFunctionId = _callbackFunction; return self; } /** * @notice Sets the data for the buffer without encoding CBOR on-chain * @dev CBOR can be closed with curly-brackets {} or they can be left off * @param self The initialized request * @param _data The CBOR data */ function setBuffer(Request memory self, bytes _data) internal pure { Buffer.init(self.buf, _data.length); Buffer.append(self.buf, _data); } /** * @notice Adds a string value to the request with a given key name * @param self The initialized request * @param _key The name of the key * @param _value The string value to add */ function add(Request memory self, string _key, string _value) internal pure { self.buf.encodeString(_key); self.buf.encodeString(_value); } /** * @notice Adds a bytes value to the request with a given key name * @param self The initialized request * @param _key The name of the key * @param _value The bytes value to add */ function addBytes(Request memory self, string _key, bytes _value) internal pure { self.buf.encodeString(_key); self.buf.encodeBytes(_value); } /** * @notice Adds a int256 value to the request with a given key name * @param self The initialized request * @param _key The name of the key * @param _value The int256 value to add */ function addInt(Request memory self, string _key, int256 _value) internal pure { self.buf.encodeString(_key); self.buf.encodeInt(_value); } /** * @notice Adds a uint256 value to the request with a given key name * @param self The initialized request * @param _key The name of the key * @param _value The uint256 value to add */ function addUint(Request memory self, string _key, uint256 _value) internal pure { self.buf.encodeString(_key); self.buf.encodeUInt(_value); } /** * @notice Adds an array of strings to the request with a given key name * @param self The initialized request * @param _key The name of the key * @param _values The array of string values to add */ function addStringArray(Request memory self, string _key, string[] memory _values) internal pure { self.buf.encodeString(_key); self.buf.startArray(); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _values.length; i++) { self.buf.encodeString(_values[i]); } self.buf.endSequence(); } }