pragma solidity 0.4.24; import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol"; import "./interfaces/ChainlinkRequestInterface.sol"; import "./interfaces/CoordinatorInterface.sol"; import "./interfaces/LinkTokenInterface.sol"; /** * @title The Chainlink Coordinator handles oracle service aggreements between one or more oracles */ contract Coordinator is ChainlinkRequestInterface, CoordinatorInterface { using SafeMath for uint256; uint256 constant public EXPIRY_TIME = 5 minutes; LinkTokenInterface internal LINK; struct ServiceAgreement { uint256 payment; uint256 expiration; uint256 endAt; address[] oracles; bytes32 requestDigest; } struct Callback { bytes32 sAId; uint256 amount; address addr; bytes4 functionId; uint64 cancelExpiration; uint8 responseCount; mapping(address => uint256) responses; } mapping(bytes32 => Callback) private callbacks; mapping(bytes32 => mapping(address => bool)) private allowedOracles; mapping(bytes32 => ServiceAgreement) public serviceAgreements; mapping(address => uint256) public withdrawableTokens; /** * @notice Deploy with the address of the LINK token * @dev Sets the LinkToken address for the imported LinkTokenInterface * @param _link The address of the LINK token */ constructor(address _link) public { LINK = LinkTokenInterface(_link); } event OracleRequest( bytes32 indexed sAId, address requester, bytes32 requestId, uint256 payment, address callbackAddr, bytes4 callbackFunctionId, uint256 cancelExpiration, uint256 dataVersion, bytes data ); event NewServiceAgreement( bytes32 indexed said, bytes32 indexed requestDigest ); event CancelOracleRequest( bytes32 internalId ); /** * @notice Creates the Chainlink request * @dev Stores the params on-chain in a callback for the request. * Emits OracleRequest event for Chainlink nodes to detect. * @param _sender The sender of the request * @param _amount The amount of payment given (specified in wei) * @param _sAId The Service Agreement ID * @param _callbackAddress The callback address for the response * @param _callbackFunctionId The callback function ID for the response * @param _nonce The nonce sent by the requester * @param _dataVersion The specified data version * @param _data The CBOR payload of the request */ function oracleRequest( address _sender, uint256 _amount, bytes32 _sAId, address _callbackAddress, bytes4 _callbackFunctionId, uint256 _nonce, uint256 _dataVersion, bytes _data ) external onlyLINK sufficientLINK(_amount, _sAId) checkCallbackAddress(_callbackAddress) { bytes32 requestId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_sender, _nonce)); require(callbacks[requestId].cancelExpiration == 0, "Must use a unique ID"); callbacks[requestId].sAId = _sAId; callbacks[requestId].amount = _amount; callbacks[requestId].addr = _callbackAddress; callbacks[requestId].functionId = _callbackFunctionId; callbacks[requestId].cancelExpiration = uint64(now.add(EXPIRY_TIME)); emit OracleRequest( _sAId, _sender, requestId, _amount, _callbackAddress, _callbackFunctionId, now.add(EXPIRY_TIME), _dataVersion, _data); } /** * @notice Stores a Service Agreement which has been signed by the given oracles * @dev Validates that each oracle has a valid signature. * Emits NewServiceAgreement event. * @param _payment The amount of payment given (specified in wei) * @param _expiration The expiration that nodes should respond by * @param _endAt The date which the service agreement is no longer valid * @param _oracles Array of oracle addresses which agreed to the service agreement * @param _vs Array of recovery IDs of the oracle signatures * @param _rs Array of first 32 bytes of the oracle signatures * @param _ss Array of second 32 bytes of the oracle signatures * @param _requestDigest Hash of the normalized job specification * @return The Service Agreement ID */ function initiateServiceAgreement( uint256 _payment, uint256 _expiration, uint256 _endAt, address[] _oracles, uint8[] _vs, bytes32[] _rs, bytes32[] _ss, bytes32 _requestDigest ) external returns (bytes32 serviceAgreementID) { require(_oracles.length == _vs.length && _vs.length == _rs.length && _rs.length == _ss.length, "Must pass in as many signatures as oracles"); /* solium-disable-line max-len */ require(_endAt > block.timestamp, "End of ServiceAgreement must be in the future"); serviceAgreementID = getId(_payment, _expiration, _endAt, _oracles, _requestDigest); registerOracleSignatures(serviceAgreementID, _oracles, _vs, _rs, _ss); serviceAgreements[serviceAgreementID] = ServiceAgreement( _payment, _expiration, _endAt, _oracles, _requestDigest ); emit NewServiceAgreement(serviceAgreementID, _requestDigest); } /** * @dev Validates that each signer address matches for the given oracles * @param _serviceAgreementID Service agreement ID * @param _oracles Array of oracle addresses which agreed to the service agreement * @param _vs Array of recovery IDs of the oracle signatures * @param _rs Array of first 32 bytes of the oracle signatures * @param _ss Array of second 32 bytes of the oracle signatures */ function registerOracleSignatures( bytes32 _serviceAgreementID, address[] _oracles, uint8[] _vs, bytes32[] _rs, bytes32[] _ss ) private { for (uint i = 0; i < _oracles.length; i++) { address signer = getOracleAddressFromSASignature(_serviceAgreementID, _vs[i], _rs[i], _ss[i]); require(_oracles[i] == signer, "Invalid oracle signature specified in SA"); allowedOracles[_serviceAgreementID][_oracles[i]] = true; } } /** * @dev Recovers the address of the signer for a service agreement * @param _serviceAgreementID Service agreement ID * @param _v Recovery ID of the oracle signature * @param _r First 32 bytes of the oracle signature * @param _s Second 32 bytes of the oracle signature * @return The address of the signer */ function getOracleAddressFromSASignature( bytes32 _serviceAgreementID, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s ) private pure returns (address) { bytes32 prefixedHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", _serviceAgreementID)); return ecrecover(prefixedHash, _v, _r, _s); } /** * @dev Reverts if not sent from the LINK token */ modifier onlyLINK() { require(msg.sender == address(LINK), "Must use LINK token"); _; } /** * @notice Called by the Chainlink node to fulfill requests * @dev Response must have a valid callback, and will delete the associated callback storage * before calling the external contract. * @param _requestId The fulfillment request ID that must match the requester's * @param _data The data to return to the consuming contract * @return Status if the external call was successful */ function fulfillOracleRequest( bytes32 _requestId, bytes32 _data ) external isValidRequest(_requestId) returns (bool) { storeResponse(_requestId, _data); Callback memory callback = callbacks[_requestId]; address[] memory oracles = serviceAgreements[callback.sAId].oracles; if (oracles.length != callback.responseCount) { return true; // exit early if not all response have been received } uint256 result = aggregateAndPay(_requestId, callback.amount, oracles); return, _requestId, result); // solium-disable-line security/no-low-level-calls } /** * @dev Allows the oracle operator to withdraw their LINK * @param _recipient is the address the funds will be sent to * @param _amount is the amount of LINK transfered from the Coordinator contract */ function withdraw(address _recipient, uint256 _amount) external hasAvailableFunds(_amount) { withdrawableTokens[msg.sender] = withdrawableTokens[msg.sender].sub(_amount); assert(LINK.transfer(_recipient, _amount)); } /** * @dev Necessary to implement ChainlinkRequestInterface */ function cancelOracleRequest(bytes32, uint256, bytes4, uint256) external {} // solium-disable-line no-empty-blocks /** * @notice Called when LINK is sent to the contract via `transferAndCall` * @dev The data payload's first 2 words will be overwritten by the `_sender` and `_amount` * values to ensure correctness. Calls oracleRequest. * @param _sender Address of the sender * @param _amount Amount of LINK sent (specified in wei) * @param _data Payload of the transaction */ function onTokenTransfer( address _sender, uint256 _amount, bytes _data ) public onlyLINK permittedFunctionsForLINK { assembly { // solium-disable-next-line security/no-low-level-calls mstore(add(_data, 36), _sender) // ensure correct sender is passed // solium-disable-next-line security/no-low-level-calls mstore(add(_data, 68), _amount) // ensure correct amount is passed } // solium-disable-next-line security/no-low-level-calls require(address(this).delegatecall(_data), "Unable to create request"); // calls oracleRequest } /** * @notice Retrieve the Service Agreement ID for the given parameters * @param _payment The amount of payment given (specified in wei) * @param _expiration The expiration that nodes should respond by * @param _endAt The date which the service agreement is no longer valid * @param _oracles Array of oracle addresses which agreed to the service agreement * @param _requestDigest Hash of the normalized job specification * @return The Service Agreement ID, a keccak256 hash of the input params */ function getId( uint256 _payment, uint256 _expiration, uint256 _endAt, address[] _oracles, bytes32 _requestDigest ) public pure returns (bytes32) { return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_payment, _expiration, _endAt, _oracles, _requestDigest)); } /** * @dev Stores an oracle's response and then increments the total number of repsonse received. * @param _requestId is the unique identifier generated by the requester and their nonce * @param _data is the actual answer to a request submitted by an oracle node */ function storeResponse(bytes32 _requestId, bytes32 _data) private { callbacks[_requestId].responses[msg.sender] = uint256(_data); callbacks[_requestId].responseCount += 1; } /** * @dev Aggregates the responses in storage and cleans them up. * Then pays associated oracles their share of LINK. * Deletes the request's callback record, and finally returns the aggregated result. * @param _requestId is the unique identifier generated by the requester and their nonce * @param _paymentAmount is the amount of LINK shared between the oracles * @param _oracles is the list of oracle addresses */ function aggregateAndPay(bytes32 _requestId, uint256 _paymentAmount, address[] memory _oracles) private returns (uint256) { uint256 result; uint256 oraclePayment = _paymentAmount.div(_oracles.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _oracles.length; i++) { result = result.add(callbacks[_requestId].responses[_oracles[i]]); // aggregate answers delete callbacks[_requestId].responses[_oracles[i]]; // must explicitly clean-up mappings for gas refund withdrawableTokens[_oracles[i]] = withdrawableTokens[_oracles[i]].add(oraclePayment); } delete callbacks[_requestId]; return result.div(_oracles.length); // average aggregated answers } /** * @dev Reverts if the callback address is the LINK token * @param _to The callback address */ modifier checkCallbackAddress(address _to) { require(_to != address(LINK), "Cannot callback to LINK"); _; } /** * @dev Reverts if amount requested is greater than withdrawable balance * @param _amount The given amount to compare to `withdrawableTokens` */ modifier hasAvailableFunds(uint256 _amount) { require(withdrawableTokens[msg.sender] >= _amount, "Amount requested is greater than withdrawable balance"); _; } /** * @dev Reverts if request ID does not exist * @param _requestId The given request ID to check in stored `callbacks` */ modifier isValidRequest(bytes32 _requestId) { require(callbacks[_requestId].addr != address(0), "Must have a valid requestId"); require(callbacks[_requestId].responses[msg.sender] == 0, "Cannot respond twice"); require(allowedOracles[callbacks[_requestId].sAId][msg.sender], "Oracle not recognized on service agreement"); _; } /** * @dev Reverts if amount is not at least what was agreed upon in the service agreement * @param _amount The payment for the request * @param _sAId The service agreement ID which the request is for */ modifier sufficientLINK(uint256 _amount, bytes32 _sAId) { require(_amount >= serviceAgreements[_sAId].payment, "Below agreed payment"); _; } /** * @dev Reverts if the given data does not begin with the `oracleRequest` function selector */ modifier permittedFunctionsForLINK() { bytes4[1] memory funcSelector; assembly { // solium-disable-next-line security/no-low-level-calls calldatacopy(funcSelector, 132, 4) // grab function selector from calldata } require(funcSelector[0] == this.oracleRequest.selector, "Must use whitelisted functions"); _; } }