/** * Which versions of which packages are required. */ interface WantedVersions { /** * Required version of Node.js. */ node?: string; /** * Required version of npm. */ npm?: string; /** * Required version of yarn. */ yarn?: string; } type OnGetVersion = (error: Error | null, info: VersionInfo) => void; /** * Gets the version of a package. * * @param packageName Name of the package. * @param onComplete Handler for the package name. */ type GetVersion = (packageName: string, onComplete: OnGetVersion) => void; /** * Requested version range of a package. */ interface Wanted { /** * Resolved semver equivalent of the raw version. */ range: string; /** * Raw semver requirement for the version. */ raw: string; } /** * Positive result of checking a program version. */ interface SatisfiedVersionInfo { /** * Whether the version was known to satisfy its requirements (true). */ isSatisfied: true; /** * Retrieved version. */ version: string; /** * Requested version range of the package, if any. */ wanted?: Wanted; } /** * Negative result of checking a program version. */ interface UnsatisfiedVersionInfo { /** * Whether the version was known to satisfy its requirements (false). */ isSatisfied: false; /** * Whether the program version was unable to be found. */ notfound?: boolean; /** * Retrieved version, if available. */ version?: string; /** * Requested version range of the package, if any. */ wanted?: Wanted; } /** * Result of checking a program version. */ type VersionInfo = SatisfiedVersionInfo | UnsatisfiedVersionInfo; /** * Versions for each package, keyed by package name. */ interface VersionInfos { [i: string]: VersionInfo; } /** * Results from checking versions. */ interface Results { /** * Versions for each package, keyed by package name. */ versions: VersionInfos; /** * Whether all versions were satisfied. */ isSatisfied: boolean; } /** * Handles results from checking versions. * * @param error Error from version checking, if any. * @param results Results from checking versions. */ type OnComplete = (error: Error | null, results: Results) => void; /** * Checks package versions. * * @param [wanted] Which versions of programs are required. * @param onComplete Handles results from checking versions. */ declare function check(onComplete: OnComplete): void; declare function check(wanted: WantedVersions, onComplete: OnComplete): void; export = check;