/*! chokidar - MIT License (c) 2012 Paul Miller (paulmillr.com) */ import { Stats } from 'fs'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import { ReaddirpStream, ReaddirpOptions, EntryInfo } from 'readdirp'; import { NodeFsHandler, EventName, Path, EVENTS as EV, WatchHandlers } from './handler.js'; type AWF = { stabilityThreshold: number; pollInterval: number; }; type BasicOpts = { persistent: boolean; ignoreInitial: boolean; followSymlinks: boolean; cwd?: string; usePolling: boolean; interval: number; binaryInterval: number; alwaysStat?: boolean; depth?: number; ignorePermissionErrors: boolean; atomic: boolean | number; }; export type Throttler = { timeoutObject: NodeJS.Timeout; clear: () => void; count: number; }; export type ChokidarOptions = Partial; }>; export type FSWInstanceOptions = BasicOpts & { ignored: Matcher[]; awaitWriteFinish: false | AWF; }; export type ThrottleType = 'readdir' | 'watch' | 'add' | 'remove' | 'change'; export type EmitArgs = [path: Path, stats?: Stats]; export type EmitErrorArgs = [error: Error, stats?: Stats]; export type EmitArgsWithName = [event: EventName, ...EmitArgs]; export type MatchFunction = (val: string, stats?: Stats) => boolean; export interface MatcherObject { path: string; recursive?: boolean; } export type Matcher = string | RegExp | MatchFunction | MatcherObject; /** * Directory entry. */ declare class DirEntry { path: Path; _removeWatcher: (dir: string, base: string) => void; items: Set; constructor(dir: Path, removeWatcher: (dir: string, base: string) => void); add(item: string): void; remove(item: string): Promise; has(item: string): boolean | undefined; getChildren(): string[]; dispose(): void; } export declare class WatchHelper { fsw: FSWatcher; path: string; watchPath: string; fullWatchPath: string; dirParts: string[][]; followSymlinks: boolean; statMethod: 'stat' | 'lstat'; constructor(path: string, follow: boolean, fsw: FSWatcher); entryPath(entry: EntryInfo): Path; filterPath(entry: EntryInfo): boolean; filterDir(entry: EntryInfo): boolean; } export interface FSWatcherKnownEventMap { [EV.READY]: []; [EV.RAW]: Parameters; [EV.ERROR]: Parameters; [EV.ALL]: [event: EventName, ...EmitArgs]; } export type FSWatcherEventMap = FSWatcherKnownEventMap & { [k in Exclude]: EmitArgs; }; /** * Watches files & directories for changes. Emitted events: * `add`, `addDir`, `change`, `unlink`, `unlinkDir`, `all`, `error` * * new FSWatcher() * .add(directories) * .on('add', path => log('File', path, 'was added')) */ export declare class FSWatcher extends EventEmitter { closed: boolean; options: FSWInstanceOptions; _closers: Map>; _ignoredPaths: Set; _throttled: Map>; _streams: Set; _symlinkPaths: Map; _watched: Map; _pendingWrites: Map; _pendingUnlinks: Map; _readyCount: number; _emitReady: () => void; _closePromise?: Promise; _userIgnored?: MatchFunction; _readyEmitted: boolean; _emitRaw: WatchHandlers['rawEmitter']; _boundRemove: (dir: string, item: string) => void; _nodeFsHandler: NodeFsHandler; constructor(_opts?: ChokidarOptions); _addIgnoredPath(matcher: Matcher): void; _removeIgnoredPath(matcher: Matcher): void; /** * Adds paths to be watched on an existing FSWatcher instance. * @param paths_ file or file list. Other arguments are unused */ add(paths_: Path | Path[], _origAdd?: string, _internal?: boolean): FSWatcher; /** * Close watchers or start ignoring events from specified paths. */ unwatch(paths_: Path | Path[]): FSWatcher; /** * Close watchers and remove all listeners from watched paths. */ close(): Promise; /** * Expose list of watched paths * @returns for chaining */ getWatched(): Record; emitWithAll(event: EventName, args: EmitArgs): void; /** * Normalize and emit events. * Calling _emit DOES NOT MEAN emit() would be called! * @param event Type of event * @param path File or directory path * @param stats arguments to be passed with event * @returns the error if defined, otherwise the value of the FSWatcher instance's `closed` flag */ _emit(event: EventName, path: Path, stats?: Stats): Promise; /** * Common handler for errors * @returns The error if defined, otherwise the value of the FSWatcher instance's `closed` flag */ _handleError(error: Error): Error | boolean; /** * Helper utility for throttling * @param actionType type being throttled * @param path being acted upon * @param timeout duration of time to suppress duplicate actions * @returns tracking object or false if action should be suppressed */ _throttle(actionType: ThrottleType, path: Path, timeout: number): Throttler | false; _incrReadyCount(): number; /** * Awaits write operation to finish. * Polls a newly created file for size variations. When files size does not change for 'threshold' milliseconds calls callback. * @param path being acted upon * @param threshold Time in milliseconds a file size must be fixed before acknowledging write OP is finished * @param event * @param awfEmit Callback to be called when ready for event to be emitted. */ _awaitWriteFinish(path: Path, threshold: number, event: EventName, awfEmit: (err?: Error, stat?: Stats) => void): void; /** * Determines whether user has asked to ignore this path. */ _isIgnored(path: Path, stats?: Stats): boolean; _isntIgnored(path: Path, stat?: Stats): boolean; /** * Provides a set of common helpers and properties relating to symlink handling. * @param path file or directory pattern being watched */ _getWatchHelpers(path: Path): WatchHelper; /** * Provides directory tracking objects * @param directory path of the directory */ _getWatchedDir(directory: string): DirEntry; /** * Check for read permissions: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11781404/1358405 */ _hasReadPermissions(stats: Stats): boolean; /** * Handles emitting unlink events for * files and directories, and via recursion, for * files and directories within directories that are unlinked * @param directory within which the following item is located * @param item base path of item/directory */ _remove(directory: string, item: string, isDirectory?: boolean): void; /** * Closes all watchers for a path */ _closePath(path: Path): void; /** * Closes only file-specific watchers */ _closeFile(path: Path): void; _addPathCloser(path: Path, closer: () => void): void; _readdirp(root: Path, opts?: Partial): ReaddirpStream | undefined; } /** * Instantiates watcher with paths to be tracked. * @param paths file / directory paths * @param options opts, such as `atomic`, `awaitWriteFinish`, `ignored`, and others * @returns an instance of FSWatcher for chaining. * @example * const watcher = watch('.').on('all', (event, path) => { console.log(event, path); }); * watch('.', { atomic: true, awaitWriteFinish: true, ignored: (f, stats) => stats?.isFile() && !f.endsWith('.js') }) */ export declare function watch(paths: string | string[], options?: ChokidarOptions): FSWatcher; declare const _default: { watch: typeof watch; FSWatcher: typeof FSWatcher; }; export default _default;