usage: crdp Proxies requests from chromium devtools frontend and the remote chromium being debugged and logs requests, responses and websocket messages that are exchanged. OPTIONS: -l, --loglevel level at which to log: silly|verbose|info|warn|error|silent -- default: info -r, --remote overrides port at which remote Chromium is listening, same as --remote-debugging-port (default: 9222) -p, --port overrides proxy port (default: --remote - 1) -o, --outfile if supplied all the incoming and outgoing messages are written to it as comma-delimited JSON, but requests and responses are not all messages have a 'direction' attached to the message taking the view point of the DevTools frontend outgoing: '=>' incoming: '<=' in order to parse the resulting JSON remove the last ',' and surround it with [ ] -h, --help Print this help message. EXAMPLES: Assume Chromium is listening on remote debugging port 9222, make proxy listen on port 9221 and write JSON messages to ./messages.json crdp --remote 9222 -outfile messages.json