msgid "" msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Crowdin-Project: class-validator\n" "X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 418130\n" "X-Crowdin-Language: ja\n" "X-Crowdin-File: /i18n/i18n/template.pot\n" "X-Crowdin-File-ID: 24\n" "Project-Id-Version: class-validator\n" "Language-Team: Japanese\n" "Language: ja_JP\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-12-27 18:04\n" #: src/decorator/object/IsInstance.ts:41 msgid "$IS_INSTANCE decorator expects and object as value, but got falsy value." msgstr "$IS_INSTANCE デコレータは、値としてオブジェクトを期待していますが、false値を取得しました。" #: src/decorator/date/MaxDate.ts:25 #: src/decorator/date/MinDate.ts:25 msgid "$property is $constraint1" msgstr "$property は $constraint1 です" #: src/decorator/string/IsDecimal.ts:32 msgid "$property is not a valid decimal number." msgstr "$property は有効な小数ではありません。" #: src/decorator/string/IsBIC.ts:27 msgid "$property must be a BIC or SWIFT code" msgstr "$property はBICまたはSWIFTコードでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsBooleanString.ts:27 msgid "$property must be a boolean string" msgstr "$property はブール文字列でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/typechecker/IsBoolean.ts:24 msgid "$property must be a boolean value" msgstr "$property はブール値でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsBtcAddress.ts:27 msgid "$property must be a BTC address" msgstr "$property は BTC アドレスでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsCreditCard.ts:27 msgid "$property must be a credit card" msgstr "$property はクレジットカードでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsCurrency.ts:32 msgid "$property must be a currency" msgstr "$property は通貨でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsDataURI.ts:27 msgid "$property must be a data uri format" msgstr "$property はデータURI形式でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/typechecker/IsDate.ts:24 msgid "$property must be a Date instance" msgstr "$property は、Date インスタンスでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsFirebasePushId.ts:27 msgid "$property must be a Firebase Push Id" msgstr "$property はファイアーベースのプッシュIDでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsHash.ts:31 msgid "$property must be a hash of type $constraint1" msgstr "$property はタイプ $constraint1 のハッシュでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsHexColor.ts:27 msgid "$property must be a hexadecimal color" msgstr "$property は16進数の色でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsHexadecimal.ts:27 msgid "$property must be a hexadecimal number" msgstr "$property は16進数でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsHSL.ts:29 msgid "$property must be a HSL color" msgstr "$property はHSL色でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsIdentityCard.ts:36 msgid "$property must be a identity card number" msgstr "$property はIDカード番号でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsISSN.ts:28 msgid "$property must be a ISSN" msgstr "$property はISSNでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsJSON.ts:27 msgid "$property must be a json string" msgstr "$property は、json 文字列でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsJWT.ts:27 msgid "$property must be a jwt string" msgstr "$property は、jwt 文字列でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/common/IsLatitude.ts:25 msgid "$property must be a latitude string or number" msgstr "$property は緯度文字列または数値でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/common/IsLatLong.ts:25 msgid "$property must be a latitude,longitude string" msgstr "$property は緯度、経度文字列でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/common/IsLongitude.ts:25 msgid "$property must be a longitude string or number" msgstr "$property は経度文字列または数字でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsLowercase.ts:27 msgid "$property must be a lowercase string" msgstr "$property は小文字でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsMacAddress.ts:42 msgid "$property must be a MAC Address" msgstr "$property は MAC アドレスでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsMongoId.ts:27 msgid "$property must be a mongodb id" msgstr "$property は mongodb id でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/number/IsNegative.ts:24 msgid "$property must be a negative number" msgstr "$property はマイナス値でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/object/IsNotEmptyObject.ts:45 msgid "$property must be a non-empty object" msgstr "$property は空でないオブジェクトでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/typechecker/IsNumber.ts:56 msgid "$property must be a number conforming to the specified constraints" msgstr "$property は指定された制約に適合する数値でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsNumberString.ts:32 msgid "$property must be a number string" msgstr "$property は数値文字列でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsMobilePhone.ts:53 msgid "$property must be a phone number" msgstr "$property は電話番号でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsPort.ts:24 msgid "$property must be a port" msgstr "$property はポートでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/number/IsPositive.ts:24 msgid "$property must be a positive number" msgstr "$property は正の数でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsPostalCode.ts:34 msgid "$property must be a postal code" msgstr "$property は郵便番号でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsSemVer.ts:27 msgid "$property must be a Semantic Versioning Specification" msgstr "$property はセマンティックバージョン仕様でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/typechecker/IsString.ts:24 msgid "$property must be a string" msgstr "$property は文字列でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsUUID.ts:29 msgid "$property must be a UUID" msgstr "$property は UUID でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsFQDN.ts:29 msgid "$property must be a valid domain name" msgstr "$property は有効なドメイン名でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/typechecker/IsEnum.ts:26 msgid "$property must be a valid enum value" msgstr "$property は有効な列挙値でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsDateString.ts:30 #: src/decorator/string/IsISO8601.ts:34 msgid "$property must be a valid ISO 8601 date string" msgstr "$property は有効な ISO 8601 日付文字列である必要があります" #: src/decorator/string/IsISO31661Alpha2.ts:25 msgid "$property must be a valid ISO31661 Alpha2 code" msgstr "$property は有効な ISO31661 Alpha2 コードでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsISO31661Alpha3.ts:25 msgid "$property must be a valid ISO31661 Alpha3 code" msgstr "$property は有効な ISO31661 Alpha3 コードでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsPhoneNumber.ts:42 msgid "$property must be a valid phone number" msgstr "$property は有効な電話番号でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsMilitaryTime.ts:29 msgid "$property must be a valid representation of military time in the format HH:MM" msgstr "$property は、HH:MM 形式の軍用時間の有効な表現でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/typechecker/IsArray.ts:24 msgid "$property must be an array" msgstr "$property は配列でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsEAN.ts:27 msgid "$property must be an EAN (European Article Number)" msgstr "$property は、EANでなければなりません(欧州の記事番号)" #: src/decorator/string/IsEmail.ts:32 msgid "$property must be an email" msgstr "$property はメールアドレスでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsEthereumAddress.ts:27 msgid "$property must be an Ethereum address" msgstr "$property はイーサリアムアドレスでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsIBAN.ts:27 msgid "$property must be an IBAN" msgstr "$property はIBANでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/object/IsInstance.ts:33 msgid "$property must be an instance of $constraint1name" msgstr "$property は $constraint1name のインスタンスでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/typechecker/IsInt.ts:24 msgid "$property must be an integer number" msgstr "$property は整数でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsIP.ts:32 msgid "$property must be an ip address" msgstr "$property は、IP アドレスでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsISBN.ts:32 msgid "$property must be an ISBN" msgstr "$property はISBNでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsISIN.ts:27 msgid "$property must be an ISIN (stock/security identifier)" msgstr "$property は ISIN (在庫/セキュリティ識別子) でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsISRC.ts:27 msgid "$property must be an ISRC" msgstr "$property は、ISRCでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/typechecker/IsObject.ts:26 msgid "$property must be an object" msgstr "$property はオブジェクトでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsUrl.ts:29 msgid "$property must be an URL address" msgstr "$property は URL アドレスでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsBase32.ts:27 msgid "$property must be base32 encoded" msgstr "$property は base32 エンコードする必要があります" #: src/decorator/string/IsBase64.ts:27 msgid "$property must be base64 encoded" msgstr "$property は base64 エンコードする必要があります" #: src/decorator/number/IsDivisibleBy.ts:26 msgid "$property must be divisible by $constraint1" msgstr "$property は $constraint1 で割り算する必要があります" #: src/decorator/common/IsEmpty.ts:23 msgid "$property must be empty" msgstr "$property は空にする必要があります" #: src/decorator/common/Equals.ts:25 msgid "$property must be equal to $constraint1" msgstr "$property は、 $constraint1 に等しくなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsLocale.ts:26 msgid "$property must be locale" msgstr "$property はロケールでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/Length.ts:37 msgid "$property must be longer than or equal to $constraint1 and shorter than or equal to $constraint2 characters" msgstr "$property は $constraint1 文字以上、 $constraint2 文字以下でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/Length.ts:31 #: src/decorator/string/MinLength.ts:28 msgid "$property must be longer than or equal to $constraint1 characters" msgstr "$property は、 $constraint1 文字以上でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsMagnetURI.ts:27 msgid "$property must be magnet uri format" msgstr "$property はマグネットURI形式でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsMimeType.ts:27 msgid "$property must be MIME type format" msgstr "$property は MIME タイプのフォーマットでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/common/IsIn.ts:25 msgid "$property must be one of the following values: $constraint1" msgstr "$property は次の値のいずれかでなければなりません: $constraint1" #: src/decorator/string/IsRFC3339.ts:27 msgid "$property must be RFC 3339 date" msgstr "$property は RFC 3339 の日付でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsRgbColor.ts:30 msgid "$property must be RGB color" msgstr "$property はRGBカラーでなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/MaxLength.ts:28 msgid "$property must be shorter than or equal to $constraint1 characters" msgstr "$property は、 $constraint1 文字以下でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/Length.ts:33 msgid "$property must be shorter than or equal to $constraint2 characters" msgstr "$property は、 $constraint2 文字以下でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsUppercase.ts:27 msgid "$property must be uppercase" msgstr "$property は大文字にする必要があります" #: src/decorator/string/IsOctal.ts:27 msgid "$property must be valid octal number" msgstr "$property は有効な8進数でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/string/IsPassportNumber.ts:28 msgid "$property must be valid passport number" msgstr "$property は有効なパスポート番号でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/array/ArrayContains.ts:29 msgid "$property must contain $constraint1 values" msgstr "$property は、 $constraint1 の値を含める必要があります" #: src/decorator/string/Contains.ts:28 msgid "$property must contain a $constraint1 string" msgstr "$property は、 $constraint1 文字列を含める必要があります" #: src/decorator/string/IsVariableWidth.ts:27 msgid "$property must contain a full-width and half-width characters" msgstr "$property は、全幅および半角文字を含む必要があります" #: src/decorator/string/IsFullWidth.ts:27 msgid "$property must contain a full-width characters" msgstr "$property は、全角文字を含める必要があります" #: src/decorator/string/IsHalfWidth.ts:27 msgid "$property must contain a half-width characters" msgstr "$property には半角文字を含める必要があります" #: src/decorator/string/IsSurrogatePair.ts:27 msgid "$property must contain any surrogate pairs chars" msgstr "$property は任意の代理ペア文字を含める必要があります" #: src/decorator/array/ArrayMinSize.ts:27 msgid "$property must contain at least $constraint1 elements" msgstr "$property は少なくとも $constraint1 個の要素を含める必要があります" #: src/decorator/array/ArrayMaxSize.ts:27 msgid "$property must contain not more than $constraint1 elements" msgstr "$property は、 $constraint1 個以下の要素を含む必要があります" #: src/decorator/string/IsMultibyte.ts:27 msgid "$property must contain one or more multibyte chars" msgstr "$property は、1 つ以上のマルチバイト文字を含める必要があります" #: src/decorator/string/IsAscii.ts:27 msgid "$property must contain only ASCII characters" msgstr "$property にはASCII文字のみを含める必要があります" #: src/decorator/string/IsAlpha.ts:29 msgid "$property must contain only letters (a-zA-Z)" msgstr "$property は文字のみを含める必要があります (a-zA-Z)" #: src/decorator/string/IsAlphanumeric.ts:29 msgid "$property must contain only letters and numbers" msgstr "$property は文字と数字のみを含める必要があります" #: src/decorator/string/Matches.ts:43 msgid "$property must match $constraint1 regular expression" msgstr "$property は $constraint1 の正規表現に一致しなければなりません" #: src/decorator/number/Max.ts:25 msgid "$property must not be greater than $constraint1" msgstr "$property は $constraint1 より大きくてはいけません" #: src/decorator/number/Min.ts:25 msgid "$property must not be less than $constraint1" msgstr "$property は $constraint1 より小さくてはいけません" #: src/decorator/array/ArrayNotEmpty.ts:26 #: src/decorator/common/IsNotEmpty.ts:24 msgid "$property should not be empty" msgstr "$property は空にできません" #: src/decorator/common/NotEquals.ts:25 msgid "$property should not be equal to $constraint1" msgstr "$property は $constraint1 と等しくてはいけません" #: src/decorator/common/IsDefined.ts:26 msgid "$property should not be null or undefined" msgstr "$property は null または未定義にすべきではありません" #: src/decorator/common/IsNotIn.ts:25 msgid "$property should not be one of the following values: $constraint1" msgstr "$property は以下の値のいずれかを指定しないでください: $constraint1" #: src/decorator/array/ArrayNotContains.ts:29 msgid "$property should not contain $constraint1 values" msgstr "$property は $constraint1 値を含めることはできません" #: src/decorator/string/NotContains.ts:28 msgid "$property should not contain a $constraint1 string" msgstr "$property は、 $constraint1 文字列を含めることはできません" #: src/decorator/string/IsByteLength.ts:29 msgid "$property's byte length must fall into ($constraint1, $constraint2) range" msgstr "$propertyのバイト長は ($constraint1, $constraint2) の範囲に含まれなければなりません" #: src/decorator/array/ArrayUnique.ts:44 msgid "All $property's elements must be unique" msgstr "$propertyのすべての要素は一意でなければなりません" #: src/decorator/common/ValidateNested.ts:13 msgid "each value in " msgstr "個々の値は " #: src/decorator/date/MaxDate.ts:25 msgid "maximal allowed date for " msgstr "次の日付を最大許容: " #: src/decorator/date/MinDate.ts:25 msgid "minimal allowed date for " msgstr "許可されている最小日付: " #: src/decorator/common/ValidateNested.ts:14 msgid "nested property $property must be either object or array" msgstr "ネストされたプロパティ $property はオブジェクトまたは配列でなければなりません"