/** Style of the box border. */ export type BoxStyle = { readonly topLeft: string; readonly top: string; readonly topRight: string; readonly right: string; readonly bottomRight: string; readonly bottom: string; readonly bottomLeft: string; readonly left: string; }; /** All box styles. */ export type Boxes = { /** @example ``` ┌────┐ │ │ └────┘ ``` */ readonly single: BoxStyle; /** @example ``` ╔════╗ ║ ║ ╚════╝ ``` */ readonly double: BoxStyle; /** @example ``` ╭────╮ │ │ ╰────╯ ``` */ readonly round: BoxStyle; /** @example ``` ┏━━━━┓ ┃ ┃ ┗━━━━┛ ``` */ readonly bold: BoxStyle; /** @example ``` ╓────╖ ║ ║ ╙────╜ ``` */ readonly singleDouble: BoxStyle; /** @example ``` ╒════╕ │ │ ╘════╛ ``` */ readonly doubleSingle: BoxStyle; /** @example ``` +----+ | | +----+ ``` */ readonly classic: BoxStyle; /** @example ``` ↘↓↓↓↓↙ → ← ↗↑↑↑↑↖ ``` */ readonly arrow: BoxStyle; }; /** Boxes for use in the terminal. @example ``` import cliBoxes from 'cli-boxes'; console.log(cliBoxes.single); // { // topLeft: '┌', // top: '─', // topRight: '┐', // right: '│', // bottomRight: '┘', // bottom: '─', // bottomLeft: '└', // left: '│' // } ``` */ declare const cliBoxes: Boxes; export default cliBoxes;