0.7.0 - * add `session.destroy()` alias for `session.reset()` * invalid base64 will return undefined instead of throw 0.6.0 - * add secret can also be a Buffer * add `encryptonKey` and `signatureKey` options, to be used instead of `secret` * add `encryptionAlgorithm` and `signatureAlgorithm` options * fix zero out buffers during encryption * docs for new crypto options * docs describing how crypto is used 0.5.0 - * fix dirty checking for nested objects. req.session.foo.bar = 'baz' now works. * fix setting req.session = someObj will update from someObj * removed usage of Proxy, now uses getters/setters 0.4.1 - * change to writeHead, no longer depending on connect's res.on('header') event * fix checking existence of res.socket before checking res.socket.encrypted * documentation added js syntax highlighting 0.4.0 - * add activeDuration with default to 5 minutes * add checking for native Proxy before using node-proxy * add cookie.ephemeral option, default false * add constant-time check * adds self-aware check. wont override req.session if already exists * fix wrong handled of utf8 replacement character * fix http expiry of cookie to match duration * fix updating cookie expiry whenever duration/createdAt changes 0.3.1 - * documentation update * support opt.requestKey to allow usage of a key other than cookie name 0.1.0 - * node 0.10.x support * fix bug in .reset() - session would load from an existing cookie - thanks @khmelichek