import { S3, Credentials } from 'aws-sdk'; import { createWriteStream, readFile } from 'fs-extra-plus'; import { PassThrough, Readable, Writable } from "stream"; import { Bucket, BucketFile, buildFullDestPath, commonBucketDownload, getContentType, parsePrefixOrGlob, commonBucketCopy, commonDeleteAll, BucketFileDeleted, commonBucketUpload } from "./bucket-base"; import micromatch = require('micromatch'); // import {Object as AwsFile} from 'aws-sdk'; // type S3 = AWS.S3; type AwsFile = S3.Object; export interface AwsBucketCfg { bucketName: string; access_key_id: string; access_key_secret: string; } export async function getAwsBucket(cfg: AwsBucketCfg) { const credentials = new Credentials(cfg.access_key_id, cfg.access_key_secret); // Create S3 service object const s3 = new S3({ apiVersion: '2006-03-01', credentials }); return new AwsBucket(s3, cfg.bucketName); } class AwsBucket implements Bucket { private s3: S3; private baseParams: { Bucket: string }; get type(): string { return 's3' } get name(): string { return this.baseParams.Bucket; } constructor(s3: S3, bucketName: string) { this.s3 = s3; this.baseParams = { Bucket: bucketName }; } getPath(obj: AwsFile) { return obj.Key!; // TODO: need to investigate when Key is empty in S3. } async exists(path: string): Promise { const file = await this.getFile(path); return (file) ? true : false; } async getFile(path: string): Promise { try { const object = await this.s3.headObject({ ...this.baseParams, ...{ Key: path } }).promise(); const updated = (object.LastModified) ? object.LastModified.toISOString() : undefined; return { bucket: this, path, updated, size: object.ContentLength, contentType: object.ContentType } } catch (ex) { // if NotFound, return false if (ex.code === 'NotFound') { return null; } // otherwise, propagate the exception else { throw ex; } } } /** * * @param path prefix path or glob (the string before the first '*' will be used as prefix) */ async list(prefixOrGlob?: string): Promise { const awsFiles = await this.listAwsFiles(prefixOrGlob); return => this.toFile(gf)); } async copy(pathOrGlob: string, destDir: string | BucketFile): Promise { const awsFiles = await this.listAwsFiles(pathOrGlob); const files = await commonBucketCopy(this, awsFiles, pathOrGlob, destDir, async (awsFile: AWS.S3.Object, dest: BucketFile) => { const destAwsBucket = (dest.bucket instanceof AwsBucket) ? dest.bucket as AwsBucket : null; if (!destAwsBucket) { throw new Error(`destBucket type ${dest.bucket.type} does not match source bucket type ${this.type}. For now, cross bucket type copy not supported.`) } const sourcePath = awsFile.Key!; const params = { CopySource: `${}/${sourcePath}`, Bucket:, Key: dest.path } await this.s3.copyObject(params).promise(); } ); } async download(pathOrGlob: string, localPath: string): Promise { const awsFiles = await this.listAwsFiles(pathOrGlob); const files = await commonBucketDownload(this, awsFiles, pathOrGlob, localPath, async (object: AwsFile, localPath) => { const remotePath = object.Key!; const params = { ...this.baseParams, ...{ Key: remotePath } }; const remoteReadStream = this.s3.getObject(params).createReadStream(); const localWriteStream = createWriteStream(localPath); const writePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { localWriteStream.once('close', () => { resolve(); }); localWriteStream.once('error', (ex) => { reject(ex); }); remoteReadStream.pipe(localWriteStream); }); await writePromise; }); return files; } async downloadAsText(path: string): Promise { const params = { ...this.baseParams, ...{ Key: path } }; //const remoteReadStream = this.s3.getObject(params).createReadStream(); const obj = await this.s3.getObject(params).promise(); const content = obj.Body!.toString(); return content; } async upload(localFileOrDirOrGlob: string, destPath: string): Promise { return commonBucketUpload(this, localFileOrDirOrGlob, destPath, async (localPath, fullDestPath, contentType) => { const localFileData = await readFile(localPath); const awsResult = await this.s3.putObject({ ...this.baseParams, ...{ Key: fullDestPath, Body: localFileData, ContentType: contentType } }).promise(); return { bucket: this, path: fullDestPath, size: localFileData.length }; }); } async uploadOld(localPath: string, destPath: string): Promise { const fullDestPath = buildFullDestPath(localPath, destPath); process.stdout.write(`Uploading file ${localPath} to s3://${}/${fullDestPath}`); try { const localFileData = await readFile(localPath); const ContentType = getContentType(destPath); const awsResult = await this.s3.putObject({ ...this.baseParams, ...{ Key: fullDestPath, Body: localFileData, ContentType } }).promise(); process.stdout.write(` - DONE\n`); // FIXME: Needs to make sure we cannot get the object from the putObject result, and that the size can be assumed to be localFileData.length return { bucket: this, path: fullDestPath, size: localFileData.length }; } catch (ex) { process.stdout.write(` - FAIL - ABORT - Cause: ${ex}\n`); throw ex; } } async uploadContent(path: string, content: string): Promise { const ContentType = getContentType(path); await this.s3.putObject({ ...this.baseParams, ...{ Key: path, Body: content, ContentType: ContentType } }).promise(); } async createReadStream(path: string): Promise { const params = { ...this.baseParams, ...{ Key: path } }; const obj = this.s3.getObject(params); if (!obj) { throw new Error(`Object not found for ${path}`); } return obj.createReadStream(); } async createWriteStream(path: string): Promise { var pass = new PassThrough(); const params = { ...this.baseParams, ...{ Key: path }, Body: pass }; this.s3.upload(params); return pass; } async delete(path: string): Promise { if (!path) { throw new Error(`AwsBucket - ERROR - Can't delete null or empty path`); } try { process.stdout.write(`Deleting s3://${this.baseParams.Bucket}/${path}`); // NOTE: For aws API, the s3.deleteObject seems to return exactly the same if the object existed or not. // Therefore, we need to do an additional ping to know if the file exist or not to return true/false const exists = await this.exists(path); if (exists) { // NOTE: between the first test and this delete, the object might have been deleted, but since s3.deleteObjecct // does not seems to tell if the object exits or not, this is the best can do. await this.s3.deleteObject({ ...this.baseParams, ...{ Key: path } }).promise(); process.stdout.write(` - DONE\n`); return true; } else { process.stdout.write(` - Skipped (object not found)\n`); return false; } } catch (ex) { process.stdout.write(` - FAILED - ABORT - Cause ${ex}\n`); throw ex; } } async deleteAll(files: BucketFile[]): Promise { return await commonDeleteAll(this, files); } //#region ---------- Private ---------- /** * List the googleFiles for this bucket; */ async listAwsFiles(prefixOrGlob?: string): Promise { const { prefix, glob } = parsePrefixOrGlob(prefixOrGlob); // build the list params let listParams: { Prefix?: string } | undefined = undefined; if (prefix) { listParams = { Prefix: prefix }; } const params = { ...this.baseParams, ...listParams }; // perform the s3 list request try { const awsResult = await this.s3.listObjects(params).promise(); const awsFiles = awsResult.Contents as AwsFile[]; // if glob, filter again the result let files: AwsFile[] = (!glob) ? awsFiles : awsFiles.filter(af => micromatch.isMatch(af.Key!, glob)); return files; } catch (ex) { throw ex; } } private toFile(awsFile: AwsFile): BucketFile { if (!awsFile) { throw new Error(`No awsFile`); } const updated = (awsFile.LastModified) ? awsFile.LastModified.toISOString() : undefined; // FIXME: Needs to handle when Key or Size is undefined. return { bucket: this, path: awsFile.Key!, size: awsFile.Size!, updated: updated } } //#endregion ---------- /Private ---------- }