import * as Path from 'path'; import { mkdirp, glob } from 'fs-extra-plus'; import { Readable, Writable } from 'stream'; import * as mime from 'mime-types'; export interface BucketFile { bucket: Bucket; path: string; size?: number; updated?: string; contentType?: string; local?: string; // optional local file path } export type BucketFileDeleted = BucketFile & { deleted: boolean }; // Note: right now use generic default with F (file) any export interface Bucket { type: string; name: string; /** Return the path of a cloud "file object" */ getPath(obj: F): string; exists(path: string): Promise; /** * Get and return a BucketFile for a given path (will do a cloud bucket query). * Returns null if not found. Throw exception if any other exception than notfound. */ getFile(path: String): Promise; list(prefixOrGlob?: String): Promise; /** * Will copy one or more file to a destination file (then require single match, i.e. no glob), * or to a destination folder. * @param prefixOrGlob full file name, or prefix or glob. If multiple match, to need dest must be a dir (end with '/') * @param dest can be dir path (copying multiple file and preserving filename and relative dir structure), or full file name (require single match) */ copy(prefixOrGlob: string, dest: string | BucketFile): Promise; /** * Download one or more remote bucket file to a local file or a folder structure. * @param prefixOrGlob * @param localDir * If end with '/' then all files from the prefixOrGlob will be downloaded with their originial filename (and relative folder structure). * Otherwise, if full file name, then, make sure there is onyl one matching bucket source, and copy to this file destination (to rename on download) */ download(prefixOrGlob: string, localPath: string): Promise downloadAsText(path: string): Promise upload(localPath: string, path: string): Promise; uploadContent(path: string, content: string): Promise; createReadStream(path: string): Promise; createWriteStream(path: string): Promise; /** * Delete a single file. * @param path */ delete(path: string): Promise deleteAll(files: BucketFile[]): Promise } //#region ---------- Common Bucket Utils ---------- /** * Build the full destination path from the local path name and the destPath * - If `destPath` ends with `/`, then baseName of `localPath` is concatenated. * - Otherwise, `destPath` is the fullDestPath. * * @throws exception if destPath is not present. */ export function buildFullDestPath(localPath: string, destPath: string) { // we do not have a dest path, throw error if (!destPath) { throw new Error('No depthPath'); } let fullDestPath: string; // if it is a folder, we just concatinate the base name if (destPath.endsWith('/')) { const srcBaseName = Path.basename(localPath); fullDestPath = destPath + srcBaseName; } // if the destPath is not a folder, assume it is the new file name. else { fullDestPath = destPath; } return fullDestPath; } /** * Return a clean prefix and glob when defined in the string. Clean prefix, meaning, glob less one, * that can be passed to most cloud storage api. * * @param prefixOrGlob undefined, null, e.g., 'some-prefix', 'folder/', 'folder/glob-pattern.*' * @returns {prefix, glob, baseDir} * - prefix is the first characters unitl the first glob character ('*') * - glob is prefixOrGlob value if it is a glob, otherwise undefined. * - baseDir is the eventual longest directory path without any glob char (ending with '/') */ export function parsePrefixOrGlob(prefixOrGlob?: string) { let glob: string | undefined; let prefix: string | undefined; let baseDir: string | undefined; if (prefixOrGlob && prefixOrGlob.length > 0) { const firstWildIdx = prefixOrGlob.indexOf('*'); // if it has a '*' then it is a pattern if (firstWildIdx > 0) { glob = prefixOrGlob; prefix = prefixOrGlob.substring(0, firstWildIdx); } // otherwise, it is just a else { prefix = prefixOrGlob; } } if (prefix) { const lastSlashIdx = prefix.lastIndexOf('/'); if (lastSlashIdx > -1) { baseDir = prefix.substring(0, lastSlashIdx + 1); } } return { prefix, glob, baseDir }; } //// Common DOWNLOAD type ItemDownloadFn = (object: F, localPath: string) => Promise; export async function commonBucketDownload(bucket: Bucket, cloudFiles: F[], pathOrGlob: string, localPath: string, downloadr: ItemDownloadFn): Promise { const isLocalPathDir = localPath.endsWith('/'); // If not a local directory, make sure we have only one file. // TODO: might check if the pathOrGlob is a glob as well to prevent it (in case there is only one match) if (!isLocalPathDir && cloudFiles.length > 1) { throw new Error(`Cannot copy multiple files ${pathOrGlob} to the same local file ${localPath}. Download to a directory (end with '/') to download multipel file.`); } const files: BucketFile[] = []; const { baseDir } = parsePrefixOrGlob(pathOrGlob); for (let cf of cloudFiles) { const remotePath = bucket.getPath(cf); const localFilePath = (isLocalPathDir) ? getDestPath(baseDir, remotePath, localPath) : localPath; const localPathDir = Path.dirname(localFilePath); await mkdirp(localPathDir); process.stdout.write(`Downloading ${bucket.type}://${}/${remotePath} to ${localFilePath}`); try { await downloadr(cf, localFilePath); process.stdout.write(` - DONE\n`); const file = { bucket, path: remotePath, size: -1, local: localFilePath }; files.push(file); } catch (ex) { process.stdout.write(` - FAIL - ABORT - Cause: ${ex}\n`); throw ex; } } return files; } //// COMMON UPLOAD type ItemUploadFn = (localFilePath: string, remoteFilePath: string, contentType?: string) => Promise; export async function commonBucketUpload(bucket: Bucket, localFileOrDirOrGlob: string, remotePath: string, uploadr: ItemUploadFn): Promise { const bucketFiles: BucketFile[] = []; if (localFileOrDirOrGlob.endsWith('/')) { localFileOrDirOrGlob = localFileOrDirOrGlob + '**/*.*'; } const isLocalGlob = localFileOrDirOrGlob.includes('*'); const { baseDir } = parsePrefixOrGlob(localFileOrDirOrGlob); const localFiles = await glob(localFileOrDirOrGlob); for (const localPath of localFiles) { // if we have an localFileExpression (globs), then, we build the fullDestPath relative to the baseDir of the glob (last / before the first *) const fullDestPath = (isLocalGlob) ? getDestPath(baseDir, localPath, remotePath) : buildFullDestPath(localPath, remotePath); const contentType = getContentType(fullDestPath); process.stdout.write(`Uploading file ${localPath} to ${bucket.type}://${}/${fullDestPath}`); try { const bucketFile = await uploadr(localPath, fullDestPath, contentType); bucketFiles.push(bucketFile); process.stdout.write(` - DONE\n`); } catch (ex) { process.stdout.write(` - FAIL - ABORT - Cause: ${ex}\n`); throw ex; } } return bucketFiles; } //// COMMON COPY type ItemCopyFn = (Object: F, destDir: BucketFile) => Promise; export async function commonBucketCopy(bucket: Bucket, cloudFiles: F[], pathOrGlob: string, dest: string | BucketFile, copier: ItemCopyFn) { const destBucket = ((typeof dest === 'string') ? bucket : dest.bucket); const destPath = (typeof dest === 'string') ? dest : dest.path; const isDestPathDir = destPath.endsWith('/'); // If not a local directory, make sure we have only one file. // TODO: might check if the pathOrGlob is a glob as well to prevent it (in case there is only one match) if (!isDestPathDir && cloudFiles.length > 1) { throw new Error(`Cannot copy multiple files ${pathOrGlob} to the same bucket file ${destPath}. Download to a directory (end with '/') to download multipel file.`); } const { baseDir } = parsePrefixOrGlob(pathOrGlob); const files: BucketFile[] = []; for (let cf of cloudFiles) { const remotePath = bucket.getPath(cf); const destFilePath = (isDestPathDir) ? getDestPath(baseDir, remotePath, destPath) : destPath; process.stdout.write(`Copying ${bucket.type}://${}/${remotePath} to ${bucket.type}://${}/${destFilePath}`); try { await copier(cf, { bucket: destBucket, path: destFilePath }); process.stdout.write(` - DONE\n`); } catch (ex) { process.stdout.write(` - FAIL - ABORT - Cause: ${ex}\n`); throw ex; } } return files; } export async function commonDeleteAll(bucket: Bucket, files: BucketFile[]): Promise { const filesInfo: BucketFileDeleted[] = []; // validate that all files are same bucket for (const file of files) { // check if same bucket if (file.bucket !== bucket) { throw new Error(`Cannot delete file from another bucket ${} should match file bucket ${}`); } } for (const file of files) { const deleted = await bucket.delete(file.path); filesInfo.push({ ...file, deleted }) } return filesInfo; } //#endregion ---------- /Common Bucket Utils ---------- function getDestPath(baseDir: string | undefined, remotePath: string, destPathDir: string) { const baseName = Path.basename(remotePath); const filePath = (baseDir) ? Path.relative(baseDir, remotePath) : baseName; const destPath = `${destPathDir}${filePath}`; return destPath; } export function getContentType(path: string) { let ct = mime.contentType(path); let contentType = (ct) ? ct : undefined; return contentType; } /** * NOT IMPLEMENTED YET * Can be set in bucket constructor, or overrided per call. */ interface Options { log: boolean | string; // (default true) true to log, string to log with a prefix skipOnFatal: boolean | Function; beforeAction: Function; afterAction: Function; }