import { Bucket as GoogleBucket, File as GoogleFile, GetFilesOptions, Storage as GoogleStorage } from '@google-cloud/storage'; import { Readable, Writable } from "stream"; import { Driver, ListCloudFilesOptions } from "./driver"; import { BucketFile, BucketType } from './types'; import micromatch = require('micromatch'); export async function getGsDriver(cfg: GsDriverCfg) { // TODO: valid cfg const googleStorageConf = { projectId: cfg.project_id, credentials: { client_email: cfg.client_email, private_key: cfg.private_key } } const storage = new GoogleStorage(googleStorageConf); const googleBucket = storage.bucket(cfg.bucketName); return new GcpDriver(googleBucket); } export interface GsDriverCfg { bucketName: string; project_id: string; client_email: string; private_key: string; } class GcpDriver implements Driver { readonly googleBucket: GoogleBucket; get type(): BucketType { return 'gs' } get name(): string { return } constructor(googleBucket: GoogleBucket) { this.googleBucket = googleBucket; } toFile(googleFile: GoogleFile): Omit { if (!googleFile) { throw new Error(`No googleFile`); } const size = (googleFile.metadata.size) ? Number(googleFile.metadata.size) : undefined; return { path:, size, updated: googleFile.metadata.updated, contentType: googleFile.metadata.contentType } } getPath(obj: GoogleFile) { return; } async exists(path: string): Promise { // Note: note gcp has specific file.exists method const result = await this.googleBucket.file(path).exists(); return result[0]; } async getCloudFile(path: string): Promise { const googleFile = this.googleBucket.file(path); try { return (await googleFile.get())[0]; } catch (ex) { // not found return null, as per getFile design. if (ex.code === 404) { return null; } // otherwise, propagate exception else { throw ex; } } } /** * * @param path prefix path or glob (the string before the first '*' will be used as prefix) */ async listCloudFiles(opts: ListCloudFilesOptions): Promise { const { prefix, glob, delimiter } = opts; // build the query options and perform the re quest let baseQuery: GetFilesOptions = { autoPaginate: true }; if (delimiter === true) { baseQuery.delimiter = '/'; } let getListOpts = (prefix) ? { ...baseQuery, prefix } : baseQuery; const result = await this.googleBucket.getFiles(getListOpts); let gfList = result[0] || []; // if glob, filter the data further let files: GoogleFile[] = (!glob) ? gfList : gfList.filter(gf => micromatch.isMatch(, glob)); return files; } async downloadCloudFile(cf: GoogleFile, localPath: string): Promise { await{ destination: localPath }); } async uploadCloudFile(localFilePath: string, remoteFilePath: string, contentType?: string): Promise { const googleBucket = this.googleBucket; const googleFile = (await googleBucket.upload(localFilePath, { destination: remoteFilePath, contentType }))[0]; return googleFile; } async copyCloudFile(cf: GoogleFile, dest: BucketFile): Promise { if (dest.bucket.googleBucket == null) { throw new Error(`destBucket type ${dest.bucket.type} does not match source bucket type ${this.type}. For now, cross bucket type copy not supported.`) } const destGoogleBucket = dest.bucket.googleBucket; const destFile = destGoogleBucket.file(dest.path); await cf.copy(destFile); } async deleteCloudFile(path: string): Promise { const googleFile = this.googleBucket.file(path); if (googleFile) { try { await googleFile.delete(); } catch (ex) { // if not found, just return false. if (ex.code === 404) { process.stdout.write(` - Skipped (object not found)\n`); return false; } else { process.stdout.write(` - FAILED - ABORT - Cause ${ex}\n`); throw ex; } } // TODO: Probably needs to return true only if deleted. return true; } else { return false; } } async downloadAsText(path: string): Promise { const googleFile = this.googleBucket.file(path); const buffer = await; return buffer.toString(); } async uploadCloudContent(path: string, content: string, contentType?: string): Promise { const googleFile = this.googleBucket.file(path); const uploadReadable = new Readable(); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { uploadReadable .pipe(googleFile.createWriteStream({ contentType })) .on('error', function (err: any) { reject(err); }) .on('finish', function () { resolve(); }); uploadReadable.push(content); uploadReadable.push(null); }); } async createReadStream(path: string): Promise { const googleFile = this.googleBucket.file(path); return googleFile.createReadStream(); } async createWriteStream(path: string): Promise { const googleFile = this.googleBucket.file(path); return googleFile.createWriteStream(); } }