import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import { ForkOptions, SpawnOptions, ChildProcess } from 'child_process'; import { Readable } from 'stream'; export interface RuleOpt { ctx: any; type: string; expected: ExpectedType | ExpectedType[]; args?: string[]; isOpposite?: boolean; } export class Rule { constructor(opt: RuleOpt); validate(message?: string): void; assert(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string | Error): void; formatMessage(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string | Error): string; inspectObj(obj: any): string; } export interface Result { stdout: string; stderr: string; code: number; error: Error | null; proc: ChildProcess | null; } export interface CoffeeOpt { method: string; cmd: string; args?: string[]; opt?: T; } export type ExpectedType = number | string | RegExp; export class Coffee extends EventEmitter { method: string; cmd: string; args?: string[]; opt?: T; constructor(opt: CoffeeOpt); debug(level?: number | boolean): this; /** * Assert type with expected value * * @param {String} type - assertion rule type, can be `code`,`stdout`,`stderr`,`error`. * @param {Array} args - spread args, the first item used to be a test value `{Number|String|RegExp|Array} expected` * @return {Coffee} return self for chain */ expect(type: string, ...args: Array): this; /** * Assert type with not expected value, opposite assertion of `expect`. * * @param {String} type - assertion rule type, can be `code`,`stdout`,`stderr`,`error`. * @param {Array} args - spread args, the first item used to be a test value `{Number|String|RegExp|Array} expected` * @return {Coffee} return self for chain */ notExpect(type: string, ...args: Array): this; /** * allow user to custom rule * @param {String} type - rule type * @param {Rule} RuleClz - custom rule class * @protected */ setRule(type: string, RuleClz: typeof Rule); /** * Write data to stdin of the command * @param {String} input - input text * @return {Coffee} return self for chain */ write(input: string): this; /** * Write special key sequence to stdin of the command, if key name not found then write origin key. * @example `.writeKey('2', 'ENTER', '3')` * @param {...String} args - input key names, will join as one key * @return {Coffee} return self for chain */ writeKey(...args: string[]): this; /** * whether set as prompt mode * * mark as `prompt`, all stdin call by `write` will wait for `prompt` event then output * @param {Boolean} [enable] - default to true * @return {Coffee} return self for chain */ waitForPrompt(enable?: boolean): this; /** * get `end` hook * * @param {Function} [cb] - callback, recommended to left undefind and use promise */ end(cb: (e: Error | undefined, result: Result) => any): void; /** * get `end` hook * * @return {Promise} - end promise */ end(): Promise; /** * inject script file for mock purpose * * @param {String} scriptFile - script file full path * @return {Coffee} return self for chain */ beforeScript(scriptFile: string): this; restore(): this; } /** * fork a child process to test * @param {String} modulePath - The module to run in the child * @param {Array} args - List of string arguments * @param {Object} opt - fork options * @see * @return {Coffee} coffee instance */ export function fork(modulePath: string, args?: string[], opt?: ForkOptions): Coffee; /** * fork a child process to test * @param {String} modulePath - The module to run in the child * @param {Object} opt - fork options * @see * @return {Coffee} coffee instance */ export function fork(modulePath: string, opt?: ForkOptions): Coffee; /** * spawn a child process to test * @param {String} cmd - The command to run * @param {Array} args - List of string arguments * @param {Object} opt - spawn options * @return {Coffee} coffee instance */ export function spawn(modulePath: string, args?: string[], opt?: SpawnOptions): Coffee; /** * spawn a child process to test * @param {String} cmd - The command to run * @param {Object} opt - spawn options * @return {Coffee} coffee instance */ export function spawn(modulePath: string, opt?: SpawnOptions): Coffee;