[![build status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/ilkosta/coffeelint-brunch.png)](http://travis-ci.org/ilkosta/coffeelint-brunch) ## coffeelint-brunch Adds [coffeelint](http://www.coffeelint.org) support to [brunch](http://brunch.io). ## Usage Add `"coffeelint-brunch": "x.y.z"` to `package.json` of your brunch app. Pick a plugin version that corresponds to your minor (y) brunch version. If you want to use git version of plugin, add `"coffeelint-brunch": "git+ssh://git@github.com:ilkosta/coffeelint-brunch.git"`. By default, only files in your `config.paths.app` are linted. You can customize jshint config by changing brunch config using the native [coffeelint options](http://www.coffeelint.org/#options): ```coffeescript config = plugins: coffeelint: pattern: /^app\/.*\.coffee$/ options: no_trailing_semicolons: level: "ignore" ``` Every sub-option (`pattern`, `options`, `globals`) is optional. ## License Copyright (c) 2012 "ilkosta" Costantino Giuliodori. Licensed under the [MIT license](coffeelint-brunch/blob/master/LICENSE-MIT).