@Description 'Simplified Rails instance with an RDS.' @Param.String 'KeyName', 'Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instances' @Param.String 'DBName', 'MySQL database name', Default: 'MyDatabase' @Param.String 'DBUsername', 'Username for MySQL database access', NoEcho: 'true' @Param.String 'DBPassword', 'Password for MySQL database access', NoEcho: 'true' @Param.Number 'DBAllocatedStorage', 'The size of the database (Gb)', Default: '5' @Param.String 'DBInstanceClass', 'The database instance type', Default: 'db.m1.small' @Param.String 'InstanceType', 'WebServer EC2 instance type', Default: 'm1.small' @Mapping 'AWSInstanceType2Arch', 't1.micro' : { 'Arch' : '32' }, 'm1.small' : { 'Arch' : '32' }, 'm1.large' : { 'Arch' : '64' }, 'm1.xlarge' : { 'Arch' : '64' }, 'm2.xlarge' : { 'Arch' : '64' }, 'm2.2xlarge' : { 'Arch' : '64' }, 'm2.4xlarge' : { 'Arch' : '64' }, 'c1.medium' : { 'Arch' : '32' }, 'c1.xlarge' : { 'Arch' : '64' }, 'cc1.4xlarge' : { 'Arch' : '64' } @Mapping 'AWSRegionArch2AMI', 'us-east-1' : { '32' : 'ami-7f418316', '64' : 'ami-7341831a' }, 'us-west-1' : { '32' : 'ami-951945d0', '64' : 'ami-971945d2' }, 'us-west-2' : { '32' : 'ami-16fd7026', '64' : 'ami-10fd7020' }, 'eu-west-1' : { '32' : 'ami-24506250', '64' : 'ami-20506254' }, 'ap-southeast-1' : { '32' : 'ami-74dda626', '64' : 'ami-7edda62c' }, 'ap-northeast-1' : { '32' : 'ami-dcfa4edd', '64' : 'ami-e8fa4ee9' } @AWS.IAM.User 'CfnUser', Path: '/' Policies: [ PolicyName: 'root' PolicyDocument: Statement: [ Effect:'Allow' Action:'cloudformation:DescribeStackResource' Resource:'*' ] ] @AWS.IAM.AccessKey 'HostKeys', UserName: @Resources.CfnUser openPort = (port) -> IpProtocol: 'tcp' FromPort: port ToPort: port CidrIp: '' @AWS.EC2.SecurityGroup 'WebServerSecurityGroup', GroupDescription: 'Enable HTTP access via port 3000 plus SSH access' SecurityGroupIngress: [ openPort '3000', openPort '22' ] @AWS.RDS.DBSecurityGroup 'DBSecurityGroup', GroupDescription: 'Grant database access to web server' DBSecurityGroupIngress: EC2SecurityGroupName: @Resources.WebServerSecurityGroup @AWS.EC2.Instance 'WebServer', Metadata: Comment1: 'Configure the bootstrap helpers to install the Rails' Comment2: 'The application is downloaded from the CloudFormationRailsSample.zip file' 'AWS::CloudFormation::Init': config: packages: yum: 'gcc-c++' : [] 'make' : [] 'ruby-devel' : [] 'rubygems' : [] 'mysql' : [] 'mysql-devel' : [] 'mysql-libs' : [] rubygems: 'execjs' : [] 'therubyracer' : [] 'rails' : [] sources: '/home/ec2-user/sample' : 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloudformation-examples/CloudFormationRailsSample.zip' ### files: '/home/ec2-user/sample/config/database.yml': content: @Join '', [ '''development: adapter: mysql2 encoding: utf8 reconnect: false pool: 5 database: ''', @Params.DBName, "\n", "username: ", @Params.DBUsername, "\n", "password: ", @Params.DBPassword, "\n", "host: ", @GetAtt('MySQLDatabase', 'Endpoint.Address'), "\n", "port: ", @GetAtt('MySQLDatabase', 'Endpoint.Port'), "\n" ] mode: '000644' owner: 'root' group: 'root' ImageId: @FindInMap('AWSRegionArch2AMI', Ref: @Region, @FindInMap('AWSInstanceType2Arch', @Params.InstanceType, 'Arch')) Properties: InstanceType: @Params.InstanceType SecurityGroups: [ @Resources.WebServerSecurityGroup ] KeyName: @Params.KeyName UserData: @Base64 @Join '', '''#!/bin/bash -v yum update -y aws-cfn-bootstrap # Helper function function error_exit { /opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal -e 1 -r \"$1\" '", @Resources.WaitHandle, "' exit 1 } # Install Rails packages /opt/aws/bin/cfn-init -s ", Ref: @StackName, " -r WebServer --access-key ", @Params.HostKeys, "--secret-key ''', @GetAtt('HostKeys', 'SecretAccessKey'), " --region ", Ref: @Region, " || error_exit 'Failed to run cfn-init' # Install anu other Gems, create the database and run a migration cd /home/ec2-user/sample bundle install || error_exit 'Failed to install bundle' rake db:migrate || error_exit 'Failed to execute database migration' # Startup the rails server rails server -d echo \"cd /home/ec2-user/sample\" >> /etc/rc.local echo \"rails server -d\" >> /etc/rc.local # All is well so signal success /opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal -e 0 -r \"Rails application setup complete\" '", @Resources.WaitHandle, "'\n" ###