#!/usr/bin/env node const program = require( "commander" ); const utils = require( "../lib/utils" ); console.log( "Running lambda..." ); program .version( "0.0.0" ) .option( "--name [name]", "STRING - The name of the Lambda to run" ) .option( "--event [event]", "STRING - (Default: undefined) - An event object to pass to the Lambda" ) .option( "--context [context]", "STRING - (Default: undefined) - A context object to pass to the Lambda" ) .option( "--env [env]", "STRING (Default: live) - The environment you want to run in", "live" ) .option( "--local", "BOOLEAN (Default: false) Run the local version of the Lambda", true ) .option( "--aws_profile [name]", "STRING - (Default: undefined) - The AWS profile name to use for interacting with AWS" ) .option( "--use_bastion", "BOOLEAN (Default: false) Flag to tell Colly to authenticate you against a bastion service before interacting with AWS" ) .parse( process.argv ); program.local = program.local || false; utils.setOptions( program ); require( "../lib/run-lambda" ).init();