import { Color as Color_ } from './ColorInterface'; import RGBInterface from './RGBInterface'; import RGBAInterface from './RGBAInterface'; import HSLInterface from './HSLInterface'; import HSLAInterface from './HSLAInterface'; import HSVInterface from './HSVInterface'; import HSVAInterface from './HSVAInterface'; import HexInterface from './HexInterface'; import HexAInterface from './HexAInterface'; import { ColorType } from './consts'; /** * @constructor * * * @class * Represent a color. Allows for setting and getting color components based * on RGB, RGBA, HSV, HSVA, HSL and HSLA color spaces. * See also */ declare class Color implements Color_ { static parseCSSColor: (input: string) => Color; static get ColorType(): typeof ColorType; private _alpha; private red; private green; private blue; private hue; private saturation; private lightness; private saturationV; private value; private _rgb; private _rgba; private _hsl; private _hsla; private _hsv; private _hsva; private _hex; private _hexa; constructor(value?: number[] | string, type?: ColorType); parseCSSColor(input: string): void; get rgb(): RGBInterface; get rgba(): RGBAInterface; get hsl(): HSLInterface; get hsla(): HSLAInterface; get hsv(): HSVInterface; get hsva(): HSVAInterface; get hex(): HexInterface; get hexa(): HexAInterface; set alpha(alpha: number); get alpha(): number; setRed(red: number): void; getRed(): number; setGreen(green: number): void; getGreen(): number; setBlue(blue: number): void; getBlue(): number; setHue(hue: number): void; getHue(): number; setSaturation(saturation: number): void; getSaturation(): number; setSaturationV(saturationV: number): void; getSaturationV(): number; setLightness(lightness: number): void; getLightness(): number; setValue(value: number): void; getValue(): number; getGreyValue(): number; invert(): this; getLuminance(): number; getContrastRatio(color2: Color): number; copy(): Color; mixWithColor(color: Color, percent: number): this; private updateHslFromRgb; private updateRgbFromHsl; private updateHsvFromHsl; private updateHslFromHsv; } export default Color;