v0.9.3 (2013-08-30) - 0343e4f4: update coffee-script-redux to version 2.0.0-beta7 - f9201f47: move CHANGELOG generation from ruby gem to shell script v0.9.2 (2013-07-20) - 584005c2: Version 0.9.2 - a788c6b1: loosen up querystring requirement - 68470d1a: fixes #73: support `constants` core module using constants-browserify - 6c3cc71f: remove erroneous .js from underscore-prefixed node core module listings - afae2e7c: protect against changes of main module in dependencies - c9164cb5: add more compatible punycode implementation v0.9.1 (2013-07-17) - 048f829c: Version 0.9.1 - 268477ad: update to isaacs/nopt@2.1.2 to support `-` as stdin representation again v0.9.0 (2013-07-15) - cd51af47: Version 0.9.0 - 30db2bc2: upgrade node to v0.10.13 - 81156f3b: upgrade CoffeeScriptRedux to version 2.0.0-beta6 v0.8.1 (2013-07-15) - 84e370bf: Version 0.8.1 - ab4f403e: a bit of a restructuring of the dependency resolution functions - 9efc3fc9: add some aliasing tests - 3b67b970: rebuild parent commit - bb05a791: use new escodegen.FORMAT_MINIFY constant - 0b787588: link to isaacs/nopt#20 instead of b8101f920e7bdcf758f97ba9b17c7d0422d67992 - a5dcc310: more succinct option specification - 92315a5f: switch from michaelficarra/Jedediah to isaacs/nopt v0.8.0 (2013-06-27) - 8f61bf5b: Version 0.8.0 - 582fa43b: Merge branch 'new-sourceMappingURL-pragma' - 0e0f2546: fixes #64: add CLI option for extension handlers - d6dad8c7: fixes #34: allow handlers to return JS strings - 666b45e2: fixes #71: allow empty alias targets - 83765f72: change sourceMappingURL pragma to new //# format v0.7.3 (2013-06-22) - fab9d809: Version 0.7.3 - 86629c13: add newline to end of package.json in release tasks - 9c798593: fixes #28: add CLI option to specify aliases - 95f29212: nicer handling of !=1 entry point error v0.7.2 (2013-06-03) - 1633449a: Version 0.7.2 - c94ec2f2: fixes #69: normalise windows/unix paths during canonicalisation - 84a590af: fixes #66: add --inline-source-map option to include map as data URI - 69f68622: fixes #33: add --inline-sources flag to include source content in map - fd354a6b: recompile with CoffeeScriptRedux 2.0.0-beta5 - b1c15f4b: clean up lib/index.js; moved to lib/module.js v0.7.1 (2013-05-14) - 2291ffa7: Version 0.7.1 - cfb65476: `release-X` targets now update CHANGELOG - b4d7d12d: release-{patch,minor,major} make targets now update changelog - a0d69620: fixes #62: improve logging in watch mode - a40025fb: Merge pull request #61 from krisnye/master - 09a1cf44: Making curr.ino? check platform specific to win32 - ae64c225: fix CoffeeScriptRedux version to 2.0.0-beta5 - f864c043: Fix -w option to work on windows - 82562ea4: some minor documentation updates regarding watch and source-map options - ebd855f2: fixes #56: add a changelog - 1ff7b178: Merge pull request #54 from Nami-Doc/master - a317399f: silence makefile v0.7.0 (2013-04-27) - 13edd235: Version 0.7.0 - 84923100: remove leftover ` (sync)`s in test suite descriptors - 77d40f34: move test/_setup.coffee to test-setup.coffee - 8874a177: fixes #53: modularisation - 91735b73: fixes #49: de-duplicate src/index.coffee by removing async interface - 406b8271: add CLI --version flag; I can't believe I didn't already add this - 733ff9ca: change --source-map-file option to --source-map; add -s alias - 4c965b56: fixes #50: sourceMappingURL should be relative to output file if given v0.6.3 (2013-04-25) - 5464c5e8: Version 0.6.3 - a35ed96a: fixes #48: clean up output from syntax errors thrown by esprima v0.6.2 (2013-04-21) - 23761b57: Version 0.6.2 - 1425b3c3: fixes #44: CLI no longer stops building when errors occur while watching - bf8f3f7e: fixes #45: implement `cache` option for `traverseDependencies` - 9917fc61: only include comments in generated output when not minifying - cf602393: add leading "generated by" comment; refs substack/node-browserify#380 - 03921196: slightly cleaner process.nextTick test - 12b064df: add tests for process.nextTick - fcf9c1a9: process.nextTick uses setImmediate if available v0.6.1 (2013-04-05) - 55e884c6: Version 0.6.1 - 61a16a34: re-ignore node submodule v0.6.0 (2013-04-05) - a4314951: Version 0.6.0 - 0a515514: fixes #41: add --deps flag to CLI; lists dependencies without bundling - 210ae5f7: fix error messages for unported node core modules - 823c19e8: fixes #39: core module symlinks are not packaged properly by npm - ac3b58d8: fixes #36: allow process stub to be omitted - c95f10f4: update README demo for sync/async interface - 80f4af68: add safety checks around release build targets v0.5.1 (2013-03-31) - d1a7ddb8: Version 0.5.1 - 7913adb2: use `.` as sourceMapRoot when source map is generated in root directory - f6b2efd6: use relative paths for sourceMapRoot value in source maps; closes #37 - f92ca08f: fixes #32: support accepting entry point over stdin - bebf9cc4: .travis.yml indentation - 99f72145: Merge pull request #35 from ghempton/events - e5d2b099: support for 'events' core module - 55192c9c: add watch (and terse flags) example to readme v0.5.0 (2013-03-21) - 19c5af84: Version 0.5.0 - 338dbd3e: document --watch - 2a0562e7: update travis specification to use strings for versions - 41eadc44: switch --watch from fs.watch to more appropriate fs.watchFile - 7ad8239e: fixes #31: add --watch flag to CLI for continuous builds on dep changes - 71bdfb2c: move entryPoint canonicalisation into bundling function - 8ef53183: undefined core modules now produce an error by default - ced85bc2: index processed hash by filename instead of canonical name; refs #31 - fc51af83: add core dependency resolution test - 27f4d49a: succinctly specify test files while still hopefully keeping Travis happy - 476f0b3b: add "bundle" to package.json keywords v0.4.0 (2013-03-20) - c787513a: Version 0.4.0 - cbc018e4: document async bundling interface - 4f1f97cc: switch worklist entries from ordered pairs to objects - b1e95f5e: implement traverseDependencies - 6ce6db16: move "TODO: async" to traverseDependencies, where it belongs for now - 2a52714e: start Travis testing against node 0.10.x - 3b9fe5b2: one last attempt to get Travis running tests properly - 67ba7757: glob tests so (hopefully) Travis once again passes - e5dec44c: allow core libraries in bundle to appear with the core library name - c3d2b4c0: test naming/organisation - 15e05b11: update joyent/node submodule to v0.10.0 - cccb8c3e: add some tests for node core libraries - 5a797eb7: DRY the tests a bit - 4bc7f0ea: add tests for process.argv and process.env - 247b0e39: implement process.chdir; test process.cwd and process.chdir - f226c98f: add process.version support - e230ddb6: add basic process tests - 5e5b4b05: add async tests for the last 2 commits - 51796592: support module.children - d90a6b3d: support module.parent; based on substack/node-browserify#323 - 70ca7a79: round out tests for `traverseDependenciesSync` - 2893951d: a few more tests for #31; more to come - 1da8d4b4: fixes #31: split out and expose dependency traversal - 18800f4e: add async bundling tests - 8f6e98aa: start adding async interface; ref #17 - 1f9be258: PHONY the appropriate make targets - 5006cd63: add release tasks - f476442a: remove accidental mutation of given options object v0.3.5 (2013-03-08) - 25a9c72f: Version 0.3.5 - 5b3f660d: JS => Node Module - 07e5c8f1: fixes #19: add `ignoreMissing` option - e7959ec1: fixes #29: export helpers iff we're in a testing environment - 3e380ff1: add 0.9.x to supported engines since we're running it through travis - 56fa6ff6: Merge pull request #27 from poulejapon/patch-1 - ac2ca854: add module caching test - 3d45d7a9: add circular dependency test - 82ccb726: Fixed travis' node versions. - c4f893b5: fixes #24: use a single `process` instance - 0232a453: fixes #6: add basic bundling tests; obviously still need to expand them - 325f1df9: small test cleanup - b6784bdb: start generating fixtures for tests; starts progress on #6 - 2353fffc: Merge pull request #26 from poulejapon/852c83d6eb026fe3be70c0e706d3ef91e7178d08 - 852c83d6: Added travis settings. v0.3.4 (2013-03-03) - 33bc2330: Version 0.3.4 - 70476f1d: fixes #23: support circular dependencies v0.3.3 (2013-03-03) - bafdec55: Version 0.3.3 - c601a3e0: fixes #21 for real: small tweaks to .npmignore v0.3.2 (2013-03-03) - 68821870: Version 0.3.2 - 81f6c6b8: fixes #21: add .npmignore to reduce package size - 0623dbb2: switch to more familiar top-level IIFE style using simple parens v0.3.1 (2013-03-02) - 9838cf29: Version 0.3.1 - 1f06ea30: fixes #20: implement `badRequireError` - 472abd07: replace AST literals with esprima.parse + mutations - c2e65bd5: fixes #16: modularise and clean up src/index.coffee - b01eb1cb: fixes #18: add a verbose option and a --verbose flag - 62045c9d: switch more git submodules to npm packages and change associated links - 466dccf8: fixes #5: use browserify-http as a dependency instead of a submodule - 93f3c9af: fill in package.json - 6a3cd299: add BSD license - 64caf5e2: delete unnecessary gitignore file; put these in your global gitignore v0.3.0 (2013-02-28) - 83b91485: Version 0.3.0 - 09624819: Merge pull request #14 from benjreinhart/master - f7e54478: fixes #15: require the entry point module even if not exported - e4006bab: Some dumbass mispelled cjsify - c77dbf6d: Merge pull request #10 from benjreinhart/nested-exports - 79e45653: Support nested objects - 77802dce: Merge pull request #12 from Nami-Doc/patch-1 - 584e31c2: document handler second argument - 7ce2f7c9: Merge pull request #8 from benjreinhart/master - 080bbd35: Fixing -r option - c4c16cef: Merge branch 'master' of github.com:michaelficarra/commonjs-everywhere - 0934714c: documentation cleanup - fd0d62c3: Version 0.2.0 - f13ea232: use coffee-script-redux master to avoid a recently patched bug - da09579c: pass around extensions in order to properly support custom handlers - 4a7e57db: add some documentation to the README v0.2.0 (2013-02-24) - f48bfa76: Version 0.2.0 - b3891d66: use coffee-script-redux master to avoid a recently patched bug - 85fc3b2b: pass around extensions in order to properly support custom handlers - 0ece9d17: add querystring shim - 1a700c95: better errors for unfound modules - c05ed7c7: support requiring from required symlinks - 8c676d6c: use resolvePath for alias resolution to allow flexible specification v0.1.1 (2013-02-23) - 2f5205e7: version 0.1.1 - 916c8577: add crypto, http, and vm node core modules - d5d8f4d1: Merge branch 'master' of github.com:michaelficarra/commonjs-everywhere - 7ea6be07: Merge pull request #4 from benjreinhart/master - 3b28ac5e: Mutate entryPoint to be resolved path - b9428da4: process.cwd() - 075cc9b7: Compute correct path when given root option - 671d5fab: add symlinks to node core libraries that work as-is in the browser - c80f12b9: Merge pull request #2 from benjreinhart/master - d0aef9c2: Minimal Readme v0.1.0 (2013-02-23) - 2644cda8: add source map support, fix minification, change interfaces, 0.1.0 - bf6052a8: add --minify flag and integrate with esmangle - 9d4c2193: rename bin/build to bin/cjsify - 77240e10: add --help flag - 24f3a9cf: documentation note - ef3c0f2e: update jedediah dependency to 0.1.0 - 33dc2ce5: fix repo URL - 89311ab3: Merge pull request #1 from EndangeredMassa/smassa/dependency-update - 516ab74b: added .gitignore - 7c9743b1: updated package.json with jedediah dependency - 29b13ea6: initial commit