import axios, { AxiosError, AxiosRequestConfig } from "axios"; import async, { AsyncQueue } from "async"; import * as Promise from "bluebird"; import http, { request as httpRequest, STATUS_CODES } from "http"; import { request as httpsRequest } from "https"; import lruCache, { Cache } from "lru-cache"; import moment from "moment"; import socketIoClient from ""; import { PassThrough } from "stream"; import winston from "winston"; import { getResourceBufferPromise } from "./util"; import ReadableStream = NodeJS.ReadableStream; export interface IDeferred { resolve: (result: any) => void; reject: (error: Error) => void; promise: Promise & { metadata?: any }; } export type CommunibaseEntityType = | "Person" | "Membership" | "Event" | "Invoice" | "Contact" | "Debtor" | "File" | string; export interface ICommunibaseDocument { _id?: string; [prop: string]: any; } export interface ICommunibaseDocumentReference { rootDocumentEntityType: CommunibaseEntityType; rootDocumentId: string; path: Array<{ field: string; objectId: string; }>; } export interface ICommunibaseVersionInformation { _id: string; updatedAt: string; updatedBy: string; } interface ICommunibaseTask { options: AxiosRequestConfig & { headers?: { Host?: string; "x-api-key"?: string; "x-access-token"?: string; Accept?: string; "Content-Type"?: string; }; }; url: string; deferred: IDeferred; } export interface ICommunibaseParams { fields?: string; limit?: number; page?: number; sort?: string; includeMetadata?: boolean; dir?: "ASC" | "DESC"; deleted?: boolean; } function defer(): IDeferred { let resolve; let reject; const promise = new Promise((promiseResolve, promiseReject) => { resolve = promiseResolve; reject = promiseReject; }); return { // @ts-ignore resolve, // @ts-ignore reject, promise }; } class CommunibaseError extends Error { public name: string; public code: number; public message: string; public errors: {}; constructor( data: { name: string; code: number; message: string; errors: {} }, task: ICommunibaseTask ) { super(data.message); = "CommunibaseError"; this.code = data.code || 500; this.message = data.message || ""; this.errors = data.errors || {}; // Error.captureStackTrace(this, CommunibaseError); } } /** * Constructor for connector. * * @param key - The communibase api key * @constructor */ // tslint:disable-next-line:max-classes-per-file export class Connector { private getByIdQueue: { [objectType: string]: { [objectId: string]: IDeferred; }; }; private getByIdPrimed: boolean; private key?: string; private token: string; private serviceUrl: string; private serviceUrlIsHttps: boolean; private queue: AsyncQueue; private cache?: { objectCache: { [objectType: string]: { [objectId: string]: null | Promise; }; }; aggregateCaches: { [objectType: string]: null | Cache>; }; getIdsCaches: { [objectType: string]: null | Cache; }; dirtySock: SocketIOClient.Socket; isAvailable(objectType: CommunibaseEntityType, objectId: string): boolean; }; constructor(key?: string) { this.getByIdQueue = {}; this.getByIdPrimed = false; this.key = key; this.token = ""; this.serviceUrl = process.env.COMMUNIBASE_API_URL || ""; this.serviceUrlIsHttps = this.serviceUrl.indexOf("https") === 0; this.queue = async.queue((task: ICommunibaseTask, callback) => { function fail(error: Error): void { if (error instanceof Error) { task.deferred.reject(error); } else { task.deferred.reject(new CommunibaseError(error, task)); } callback(); return; } if (!this.key && !this.token) { fail( new Error( "Missing key or token for Communibase Connector: please set COMMUNIBASE_KEY environment" + " variable, or spawn a new instance using require('communibase-connector-js').clone('<" + "your api key>')" ) ); return; } if (!task.options.headers) { task.options.headers = { Accept: "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json" }; } if (process.env.COMMUNIBASE_API_HOST) { task.options.headers.Host = process.env.COMMUNIBASE_API_HOST; } if (this.key) { task.options.headers["x-api-key"] = this.key; } if (this.token) { task.options.headers["x-access-token"] = this.token; } axios .request({ url: task.url, ...task.options }) .then(result => { const { deferred } = task; let records =; if (records.metadata && records.records) { deferred.promise.metadata = records.metadata; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring records = records.records; } deferred.resolve(records); callback(); return null; }) .catch((err: AxiosError) => { fail(err.response?.data || err); }); }, 8); } public setServiceUrl(newServiceUrl: string): void { if (!newServiceUrl) { throw new Error("Cannot set empty service-url"); } this.serviceUrl = newServiceUrl; this.serviceUrlIsHttps = newServiceUrl.indexOf("https") === 0; } /** * Get a single object by its id * * @param {string} objectType - E.g. Person * @param {string}objectId - E.g. 52259f95dafd757b06002221 * @param {object} [params={}] - key/value store for extra arguments like fields, limit, page and/or sort * @param {string|null} [versionId=null] - optional versionId to retrieve * @returns {Promise} - for object: a key/value object with object data */ public getById( objectType: CommunibaseEntityType, objectId: string, params?: ICommunibaseParams, versionId?: string ): Promise { if (typeof objectId !== "string" || objectId.length !== 24) { return Promise.reject(new Error("Invalid objectId")); } // not combinable... if (versionId || (params && params.fields)) { const deferred = defer(); this.queue.push({ deferred, url: `${this.serviceUrl + objectType}.json/${ versionId ? `history/${objectId}/${versionId}` : `crud/${objectId}` }`, options: { method: "GET", params } }); return deferred.promise; } // cached? if (this.cache && this.cache.isAvailable(objectType, objectId)) { return this.cache.objectCache[objectType][objectId] as Promise; } // since we are not requesting a specific version or fields, we may combine the request..? if (this.getByIdQueue[objectType] === undefined) { this.getByIdQueue[objectType] = {}; } if (this.getByIdQueue[objectType][objectId]) { // requested twice? return this.getByIdQueue[objectType][objectId].promise; } this.getByIdQueue[objectType][objectId] = defer(); if (this.cache) { if (this.cache.objectCache[objectType] === undefined) { this.cache.objectCache[objectType] = {}; } this.cache.objectCache[objectType][objectId] = this.getByIdQueue[ objectType ][objectId].promise; } if (!this.getByIdPrimed) { process.nextTick(() => { this.spoolQueue(); }); this.getByIdPrimed = true; } return this.getByIdQueue[objectType][objectId].promise; } /** * Get an array of objects by their ids * If one or more entries are found, they are returned as an array of values * * @param {string} objectType - E.g. Person * @param {Array} objectIds - objectIds - E.g. ['52259f95dafd757b06002221'] * @param {object} [params={}] - key/value store for extra arguments like fields, limit, page and/or sort * @returns {Promise} - for array of key/value objects */ public getByIds( objectType: CommunibaseEntityType, objectIds: string[], params?: ICommunibaseParams ): Promise { if (objectIds.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve([]); } // not combinable... if (params && params.fields) { return this.privateGetByIds(objectType, objectIds, params); } return, (objectId: string) => this.getById(objectType, objectId, params).reflect() ).then(inspections => { const result: T[] = []; let error = null; inspections.forEach(inspection => { if (inspection.isRejected()) { error = inspection.reason(); return; } result.push(inspection.value()); }); if (result.length) { return result; } if (error) { throw new Error(error); } // return the empty array, if no results and no error return result; }); } /** * Get all objects of a certain type * * @param {string} objectType - E.g. Person * @param {object} [params={}] - key/value store for extra arguments like fields, limit, page and/or sort * @returns {Promise} - for array of key/value objects */ public getAll( objectType: CommunibaseEntityType, params?: ICommunibaseParams ): Promise { if (this.cache && !(params && params.fields)) { return, {}, params); } const deferred = defer(); this.queue.push({ deferred, url: `${this.serviceUrl + objectType}.json/crud`, options: { method: "GET", params } }); return deferred.promise; } /** * Get result objectIds of a certain search * * @param {string} objectType - E.g. Person * @param {object} selector - { firstName: "Henk" } * @param {object} [params={}] - key/value store for extra arguments like fields, limit, page and/or sort * @returns {Promise} - for array of key/value objects */ public getIds( objectType: CommunibaseEntityType, selector?: {}, params?: ICommunibaseParams ): Promise { let hash: string; let result; if (this.cache) { hash = JSON.stringify([objectType, selector, params]); if (!this.cache.getIdsCaches[objectType]) { this.cache.getIdsCaches[objectType] = new lruCache(1000); // 1000 getIds are this.cached, per entityType } const objectTypeGetIdCache = this.cache.getIdsCaches[objectType]; result = objectTypeGetIdCache ? objectTypeGetIdCache.get(hash) : null; if (result) { return Promise.resolve(result); } } const resultPromise =, selector || {}, { fields: "_id", ...params }).then(results => => obj._id as string)); if (this.cache) { return resultPromise.then(ids => { if (this.cache) { const objectTypeGetIdCache = this.cache.getIdsCaches[objectType]; if (objectTypeGetIdCache) { objectTypeGetIdCache.set(hash, ids); } } return ids; }); } return resultPromise; } /** * Get the id of an object based on a search * * @param {string} objectType - E.g. Person * @param {object} selector - { firstName: "Henk" } * @returns {Promise} - for a string OR undefined if not found */ public getId( objectType: CommunibaseEntityType, selector?: {} ): Promise { return this.getIds(objectType, selector, { limit: 1 }).then( ids => ids.pop() || null ); } /** * * @param objectType * @param selector - mongodb style * @param params * @returns {Promise} for objects */ public search( objectType: CommunibaseEntityType, selector: {}, params?: ICommunibaseParams ): Promise { if (this.cache && !(params && params.fields)) { return this.getIds(objectType, selector, params).then(ids => this.getByIds(objectType, ids) ); } if ( selector && typeof selector === "object" && Object.keys(selector).length ) { return this.queueSearch(objectType, selector, params); } return this.getAll(objectType, params); } /** * This will save a document in Communibase. When a _id-field is found, this document will be updated * * @param objectType * @param object - the to-be-saved object data * @returns promise for object (the created or updated object) */ public update( objectType: CommunibaseEntityType, object: T ): Promise { const deferred = defer(); const operation = object._id && object._id.length > 0 ? "PUT" : "POST"; if ( object._id && this.cache && this.cache.objectCache && this.cache.objectCache[objectType] && this.cache.objectCache[objectType][object._id] ) { this.cache.objectCache[objectType][object._id] = null; } this.queue.push({ deferred, url: `${this.serviceUrl + objectType}.json/crud${ operation === "PUT" ? `/${object._id}` : "" }`, options: { method: operation, data: object } }); return deferred.promise; } /** * Delete something from Communibase * * @param objectType * @param objectId * @returns promise (for null) */ public destroy( objectType: CommunibaseEntityType, objectId: string ): Promise { const deferred = defer(); if ( this.cache && this.cache.objectCache && this.cache.objectCache[objectType] && this.cache.objectCache[objectType][objectId] ) { this.cache.objectCache[objectType][objectId] = null; } this.queue.push({ deferred, url: `${this.serviceUrl + objectType}.json/crud/${objectId}`, options: { method: "DELETE" } }); return deferred.promise; } /** * Undelete something from Communibase * * @param objectType * @param objectId * @returns promise (for null) */ public undelete( objectType: CommunibaseEntityType, objectId: string ): Promise { const deferred = defer(); this.queue.push({ deferred, url: `${this.serviceUrl + objectType}.json/history/undelete/${objectId}`, options: { method: "POST" } }); return deferred.promise; } /** * Get a Promise for a Read stream for a File stored in Communibase * * @param fileId * @returns {Stream} see */ public createReadStream(fileId: string): ReadableStream { const request = this.serviceUrlIsHttps ? httpsRequest : httpRequest; const fileStream = new PassThrough(); const req = request( `${this.serviceUrl}File.json/binary/${fileId}?api_key=${this.key}`, (res: http.IncomingMessage) => { if (res.statusCode === 200) { res.pipe(fileStream); return; } fileStream.emit( "error", new Error(STATUS_CODES[res.statusCode || 500]) ); fileStream.emit("end"); } ); if (process.env.COMMUNIBASE_API_HOST) { req.setHeader("Host", process.env.COMMUNIBASE_API_HOST); } req.end(); req.on("error", (err: Error) => { fileStream.emit("error", err); }); return fileStream; } /** * Uploads the contents of the resource to Communibase (updates or creates a new File) * * Note `File` is not versioned * * @param {Stream|Buffer|String} resource a stream, buffer or a content-string * @param {String} name The binary name (i.e. a filename) * @param {String} destinationPath The "directory location" * @param {String} id The `File` id to replace the contents of (optional; if not set then creates a new File) * * @returns {Promise} */ public updateBinary( resource: ReadableStream | Buffer | string, name: string, destinationPath: string, id?: string ): Promise { const metaData = { path: destinationPath }; return getResourceBufferPromise(resource).then((buffer: any) => { if (id) { // TODO check is valid id? entails extra dependency (mongodb.ObjectID) // update File identified by id return this.update("File", { _id: id, filename: name, length: buffer.length, uploadDate: moment().format(), metadata: metaData, content: buffer }); } // create a new File const deferred = defer(); const formData: FormData = new FormData(); let stringOrBlob: string | Blob = buffer; // @see // officially, formdata may contain blobs or strings. node doesn't do blobs, but when polymorphing in a browser we // may cast it to one for it to work properly... if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.Blob) { stringOrBlob = new Blob([buffer]); } formData.append("File", stringOrBlob, name); formData.append("metadata", JSON.stringify(metaData)); this.queue.push({ deferred, url: `${this.serviceUrl}File.json/binary`, options: { method: "POST", data: formData, headers: { Accept: "application/json" } } }); return deferred.promise; }); } /** * Get a new Communibase Connector, may be with a different API key * * @param apiKey * @returns {Connector} */ public clone(apiKey: string): Connector { return new Connector(apiKey); } /** * Get the history information for a certain type of object * * VersionInformation: { * "_id": "ObjectId", * "updatedAt": "Date", * "updatedBy": "string" * } * * @param {string} objectType * @param {string} objectId * @returns promise for VersionInformation[] */ public getHistory( objectType: CommunibaseEntityType, objectId: string ): Promise { const deferred = defer(); this.queue.push({ deferred, url: `${this.serviceUrl + objectType}.json/history/${objectId}`, options: { method: "GET" } }); return deferred.promise; } /** * * @param {string} objectType * @param {Object} selector * @returns promise for VersionInformation[] */ public historySearch( objectType: CommunibaseEntityType, selector: {} ): Promise { const deferred = defer(); this.queue.push({ deferred, url: `${this.serviceUrl + objectType}.json/history/search`, options: { method: "POST", data: selector } }); return deferred.promise; } /** * Get a single object by a DocumentReference-object. A DocumentReference object looks like * { * rootDocumentId: '524aca8947bd91000600000c', * rootDocumentEntityType: 'Person', * path: [ * { * field: 'addresses', * objectId: '53440792463cda7161000003' * }, ... * ] * } * * @param {object} ref - DocumentReference style, see above * @param {object} parentDocument * @return {Promise} for referred object */ public getByRef( ref: ICommunibaseDocumentReference, parentDocument: ICommunibaseDocument ): Promise { if ( !( ref && ref.rootDocumentEntityType && (ref.rootDocumentId || parentDocument) ) ) { return Promise.reject( new Error( "Please provide a documentReference object with a type and id" ) ); } const rootDocumentEntityTypeParts = ref.rootDocumentEntityType.split("."); let parentDocumentPromise; if (rootDocumentEntityTypeParts[0] !== "parent") { parentDocumentPromise = this.getById( ref.rootDocumentEntityType, ref.rootDocumentId ); } else { parentDocumentPromise = Promise.resolve(parentDocument); } if (!(ref.path && ref.path.length && ref.path.length > 0)) { return parentDocumentPromise; } /* tslint:disable no-parameter-reassignment */ return parentDocumentPromise.then((result: ICommunibaseDocument | null) => { ref.path.some(pathNibble => { if (result && result[pathNibble.field]) { if ( !result[pathNibble.field].some( (subDocument: ICommunibaseDocument) => { if (subDocument._id === pathNibble.objectId) { result = subDocument; return true; } return false; } ) ) { result = null; return true; } return false; } result = null; return true; }); if (result) { return result; } throw new Error( "The referred object within it's parent could not be found" ); }); /* tslint:enable no-parameter-reassignment */ } /** * * @param {string} objectType - E.g. Event * @param {array} aggregationPipeline - E.g. A MongoDB-specific Aggregation Pipeline * @see * * E.g. [ * { "$match": { "_id": {"$ObjectId": "52f8fb85fae15e6d0806e7c7"} } }, * { "$unwind": "$participants" }, * { "$group": { "_id": "$_id", "participantCount": { "$sum": 1 } } } * ] */ public aggregate( objectType: CommunibaseEntityType, aggregationPipeline: Array<{}> ): Promise> { if (!aggregationPipeline || !aggregationPipeline.length) { return Promise.reject( new Error("Please provide a valid Aggregation Pipeline.") ); } let hash: string; if (this.cache) { hash = JSON.stringify([objectType, aggregationPipeline]); let objectTypeAggregateCache = this.cache.aggregateCaches[objectType]; if (!objectTypeAggregateCache) { objectTypeAggregateCache = lruCache(1000); // // 1000 getIds are this.cached, per entityType this.cache.aggregateCaches[objectType] = objectTypeAggregateCache; } const result = objectTypeAggregateCache.get(hash); if (result) { return Promise.resolve(result); } } const deferred = defer(); this.queue.push({ deferred, url: `${this.serviceUrl + objectType}.json/aggregate`, options: { method: "POST", data: aggregationPipeline } }); const resultPromise = deferred.promise; if (this.cache) { return resultPromise.then(result => { if (this.cache) { const objectTypeAggregateCache = this.cache.aggregateCaches[ objectType ]; if (objectTypeAggregateCache) { objectTypeAggregateCache.set(hash, result); } } return result; }); } return resultPromise; } /** * Finalize an invoice by its ID * * @param invoiceId * @returns {*} */ public finalizeInvoice(invoiceId: string): Promise { const deferred = defer(); this.queue.push({ deferred, url: `${this.serviceUrl}Invoice.json/finalize/${invoiceId}`, options: { method: "POST" } }); return deferred.promise; } /** * @param communibaseAdministrationId * @param socketServiceUrl */ public enableCache( communibaseAdministrationId: string, socketServiceUrl: string ): void { this.cache = { getIdsCaches: {}, aggregateCaches: {}, dirtySock: socketIoClient.connect(socketServiceUrl, { port: "443" }), objectCache: {}, isAvailable(objectType, objectId): boolean { if (!cache) { return false; } return !!( cache.objectCache[objectType] && cache.objectCache[objectType][objectId] ); } }; const { cache } = this; cache.dirtySock.on("connect", () => { cache.dirtySock.emit("join", `${communibaseAdministrationId}_dirty`); }); cache.dirtySock.on("message", (dirtyness: string) => { const dirtyInfo = dirtyness.split("|"); if (dirtyInfo.length !== 2) { winston.warn(`${new Date()}: Got weird dirty sock data? ${dirtyness}`); return; } cache.getIdsCaches[dirtyInfo[0]] = null; cache.aggregateCaches[dirtyInfo[0]] = null; if (dirtyInfo.length === 2 && cache.objectCache[dirtyInfo[0]]) { cache.objectCache[dirtyInfo[0]][dirtyInfo[1]] = null; } }); } private queueSearch( objectType: CommunibaseEntityType, selector: {}, params?: ICommunibaseParams ): Promise { const deferred = defer(); this.queue.push({ deferred, url: `${this.serviceUrl + objectType}.json/search`, options: { method: "POST", data: selector, params } }); return deferred.promise; } /** * Bare boned retrieval by objectIds * @returns {Promise} */ private privateGetByIds< T extends ICommunibaseDocument = ICommunibaseDocument >( objectType: CommunibaseEntityType, objectIds: string[], params?: {} ): Promise { return this.queueSearch( objectType, { _id: { $in: objectIds } }, params ); } /** * Default object retrieval: should provide cachable objects */ private spoolQueue(): void { Object.keys(this.getByIdQueue).forEach(objectType => { const deferredsById = this.getByIdQueue[objectType]; const objectIds = Object.keys(deferredsById); this.getByIdQueue[objectType] = {}; this.privateGetByIds(objectType, objectIds).then( objects => { const objectHash: { [key: string]: ICommunibaseDocument; } = objects.reduce( ( previousValue: { [key: string]: ICommunibaseDocument }, object ) => { if (object._id) { previousValue[object._id] = object; } return previousValue; }, {} ); objectIds.forEach((objectId: string) => { if (objectHash[objectId]) { deferredsById[objectId].resolve(objectHash[objectId]); return; } deferredsById[objectId].reject( new Error(`${objectId} is not found`) ); }); }, err => { objectIds.forEach(objectId => { deferredsById[objectId].reject(err); }); } ); }); this.getByIdPrimed = false; } } // Backwards compatibility-ish export default new Connector(process.env.COMMUNIBASE_KEY);