var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __markAsModule = (target) => __defProp(target, "__esModule", {value: true}); var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, {get: all[name], enumerable: true}); }; __markAsModule(exports); __export(exports, { DecompressError: () => DecompressError, compatto: () => compatto }); const {push} = Array.prototype; const {min} = Math; const textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); const textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); class DecompressError extends Error { constructor(message) { super(message); = "DecompressError"; } } const createMessage = (...messages) => { return messages.join(" "); }; const createTrie = (strings) => { const trieRoot = new Map(); for (const [index, string] of strings.entries()) { let trie = trieRoot; const characters = string[Symbol.iterator](); for (const character of characters) { let branch = trie.get(character); if (!branch) { const newBranch = new Map(); trie.set(character, newBranch); branch = newBranch; } trie = branch; } trie.value = index; } return trieRoot; }; const retrieveWord = (trie, characters, characterAt) => { let trieNode = trie; let index = characterAt; const retrievedCharacters = []; do { trieNode = trieNode.get(characters[index]); if (trieNode) { retrievedCharacters.push({ character: characters[index], value: trieNode.value, index }); index += 1; } } while (trieNode && characters[index]); let retrievedIndex = retrievedCharacters.length - 1; while (retrievedIndex > 0 && retrievedCharacters[retrievedIndex].value === void 0) { retrievedIndex -= 1; } return [ retrievedCharacters[retrievedIndex] && retrievedCharacters[retrievedIndex].value, (retrievedCharacters[retrievedIndex] && retrievedCharacters[retrievedIndex].index || characterAt) + 1 ]; }; const flushVerbatim = (verbatim, bytesToRemove) => { const chunk = []; if (bytesToRemove > 1) { chunk.push(255, bytesToRemove - 1); } else { chunk.push(254); } push.apply(chunk, verbatim.splice(0, bytesToRemove)); return chunk; }; const compress = (string, trie) => { const characters = [...string]; const charactersLength = characters.length; const verbatim = []; let characterIndex = 0; const bytes = []; while (characterIndex < charactersLength) { const [byte, nextIndex] = retrieveWord(trie, characters, characterIndex); if (byte !== void 0) { while (verbatim.length > 0) { push.apply(bytes, flushVerbatim(verbatim, min(256, verbatim.length))); } bytes.push(byte); } else { push.apply(verbatim, textEncoder.encode(characters[characterIndex])); while (verbatim.length >= 256) { push.apply(bytes, flushVerbatim(verbatim, 256)); } } characterIndex = nextIndex; } if (verbatim.length > 0) { push.apply(bytes, flushVerbatim(verbatim, verbatim.length)); } try { return Uint8Array.of(...bytes); } catch { return new Uint8Array(bytes); } }; const handleChunk254 = (bytes, index, bytesLength) => { const byteIndex = index + 1; if (byteIndex >= bytesLength) { throw new DecompressError(createMessage(`The \`bytes\` argument is malformed because it has ${bytesLength} elements.`, `It wants to read at index ${byteIndex}.`)); } return [bytes.slice(byteIndex, byteIndex + 1), byteIndex + 1]; }; const handleChunk255 = (bytes, index, bytesLength) => { const bytesCountIndex = index + 1; if (bytesCountIndex >= bytesLength) { throw new DecompressError(createMessage(`The \`bytes\` argument is malformed because it has ${bytesLength} elements.`, `It wants to read at index ${bytesCountIndex}.`)); } const verbatimStart = bytesCountIndex + 1; const verbatimEnd = bytesCountIndex + bytes[bytesCountIndex] + 2; if (verbatimEnd > bytesLength) { throw new DecompressError(createMessage(`The \`bytes\` argument is malformed because it has ${bytesLength} elements.`, `It wants to read from index ${verbatimStart} to ${verbatimEnd}.`)); } return [bytes.slice(verbatimStart, verbatimEnd), verbatimEnd]; }; const decompress = (bytes, dictionary) => { const bytesLength = bytes.length; let index = 0; let string = ""; while (index < bytesLength) { const chunk = bytes[index]; if (chunk === 254) { const [byteToDecode, nextIndex] = handleChunk254(bytes, index, bytesLength); string += textDecoder.decode(byteToDecode); index = nextIndex; continue; } if (chunk === 255) { const chunkToDecode = []; do { const [bytesToDecode, nextIndex] = handleChunk255(bytes, index, bytesLength); push.apply(chunkToDecode, bytesToDecode); index = nextIndex; } while (bytes[index] === 255); if (bytes[index] === 254) { const [byteToDecode, nextIndex] = handleChunk254(bytes, index, bytesLength); chunkToDecode.push(byteToDecode); index = nextIndex; } string += textDecoder.decode(Uint8Array.of(...chunkToDecode)); continue; } string += dictionary[chunk]; index += 1; } return string; }; const compatto = ({dictionary} = {}) => { if (!Array.isArray(dictionary) || dictionary.length > 254) { throw new TypeError(createMessage("The `dictionary` option must be an array with at most 254 elements.", Array.isArray(dictionary) ? `It has ${dictionary.length} elements.` : `It is \`${dictionary === void 0 || dictionary === null ? dictionary :}\`.`)); } const trie = createTrie(dictionary); return { compress(string) { if (typeof string !== "string") { throw new TypeError(createMessage("The `string` argument must be of type \u2019string\u2019.", `Its type is \`${typeof string}\`.`)); } return compress(string, trie); }, decompress(bytes) { if (bytes === void 0 || bytes === null || !== "Uint8Array") { throw new TypeError(createMessage("The `buffer` argument must be an instance of \u2019Uint8Array\u2019.", `It is ${bytes === void 0 || bytes === null ? `\`${bytes}\`` : `an instance of \`${}\``}.`)); } return decompress(bytes, dictionary); } }; }; // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { DecompressError, compatto });