import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { Application } from './app/application'; import { COMPODOC_DEFAULTS } from './utils/defaults'; import { logger } from './logger'; let pkg = require('../package.json'), program = require('commander'), files = [], cwd = process.cwd(); process.setMaxListeners(0); export class CliApplication extends Application { /** * Run compodoc from the command line. */ protected generate() { program .version(pkg.version) .usage(' [options]') .option('-p, --tsconfig [config]', 'A tsconfig.json file') .option('-d, --output [folder]', 'Where to store the generated documentation (default: ./documentation)', COMPODOC_DEFAULTS.folder) .option('-y, --extTheme [file]', 'External styling theme file') .option('-n, --name [name]', 'Title documentation', COMPODOC_DEFAULTS.title) .option('-a, --assetsFolder [folder]', 'External assets folder to copy in generated documentation folder') .option('-o, --open', 'Open the generated documentation', false) //.option('-i, --includes [path]', 'Path of external markdown files to include') //.option('-j, --includesName [name]', 'Name of item menu of externals markdown file') .option('-t, --silent', 'In silent mode, log messages aren\'t logged in the console', false) .option('-s, --serve', 'Serve generated documentation (default http://localhost:8080/)', false) .option('-r, --port [port]', 'Change default serving port', COMPODOC_DEFAULTS.port) .option('--theme [theme]', 'Choose one of available themes, default is \'gitbook\' (laravel, original, postmark, readthedocs, stripe, vagrant)') .option('--hideGenerator', 'Do not print the Compodoc link at the bottom of the page', false) .option('--disableSourceCode', 'Do not add source code tab', false) .option('--disableGraph', 'Do not add the dependency graph', false) .option('--disableCoverage', 'Do not add the documentation coverage report', false) .option('--disablePrivateOrInternalSupport', 'Do not show private or @internal in generated documentation', false) .parse(process.argv); let outputHelp = () => { program.outputHelp() process.exit(1); } if (program.output) { this.configuration.mainData.output = program.output; } if (program.extTheme) { this.configuration.mainData.extTheme = program.extTheme; } if (program.theme) { this.configuration.mainData.theme = program.theme; } if ( { this.configuration.mainData.documentationMainName =; } if (program.assetsFolder) { this.configuration.mainData.assetsFolder = program.assetsFolder; } if ( { =; } if (program.includes) { this.configuration.mainData.includes = program.includes; } if (program.includesName) { this.configuration.mainData.includesName = program.includesName; } if (program.silent) { logger.silent = false; } if (program.serve) { this.configuration.mainData.serve = program.serve; } if (program.port) { this.configuration.mainData.port = program.port; } if (program.hideGenerator) { this.configuration.mainData.hideGenerator = program.hideGenerator; } if (program.disableSourceCode) { this.configuration.mainData.disableSourceCode = program.disableSourceCode; } if (program.disableGraph) { this.configuration.mainData.disableGraph = program.disableGraph; } if (program.disableCoverage) { this.configuration.mainData.disableCoverage = program.disableCoverage; } if (program.disablePrivateOrInternalSupport) { this.configuration.mainData.disablePrivateOrInternalSupport = program.disablePrivateOrInternalSupport; } console.log(` _ | | ___ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ __| | ___ ___ / __| / _ \\ | '_ \` _ \\ | '_ \\ / _ \\ / _\` | / _ \\ / __| | (__ | (_) | | | | | | | | |_) | | (_) | | (_| | | (_) | | (__ ${pkg.version} \\___| \\___/ |_| |_| |_| | .__/ \\___/ \\__,_| \\___/ \\___| | | |_| `); if (program.serve && !program.tsconfig && program.output) { // if -s & -d, serve it if (!fs.existsSync(program.output)) { logger.error(`${program.output} folder doesn't exist`); process.exit(1); } else {`Serving documentation from ${program.output} at${program.port}`); super.runWebServer(program.output); } } else if (program.serve && !program.tsconfig && !program.output) { // if only -s find ./documentation, if ok serve, else error provide -d if (!fs.existsSync(program.output)) { logger.error('Provide output generated folder with -d flag'); process.exit(1); } else {`Serving documentation from ${program.output} at${program.port}`); super.runWebServer(program.output); } } else { if (program.hideGenerator) { this.configuration.mainData.hideGenerator = true; } let defaultWalkFOlder = cwd || '.', walk = (dir, exclude) => { let results = []; let list = fs.readdirSync(dir); list.forEach((file) => { var excludeTest = _.find(exclude, function(o) { return path.basename(o) === file; }); if (typeof excludeTest === 'undefined' && dir.indexOf('node_modules') < 0) { file = path.join(dir, file); let stat = fs.statSync(file); if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) { results = results.concat(walk(file, exclude)); } else if (/(spec|\.d)\.ts/.test(file)) { logger.debug('Ignoring', file); } else if (path.extname(file) === '.ts') { logger.debug('Including', file); results.push(file); } } }); return results; }; if (program.tsconfig && program.args.length === 0) { this.configuration.mainData.tsconfig = program.tsconfig; if (!fs.existsSync(program.tsconfig)) { logger.error('"tsconfig.json" file was not found in the current directory'); process.exit(1); } else { let _file = path.join( path.join(process.cwd(), path.dirname(this.configuration.mainData.tsconfig)), path.basename(this.configuration.mainData.tsconfig) );'Using tsconfig', _file); files = require(_file).files; // use the current directory of tsconfig.json as a working directory cwd = _file.split(path.sep).slice(0, -1).join(path.sep); if (!files) { let exclude = require(_file).exclude || []; files = walk(cwd || '.', exclude); } super.setFiles(files); super.generate(); } } else if (program.tsconfig && program.args.length > 0) { this.configuration.mainData.tsconfig = program.tsconfig; let sourceFolder = program.args[0]; if (!fs.existsSync(sourceFolder)) { logger.error(`Provided source folder ${sourceFolder} was not found in the current directory`); process.exit(1); } else {'Using provided source folder'); files = walk(path.resolve(sourceFolder), []); super.setFiles(files); super.generate(); } } else { logger.error('tsconfig.json file was not found, please use -p flag'); outputHelp(); } } } }